Tuesday 21 November 2023

Average Extra of: Brie Larson Fired from Disney/Marvel Studios 2023 by AverageMansReviews

Average Extra of: Brie Larson Fired from Disney/Marvel Studios 2023 by AverageMansReviews

Real Talking Time:

Relating content: Average Extra of: Marvel Studios & Disney have problems with the Marvel Cinematic Universe Now and Everyone Saw It Coming Link https://averagemansreviews2017.blogspot.com/2023/11/average-extra-of-marvel-studios-disney.html and then Average Extra of: Brie Larson Strikes Again Over The Marvels 2023 Bomb at the Box Office Link https://averagemansreviews2017.blogspot.com/2023/11/average-extra-of-brie-larson-strikes.html

Just a heads up: at one point or another I will be using a softer language to what I actually mean

Larson needs to go now, it has just come to my attention she has been fired from Disney/Marvel Studios: well I can't say I didn't see this coming [I am being sarcastic; I am just amazed it took them this long,] from her entrance into the MCU including publicly ruffling feathers of her co-stars in interviews, not being a fan of white dudes/men in general even though she denies it and always putting the blame somewhere else other than herself. Disney/Marvel Studios have done absolutely the right thing here she is just too toxic for an example over recent times as she literally bite the hand that feeds or fed her as it relates to Disney/Marvel Studios [full disclosure this is in response to Kevin Feige [President of Marvel Studios/other roles at one point or another] and The Marvels  2023 film going way over budget on a quick side note this would now explain why as it relates to the budget there are two figures; the first being $219.8 million and then $274.8 million and when this content was created the box office takings standout $161.3 million; but I digress here is what she had to say and yes I will make it as close as possible transcript; " I would go as far to say; it was unfair to me not as just as an actress, but my character Carol Denvers I think sometimes the Studios just don't know what they are doing with film and television and more often than not Studios like Marvel and Disney just don't understand the value of Captain Marvel I feel, one thing I can confirm is that captain Marvel had way more scenes in our most recent cut before we dropped this in theatres and I think what Marvel and Disney decided to do was very misguided and made with the worst intentions by listening to a small group of fans too much, when you are an actress it can be infuriating when you have those high up who are running the show that just decide to cut your most important scenes at the drop of a hat that we filmed for 16 hours a day on set sometimes and you just feel like, you lose a piece of your life right there, it is both irresponsible many times and based on false reactions. I think the problem today is that too many of the Studios listen to toxic fans, who feel that they are entitled to what should be done with the story or a character Captain Marvel should have been the centre of the story and on her own and that was the original plan. But things changed with The Marvels, they wanted it to be an ensemble cast, this I did not really agree with so we have plans to continue on with a sequel to my film after we had shot this.

Some time ago she was basically and I am paraphrasing blasé about if people wanted her back in the MCU [so this is where her next mouthful comes from and in perspective]

"And I think everything explains itself when those up in the corporate ladder, decide to shelve that and those plans just recently of course got crushed and it left me with my pride feeling fallen apart. Captain Marvel is my career and the best thing that happened in my career in this industry, they know it and I know it and I thought it was misguided of them to shift away from that focus especially in this film [The Marvels 2023] I think we had enough footage of Carol make up for at least 20 or maybe 30 minutes and then you have got the fans claiming that this movie is a failure and they are out there just celebrating it, I guess this is the nonsense that you have to deal with if you are in a Marvel movie or a Star Wars movie, it is just loud entitled than that will never and feel that they this sort of power over the cast and crew and those that work so hard on this film. The Studios need to do better, with their decision-making for character screen time and the importance of it, especially in a Marvel project."

Let's have a closer look at what she says in my opinion: so in my opinion she feels hard done by, someone should have told her that within reason they in this case meaning Disney/Marvel Studios can do what the hell they like, because she is there to do a job, she is probably well paid so if it takes 16 hours so be it, this is what you sign up for. Once again you go after their fan base and wonder why people don't want to see your movies? I mean I have been more with brain damage and I can figure out the problem here and I will even be nice here about it; generally speaking most people don't like you, I mean for myself generally speaking I have to be professional about things, but even I being professional or not would now likely to go away, I mean if my memory is correct I wanted this ages ago anyway, because you are just toxic yourself.

Yes you are actually speaking truth; that Carol Denvers/Captain Marvel was originally meant to be basically the centrepiece of the next upcoming movies/TV programs. But if I am going to give you truth when you speak it, though, it also entitles me to tell you the truth as I see it. The reality is Larson; you are a liability from any time you want to open your mouth to and I believe this your difficulty to work with and your high demands of financial or/anything other, so they are absolutely entitled to change plans if they feel in a nutshell you are going to be a liability.

I found the next point absolutely mind blowing; where she began with "But things changed with The Marvels, they wanted it to be an ensemble cast, this I did not really agree with so we have plans to continue on with a sequel to my film after we had shot this." The reason why I found it mind blowing is simply based on this massive point; that for a long time now, such a long time she has been preaching about more people around the table and not just white dudes. So let me get this right the first time she genuinely gets an opportunity to get on board with something remotely what she preaches, she doesn't get on board with it 100% and then, yes there is more she preaches about feminism to get people to go and see the movie I may be a white dude in my 40's with brain damage but at least I can say this I don't preach, but at the very least I stand by what I say and not when it is convenient for me to do so and just for the record yes I did give The Marvels 2023 10 out of 10, I bring this up here so I can defend Captain Monica Rambeau [Teyonah Parris] and Kamala Khan/Ms. Marvel [Iman Vellani;] because I am paraphrasing here; they make you look and feel much more a softer and consequently palatable, so instead of criticising this direction you should be thanking your co-stars which on a quick side note I would be more than happy so says these co-stars in upcoming Marvel projects, in every way shape or form they are just good people characters/performers.

Then she goes on about the people that feed her, as I have made reference to they can do what the hell they like, I am not condoning what they are doing with the all-round Marvel problems. But you get my point as long as they are paying the bills and also taking the biggest financial risk of putting these films out there like this. She doesn't have to worry, she gets paid regardless if the film does well or not, obviously it will impact future opportunities for multiple baggage of box office flops and to somewhat speed this up her all-round attitude, but as it relates to this sequel she gets paid regardless and then she goes back to talking about herself and Captain Marvel and the reason why it is the only thing going on in your career is this should be no surprise; but Larson you are toxic, so there you go and for me to prove that I don't have to go too far because in the next bit you talk about fans celebrating the failure of this film. Hold on the other interviews/articles I have listened to you and the director of The Marvels 2023 and one of the writers Nia DaCosta knew you were going to have problems with this film, but you still put it out there anyway.

So yet again you go after the fan base and finally which I did pick up on this you talk about screen time. To be brutally honest but also flair and someone should have told you sooner; the problem is you and stop putting it on your co-stars, I am getting absolutely fed up of Larson’s manure.

Finally and slightly moving on; as far as I'm aware Larson is going to be taking legal action against Disney/Marvel Studios for her firing and all I can say about this is good luck. Yes I don't have the legal mind, but I am streetsmart so this is purely based on speculation/opinion; all Disney/Marvel Studios have to do is point out her shortcomings and that will be the end of that.


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