Thursday 30 June 2022

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWF/WWE SummerSlam 31/08/1992 Match 2 Part 2 by AverageMansReviews

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWF/WWE SummerSlam 31/08/1992 Match 2 Part 2 by AverageMansReviews

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects

Match/Stipulation: Nailz vs. Virgil; Singles Match

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 1/10

Match Storyline: 3/10

Crowd Participation: 6/10

On Commentary: King Bobby "The Brain" Heenan & Vince McMahon 7/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 3/10

Recommend Watch: 1/10

Match Total: 21/60 - this match is poor.

Comments: as you can see from my attribute markings the only good things about this match/match slot are the surrounding contributing factors and if you want to know more please head over to the Spoiler Alarm Version.

Wednesday 29 June 2022

Blowback 2022 by AverageMansReviews

Blowback 2022 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/shooting/torture/strangulation/electrocution/breaking/domestic violence/drugs

I have seen snails move quicker than this roughly 90 minutes film: basically we have Nick [Cam Gigandet] that needs $500,000 for his daughter's medical procedure which could save her life her name is Emma [Melissa Diaz] so he designs but is not in control of this bank robbery; the one that is in control is Jack [Randy Couture] 95% of the plan goes away as should go other than someone being shot at the scene; Assistant Bank Manager [Carlos Mendez] and then Nick being double-crossed.

As I have already referenced the pacing of this project is poor in fact I will go one more step and say just bad. This is one of those generic, but possibly good or enjoyable projects that follows the script of what it basic action robbery project should be. But because of the pacing being bad as in so slow it really does stretch out this title and minus two little chasing sequences around Mrs Foster [Laura Velgos] house and yes if you ever watch this film I am very much clutching at straws here I am very much aware of that, but in my defence this is all I have to work with as it relates to a bit of momentum in this project and finally there are a very small occasions where the background music sounds and all-round feels very amateurish; yes this is coming from me that comes from the alternative music community, but trust me you will know when you hear it, because it sticks out like a sore thumb.

Action; there is this torture sequence involving Nick and Pete [Ego Mikitas] trying to get information out of Sully [unknown performer;] this case down sequence before this has a little comedy as Nick punches Sully; it is one of those you betrayed me punches with Nick's feeling some of the pain because his body is damaged from being double-crossed, but back to this torture sequence. Nick asks Sully nicely compared to what Pete does, which Sully gives the hard man routine, but he after a little time with Pete he changes his mind, I should just point out that the action and comedy element here is dark or you may not find it funny in the slightest, but there are other bits of comedy around Mrs Foster the running round elements and one other little bit, but I will not discuss that in this review, I am just saying there is another bit for you to look out for.

Character developments and the performances; they are on both counts solid either solid versions of their character types and their performances do their job.

This film receives: 2/10, this film is poor; as I have already made crystal clear the pacing of this film really does take the marking of this title down I mean other than that this film is a paint by numbers of what you expect it to be.

Tuesday 28 June 2022

Family Business 1989 by AverageMansReviews

Family Business 1989 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/animal cruelty/medical

I want in on the family business of the McMullen: Adam McMullen [Matthew Broaddrick;] dropped out of college 6 months before getting his Masters degree in Science or just to cover my back something in that field, the son of Vito McMullen [Dustin Hoffman;] ex-criminal/ex-convict; he owns a meat packing business and mother Elaine McMullen [Rosana DeSoto] which she is outside of the business, but she knows of her husband and his father/Adam's grandfather on his father's side Jesse McMullen [Sean Connery] history which Jesse has just been released from jail on bail thanks to Adam and Vito; he loans the money to Adam and not for his father, he wants nothing to do with Jesse and he wants his son to do the same. But it is Adam that gets a job worth $1 million for stealing this genetic research and the books that comes with that from his old Professor Jimmy Chui [D.B. Wong] which Jesse is on board but Vito is not at first, but eventually he goes to look out for his son.

The pacing of this 110 minutes film is best described as pedestrian, basically what we have here with this film is this; if you want to be a irresponsible parent you get a character developments/dynamic such as Jesse and Vito have, but if you put a chain around your child's neck as a parent regardless if you think or have the best intentions for your child, you get something like Vito and Adam character developments/dynamic which consequently builds this relationship between Adam and his grandfather, because Adam is allowed to stretch his wings and be himself which because of this Adam will always stand by his grandfather.

There is excellent chemistry between this trio or in different parents or singlely interactions with the cast; Jesse and his son are having this verbal back and forth in this bar with Adam sitting in the middle of them. Adam looking happy to hear this back and forth not to score any points from his father or grandfather as I have already made reference to, because he wanted to break free from the design of his life which this is comical as well as for a moment it is like global tennis between this father and son [Jesse and Vito] for the rest of the cast the character developments are safe and reliable and the performances are good as well. Yes there is a little bit of action this robbery and other little bits and pieces.

