Tuesday 26 February 2019

The One 2001 by AverageMansReviews

The One 2001 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is poor.

Fundamental elements: there are voice-over elements, words on screen, background music, slow-motion effects, quick moving effects, time jumps and place jumps.

Well I was so bored with this title; I don't know where to begin really. This is one of those titles where the more I watched it the more generally speaking I became disinterested in it [don't get me wrong there are some good elements worth talking about but I will discuss them later.] The fundamental elements and the movement of this project just didn't do anything for me individually or together.

Action sequences: there are weapons being used, chasing sequences, training sequences and combat elements. Now there are some occasions where it does show some imagination, such as without giving too much away the entire police motorbikes sequence, that involves a police motorbikes sandwich, the handcuffs sequence and the mirror match one-on-one sequence and the transport science-fiction elements including the weapon and handheld devices such as this bomb or and this device that says when something is about to open, these elements deserve to be on the positive side of things they are something solid.

Character developments/Performances: there are three sets of this husband-and-wife, the set that goes for this brain scan [the husband goes for the brain scan,] there are elements of chemistry in this pairing and the set where they first meet. But other than that the character developments and the performances are poor.

This film receives: 2/10, it has to be said I really did struggle to keep my attention on this film, but because this title does have some solid to good elements I had to take that into consideration as well.

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