Thursday 16 November 2023

Average Extra of: Brie Larson Strikes Again Over The Marvels 2023 Bomb at the Box Office by AverageMansReviews

Average Extra of: Brie Larson Strikes Again Over The Marvels 2023 Bomb at the Box Office by AverageMansReviews

Real Talking Time:

Relating content: Average Extra of: Marvel Studios & Disney have problems with the Marvel Cinematic Universe Now and Everyone Saw It Coming Link

Just a heads up: at one point or another I will be using a softer language toward I really mean.

Larson needs to go now: to begin with let's have a look at what she said roughly this will be just a basic version but I will get it to close interpretation; I think the biggest problem we are dealing with is the fans and obviously this film was made for women so the problem I think we are dealing with is not just men but men who feel that this film belongs to them, this film was made for both men and women well that support feminism and equality of women, I think we can just ignore the males that want nothing to do with a female ensemble cast, because they are not really ready for right now. I think Nia DaCosta [one of the writers/the director of this movie] made one of the best MCU movies out there and the toxic minority we are dealing with will try any cards to convince others to turn away from this film and let's just poor behaviour on their part. This is a film that celebrates the product of having multiple female leads taking show and the spotlight over men; men just want to see a strong female or strong male around over the female and I think that's the problem right now with the Marvels universe, but we don't have too many films like this one that puts a team of female superheroes in the mix and in the middle of the action, this is something I saw coming and Nia did as well the same type of fans who had problems the direction of the Star Wars and the focus of that concept being a female lead and it shows how cowardly part of our audience really is again though, I don't hate male I just dislike the entitled males who feel and it's necessary to drown a film that puts the women in the spotlight.

This film was written well and beyond my expectations and Nia's work as a director so well done for me this thing with me I had such a blast getting to work because we have so much in common and we share the same thoughts on part of the toxic culture that we deal with that celebrates our failure but what gets us pass this is you need to remember it's just a loud minority of entitled that feels that Marvel is their property much like how they felt with Lucas film projects in recent years it's just something you have to get past and we don't see this film failing with its financial status, films have fluctuations all the time I believe that's what we are dealing with here, so I ask everyone to come see this film to celebrate women on the big screen and a potential new beginning to the Marvel Universe, this is something that should have been done years ago and I cannot wait for things like Iron Hart. The entitled male demographic just needs to keep quiet and let this movie speak for itself to women and males who support feminism.

Where to start really?: I know I have said this already but Larsson just needs to go now. She talks about entitlement and how males feel like they own the MCU, but in reality she is nothing but a hypocrite. Because she and others come from the mindset of entitlement; we don't want to earn our way into this life, we want to use any trick in the book such as talking about feminism and using it as a weapon to push our opinions on to anyone you like.

I don't know about everyone else, but professionally or/and personally I am getting fed up of men being used as a scapegoat and for anything that goes wrong. Like I have made reference in the connecting content; I am paraphrasing here; but just maybe the MCU went from once conditioning us to expect at minimum positive projects to let's just say nowadays in most people's eyes shoving their opinions down their audience's throats, so consequently they are making themselves heard by not going to see this film at the cinema; like it or not it is called freedom of choice and this goes for any gender. Yes I have seen the film and yes I immensely enjoyed it, at one point or another you will see the content based on this project. But my clear point here is; Larson you can't force anyone to go and see your latest film with a manipulative and toxic outburst, I mean you criticise people for being toxic, but you can't then be toxic yourself, all it will do is reinforce upon reinforce upon reinforce people to stay away regardless if the movie is good or not. I know you were like this Larson; but the sad reality is the fan base which is most of us don't you are busy irritating; is the fact that a very high percentage of us have been around Marvel for quite a few years in my case I have been into Marvel/DC if we are going to be fair since 12 years old I am now heading towards 41 years old; so we care about what happens like I have said in the connecting content but for here I would say this nicely and in the right way; we don't care about gender and/or sexuality, but I will add that here we didn't care about who represents them as in performers; so trying to keep this nice; have you ever thought Larson that you and your woke society may be the fudging problem?

So let me get this right; Larson and DaCosta knew they were going to have problems; so even though I suffer from brain damage and mental health on top; even I couldn't miss the point of; if you knew you were going to have problems or/and instigate problems; why didn't you choose a different route to go down? Or as you have set yourself you wanted to go down the same route as the latest Star Wars [full disclosure I haven't seen all of these yet, I am just going off Larson's essentially confession which I have to say is fudging stupid.] Yes I may have highly rated the film, but from a business standpoint I can still say this is fudging stupid, because the film industry is there to make money, so between DaCosta and Larson they put their similar ideologies for the bigger picture of the MCU.

Larson; can you stop talking absolute manure you don't care about the financial situation of this movie as it is stinking up the box office and I will tell you why you don't care. Because regardless of the success or not of this sequel you still get paid now if they did performance related pay then I would say you would care; because let's be honest you would be messing yourself if this was the case.

Larson; so on one hand; you give a speech which is full of toxicity you tell this loud section to be quiet on the other hand you use manipulating/almost blackmail [it almost sounds like if you don't or not into this then you are not really into feminism or you are the problem] for people that support feminism kind celebrate whatever, whatever. I don't support feminism, in fact I hate feminism because the modern day feminists have used it as a big hammer to beat society with including but not limited to good man like myself; that have been badly treated by women using the modern feminism, I mean if we were to be really honest and unfiltered here one of my many issues to do my mental health is being badly treated by women that use feminism as a weapon or a shield to protect themselves in any way they see fit. Now let me make this 100% transparently clear even before I receive any backlash I am into equality whenever it is possible I look on a situation to situation bases.

I will leave things on this; regardless of gender if I had dedicated a part of my life to the MCU in its infancy and seemingly golden era. I would be absolutely devastated; we left it in their hands and generally speaking look what they have done to it as performers/other components.


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