This film receives: 5/10, this film is mixed; this film needs between one and all three of this trio, because hypothetically without them this film would have fallen on its face very spectacularly, but the moral of the story is communicate with your kids and within reason depending on their age obviously allow them to fly.


Monday 27 June 2022

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 3,] Episode 122: Wizard for a Day by AverageMansReviews

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 3,] Episode 122: Wizard for a Day by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there is flashing/colourful/other effects/transformation

Role reversals: Storyline, Characters [Character developments,] Art and Action; these all combined in one way or another. Well there is this Teacher for a day project where Rocky is going to be a teacher for a day so he will be Mr DeSantos, he will be teaching and trading places with Mr Wilton; science teacher, first name Wilbur/Marvo the Meanie [monster for this episode.] The artistic design for this monster is highly imaginative; for a brief description he has this Asian goblin like thing going on with being a mainly purple monster with mostly purple on his clothing and this pale pink [it is the kind of pink that isn't pink; pink, but a contrast with white involved as well], with very fine and elegant golden infinity symbol on his forehead with a little Farther Christmas hat on in the same colour system [minus the bell.] He also has the ability to scramble molecules so when he fires this attack from his fingers and hits any Power Ranger, they get transformed into their molecules in these test tubes with them having corks on and yes there molecules are of their Power Ranger colours with Rito Revolto picking up these test tubes and putting them in a test tube stand/holder.

This episode receives: 7/10, this episode is good; throughout this episode it does have always something to offer in one way or another.

Sunday 26 June 2022

Wrath of Man 2021 by AverageMansReviews

Wrath of Man 2021 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/medical/shooting/stabbing/cutting/strangulation/underage/torture

Have you seen this individual?: Because of the design of this film I can't tell you too much about it. But what I can tell you is this; it is of wrong place, at the wrong time and the evil that people do that the innocent often pay the price. The pacing of this 119 minutes film is smoothly good as it goes forward and backwards in time including we have these theatre like act names, for example "A Dark Spirit." So as you can see just based on its design if I wanted to tell you more about the storyline I couldn't risk it for potentially giving too much away, but the design and as I have already said the pacing of this film is smoothly good.

The character developments and performances; well that character developments of our lead role Patrick "H" Hill/Mason Hargreaves [Jason Statham] are really well explored and shown at the right times in this film, which Statham does put in an excellent performance with some small moments of very adult comedy references, I must stress that this does feel and look like a very British dark film which isn't too surprising because the Screenplay/Director is also British by the name of Guy Ritchie; with other British or just to cover my back Scottish, I know how funny some people get out there, on a quick side note based upon 'Le Convoyeur' film written by Nicolas Boukhrief and (based upon the film 'Le Convoyeur' written byÉric Besnard) (as Eric Besnard,) but I digress; the name of our lead role being also Jason Statham being also British. These two have a long-term association with one another beginning with Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels 1998 [Written/Director by Guy Ritchie] and there they are most recent one together Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre 2022 [Written by Ivan Atkinson, Marn Davies and Guy Ritchie/Director also being Guy Ritchie.] Full disclosure I haven't seen this film yet and in fairness and balance Boy Sweat Dave [Josh Hartnett] also worked on Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre 2022. But back to this film review right here and right now minus Statham the mostly the rest of the cast with their safe and reliable character developments put in good performances, but however there are two character developments from two individual characters which are either lazy or are transparently obvious. The lazy one is where in a nutshell this individual says I am the inside individual and the transparent one is you know this individual is going to screw over everyone else and on top of that we Jackson Ainsley, former platoon sergeant [Jeffrey Donovan] and a member of his platoon from Tom [Chris Reilly] discussing it as well, but these performances are still good.

The art and action; this opening credits sequence of a basic description is things on fire, Jason Statham head down to his shoulders appearing at one point or another in this sequence; this is eye-catching art and also we have this three-dimensional plan layout with moving accessories; excellent creativity used here; as Jackson and Tom discuss this plan as it is taking place as well [yes this is one of those films that discusses things simultaneously as they are happening in their future, but in present times and yes this is just before they discuss other issue of this individual screwing things up] and that action is all-round good; you know it is what it says on the tin "Wrath of Man" violence is guaranteed.

This film receives: 7/10, this film is good; this is one of those films that you can watch with a take-a-way and be entertained by. When this review was first being dictated this film has 1 Nominee to its name of Critics Choice Super Awards 2022; CCA Super Award Best Action Movie.

