Thursday 14 September 2017

The Expendables 2 2012 by AverageMansReviews

The Expendables 2 2012 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: now straight off the bat, sometimes I use the subtitles facilities in any project I watch, the reason why I am bringing this up is because if I bring it up now I never have to bring it up again. But putting that to one side this sequel at first is a bit all over the place in every way shape or form.

Fundamental core: I have been thinking about how to put this; at the beginning stages towards the middle stages, everything about this project feels really over-the-top or disjointed or for an example the attempts of a comical nature feel like they are just trying too hard. But from the middle roughly towards the closing credits, this project kind of gets its act together on every level or every element and moves on to be entertaining.

Comedy flavours: now let's just begin from where this element is funny, it is mostly based in the dialogue exchanges where some of these characters use each other’s legendary material [or say something about each other's legendary material] or because some of these performers have been doing this kind of thing for ages [using weapons and blowing things up,] in the atmosphere controls it suggests to its viewers that these characters have everything sorted out and to them, this situation is just another day at the office.

Action sequences: well there are many in this sequel with plenty of explosions and weapons being used [I don't know what to say about this element,] because I have pretty much summed it up already in this paragraph all I can say is this; again at the middle stages towards the closing stages they feel better put together with the other elements [for some examples the dialogue exchanges and the storyline amongst other things.]

This film receives: 68% approval, basically what we have here is at first is a jigsaw puzzle with many pieces that need to be put together to make one big picture which takes time, but after you have put the pieces together in the right places and you can see the big picture, the big picture is something that is visual, action-packed and entertaining.

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