Sunday 26 March 2023

The Contractor 2022 by AverageMansReviews

The Contractor 2022 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/shooting/stabbing/strangling/breaking/burning/terrorism/animal cruelty/drugs/medical

I don't have a lot to say about this film: when an ex-special forces green beret James Harper [Younger James: Toby Dixon/Adult Chris Pike] is struggling to make ends meet for himself and his family, he asks his best friend and his higher ranking officer back in the day Mike Hawkins [Ben Foster] to help him, so he does they end this unit get given this mission/objective from Rusty Jennings [Kiefer Sutherland,] things go south and something doesn't smell right.

The frame work and pacing of this 103 minutes film is slow, very slow if you have been around for many decades somewhere between possibly the late 70's and late 90's, you would know this very well indeed. Where are basically and of course generally speaking you could be watching this project in question and it could spend the majority of the time building up to this crescendo in the last half an hour or so or somewhere around this section of the project in question and then for the remaining time it gets a move on to just wrap things up; this is what precisely this film does and for me the ending is "meh" because I said to the person I watched this film with am paraphrasing here but basically with the time remaining this is going to be a quick wrap-up and the person I watched this film later agreed on a day later and I think I am going to finish on this person's other opinion later on.

Action/Art: the action sequences are what you come to expect from this kind of film weapons, combat. I mean the only action that stood out for me was much later on this house explosion but and this is now including the art is where; without giving too much away we have Harper and  Hawkins; evacuating this mission which has been successful but taking under fire slumming through this sewage pipe and as Hawkins has been shot Harper has to guide him through and yes even with Harper with a red light on; in or on his helmet viewers get to see the debris of what they are swimming through and on top of that we get to see for a moment as if we were there going through this, you will have to pay attention for this, because it really is just a small moment.

Character developments and the performances; well what do you want me to say they are on both counts solid versions and likewise solid performances of what they are meant to be; yes if you haven't got it yet this is one of those projects where I can't make up something that isn't there to work with or at minimum to point out.

This film receives: 4/10, this film is mixed, well to be more precise it does what it is designed to do as I have made a couple of references in one way or another and to finish off back to the person that I watched this film with also said that something to the effect of "The ending of this film is manure" and full disclosure all I have done is put in a softer version of wording used here.


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