Saturday 25 March 2023

War 2007 by AverageMansReviews

War 2007 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/racism/shooting/stabbing/impaling/cutting/burning/be heading/decapitation/torture/hanging/suffocation/medical

What is it good for? Absolutely nothing, uhh: because this project is of the mystery style I will give you this version; FBI Agent John Crawford [Jason Statham] is seeking to bring to justice Rogue/Victor Shaw [Jet Li] a cream of the crop hitman that took out his partner FBI Agent Tom Lone [Terry Chen] and his family.

The frame work and the pacing of this 103 minutes film is predominantly best associated with the very late 1990's and early 2000's of filmmaking. Meaning if you were around back in this time period you would know that for some strange reason we went through this period of this. Where we had these CSI investigating crime scenes effects, we don't have these effects exactly, but something in the model of them being used in this film from time to time. Which as it relates to this project is a really lazy way of giving the illusion of pacing and mobility, but if you can see through the illusion this film is actually slow, tiresome and slightly annoying based on the illusion isn't tricking me. To compound that to complement that [I am being sarcastic here] we have noticeable background music to support the illusion, as you can tell I wasn't a fan of this style of filmmaking, I wasn't back then, I am definitely not many years later [generally speaking, just to cover my back if I still have them to watch a film that uses this style or a very similar style and it gets a positive from me, it is always better just to cover my back, so just in case I get any criticism has some point in the future, you never know that kind of thing.]

This is where I would usually break things down into different sections but in this case it would make better sense to not do for this content; the action and art; well the biggest assets to this film would be Statham and Li; their action sequences are good fun; in particular any of the chasing sequences, be it on foot or in vehicles and they look good and likewise enthusiastically executed from everyone involved.

The character developments and performances are generally speaking all solidly good from this cast; but as you may have already got the message by now Statham and Li; between them they do a lot of the heavy lifting of this project and incidentally this pair have worked on another project together The One 2001 Link if you are interested and not forgetting two instalments of The Expendable between 2010-14; The Expendables Link,The Expendables 2 2012 Link and The Expendables 3 Link  once again if you are interested in finding out my opinions on these projects. I should point out that there will be The Expendables 4 in 2023 without Jet Li as Yin Yang

There is a drop of comedy as it relates to Kira Yanagawa [Devon Aoki] in a nutshell she is holding weapon to these two people's; one is a high ranking individual like herself and the other is the boss that she has came to see and I got the person to read the subtitles; where she asks for a salad with blue cheese on the side.

This film receives: 4/10, this film is mixed: as I have already referenced the framework and all of that is a problem, yes as I have also clearly shown this project has some upsides including this film has an award credited to its name Nominee Teen Choice Awards 2008 Choice Movie Rumble Jet Li Jason Statham




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