Monday 13 November 2023

Average Extra of: Marvel Studios & Disney have problems with the Marvel Cinematic Universe Now and Everyone Saw It Coming by AverageMansReviews

Average Extra of: Marvel Studios & Disney have problems with the Marvel Cinematic Universe Now and Everyone Saw It Coming by AverageMansReviews

Real Talking Time:

Just a heads up Disclaimer: I am aware of Disney having multiple problems in one way or another, but here let's just talk about the Marvel Studios side of things shall we, I also want to go on on record by saying I have no problem with; females or anyone from the rainbow community and I am just going to say it as things stand which may [probably] involved some adapted adult language wording

Well Marvel Studios & Disney; Well you have well and truly fudged this up haven't you: in theory what should have happened was individually or combined Marvel Studios or/and Disney should have gone; we should now introduce some more female characters of any persuasion. But we need to be very selective; because we are looking for women that can graciously take over from their male counterparts. Not only in a film sense, but a franchise and public relations sense also, but also building our universes around the possibility of the rainbow community [ the reason why I use this reference; it simply because if I accidentally miss out any of the letters and/or save them in the wrong order I know what level of heat I would be you liable to receive, even though I am by nature relatively harmless I would be looking down at getting cancelled, so to avoid all that; I just say rainbow community.]

They should have looked and they can still do it to this very day; they should have looked at existing content of for two examples; DC's Legends of Tomorrow [TV Series from 2016-2022] where full disclosure I haven't seen as of this content being created the final season; just down to time and a lack of it. But my point being is; they went with the approach of being a family of and I mean this nicely misfits; okay you are bisexual, okay you a straight but we have so much more to offer and to deal with right now. This is how it should have been as in it is a part of who they are and should have been sometimes focused on, but then in the background; so it brings an element of normalcy to it and the characters in question or you could always go with something like Watchmen 2019 [Miniseries;] which it knows what it is and doesn't claim to be anything else; as there is a strong component of white supremacy and African American component. I deliberately chose these two TV programs based on the facts they are a clear representation of two components of our society's and how they were properly shown without this woke garbage.

Let's be completely honest; Marvel Studios & Disney have individually or together took the easiest option of essentially; instead of being trendsetters and how it should be done they went with; basically being an old uncle putting on their cap backwards and being down with the kids of the modern youth and catering; let's just call it as it is bowing down to this section of our society and their whims; clearly with the idea of making lots and lots of profit; so how is that working out for you Marvel Studios or/and Disney? I mean let's just look at The Marvels 2023 film roughly if I was to take the higher number which I will we are looking at from a budget of roughly keeping this in mind; $275 million as things stand [likewise when this content was first created] in return you are looking at roughly just over a box office taking of $110 million just to cover my back completely I will say is subject to change and I am not even trying to bury Marvel here; because yes I have seen this film and yes I am working on the content/review and briefly yes I highly enjoyed it, which I will discuss this more in a little while.

But when are they going to learn Marvel Studios or/and Disney, but Marvel Studios in particular you have come away from what clearly worked for you in the past, where you had these well-developed characters with hangups or/and issues, but they didn't complain about it; they spoke about it properly and dealt with it or if necessary dealt with the consequences of their actions.

Let's talk about The Marvels 2023 film in this way; on one hand without giving too much away. Why should we go and see this film?; In short it is lots of fun, it does need a little bit of time to find itself and being slightly optimistic, it does feel like they are trying to right the ship and hopefully kick on to hopefully brighter days again for the MCU. But we now come onto Why should I not be bothered about this film?; Now we come to the massive problem that Disney/Marvel Studios; but again Marvel Studios in particular; when the MCU began in the early 2000's they had been conditioning us to expect on average positive films, but over much more recent times they have conditioned us to expect at minimum their compliance to a certain section of our society and if you cannot understand what I am saying let me spell it out for you; any sexuality, gender or/and other is welcome, but and this is a big but the massive difference is; it is now being shoved down our throats regardless of TV programming connected to the MCU or the MCU itself, where they should have been using well-developed storylines, characters and anything other to allow the viewer to make up their own mind or you know allow us the opportunity to read it for ourselves or if someone wants to ignore it; that is their choice and I am not a stupid man; I do believe that there are some people out there that and I mean a small percentage of people are just going to be unhappy with whatever the MCU do from now on, I am not trying to undermine anyone else's opinion which is different to my own. But I have been doing this kind of thing for a 15 years and throughout that time, you really get to really understand that some people's opinions are different which is absolutely fine and to be expected, but then you get a small percentage of people revelling in the MCU's everlasting sticky patch, so the MCU has to relearn our trust that this TV programming or/and film is going to be on average a positive experience for all involved.

Finally; the uncomfortable truth is Marvel Studios & Disney have done this to themselves. Where they should have just continued doing what they were doing and not clearly hitching themselves to a wagon of the younger youth of today's generation, because I have to make this crystal clear I am not saying that they can't be any representation of the rainbow community, I am just saying they should have thought for themselves instead of pandering. So at the very least we could have said that was a good idea; the first time didn't go completely smoothly, but the second time they brought potentially the same character or another character in of a different background; they had a better understanding and what way they wanted things to go; I guess the only way to finish off this content is by saying if Marvel Studios or/and Disney don't learn from this situation there is an odd expression that says basically "If you don't learn from something you are doomed to repeat it." [On a quick side note; the reason why I have put Marvel Studios first is because they have been the focal point of this content I know Disney owned Marvel.]


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