Saturday 25 June 2022

In-depth Predictions/Other elements for AEW x NJPW: Forbidden Door 2022 by AverageMansReviews

In-depth Predictions/Other elements for AEW x NJPW: Forbidden Door 2022 by AverageMansReviews

Buy-in: The Acclaimed Max Caster [with Anthony Bowens] Gunn Club [Billy, Austin & Colten Gunn] vs. Yuya Uemura, Alex Coughlin, The DKC & Kevin Knight; Eight-man Tag Team Match: my pick is Yuya Uemura, Alex Coughlin, The DKC & Kevin Knight. This seems like a good time just to say I don't know too much about some of these wrestlers, but for this particular match I was thinking I would start with NJPW [New Japan Pro-Wrestling] picking up the .W here.

Buy-in: The Factory's [QT Marshall & Aaron Solo] vs. Chaos [Hirooki Goto & Yoshi-Hashi;] Tag Team Match: my pick is Chaos [Hirooki Goto & Yoshi-Hashi.] How can I put this nicely, The Factory gimmick/stable/faction is a good gimmick, you know mostly full of young wrestlers trying to make a statement. But is it me or are they best associated with losing or putting it in wrestling terminology putting over their opponents, I know they may not have a choice in this, but maybe begin putting them in some feuds which they win or from out of nowhere they pick up a few W. I should just clarify I haven't seen their records, so everything I am basing this off is every time I see them regardless of combination of this group they end up losing.

Buy-in:  Swerve in our Glory [Swerve Strickland &  Keith Lee] vs Suzuki-gun [El Desperado & Yoshinobu Kanemaru;] Tag Team Match: my pick is Swerve in our Glory [Swerve Strickland &  Keith Lee.] I know there is friction in this tag team, so for this match outlay they may go with this uneasy victory with at one moment between them almost screwing it up, but after everything is said and done just about pulling it together to get the job done here.

Roppongi Vice [Trent Beretta & Rocky Romerovs] the ROH World Champs & the AAA Champs [not on the line due to wrestling promotion politics] FTR [Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler] vs. IWGP Champs United Empire [Great-O-Khan & Jeff Cobb;] Three-way Winner Takes All Tag Team Match for the ROH World Tag Team Championships and IWGP Tag Team Championships: my pick is FTR [Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler.] Because they are working on giving this team all the tag team gold at their disposal, like they did with Kenny Omega be for his long-term injury absence which he is still on as of when this was first dictated Wednesday 22/06/2022. But this match should be good, I don't know too much about the team from the United Empire, but what I have seen of them on AEW programming they are a impressive duo, so maybe offer them the opportunity to face the AEW World Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks [Matt & Nick Jackson] yes I had to look up who were the current AEW Champions here, but I digress at some point down the line have these two teams go head to head.

Toni Storm vs. AEW Champ Thunder Rosa; Singles Match for the AEW Women's World Championship: my pick is Thunder Rosa. Now there is even going to be interference from Dr. Baker, Hayter and Rebel or a debut or something. You know when you look at a match and it just feels like it feels too early to have a change of champion, but you also want to protect the contender as well. So this is where my feeling comes from I have no proof of this, it is just very much a feeling.

Orange Cassidy vs. Champ United Empire's Will Ospreay; Singles Match for the IWGP United States Heavyweight Championship: my pick is Will Ospreay. Simply put and I am basing this on my experience of being into wrestling since the late 1980s, this is just going to be a case of making this United Empire look strong, so if the other members in their match demolished everyone after the match and have Ospreay retains here I would regard that as a good night and they still look strong.

Kazuchika Okada vs. "Hangman" Adam Page vs. Adam Cole vs. Champ Jay White; Four-way Match for the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship: my pick is Jay White. Just because of this excellent reason he has just won this championship so I don't see it going anywhere especially this early on in his reign which less than a couple of weeks old or somewhere around here.

Pac vs. Miro vs. Malakai Black vs. Tomohiro Ishii; Four-way Match for the inaugural AEW All-Atlantic Championship: my pick is Miro. Because in his hand for this championship first-ever holder, he could really give it some prestige.

Jericho Appreciation Society's Chris Jericho & Sammy Guevara [with Tay Conti] & Minoru Suzuki vs.  Eddie Kingston, the ROH Pure Champ Wheeler Yuta & Shota Umino; Six-man Tag Team Match The winning team receives the man advantage for Blood and Guts: my pick is The Jericho Appreciation Society's Chris Jericho & Sammy Guevara [with Tay Conti] & Minoru Suzuki. Just to continue the momentum of The Jericho Appreciation Society.

Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Mystery opponent and the newest member of The Blackpool Combat Club and replace Bryan Danielson at Blood and Guts: my pick is the mystery opponent. [I have seen online speculation it is going to be Ex-WWE perfection talent Cesaro, obviously I would love this so much.] But regardless of who this is going to be the mystery opponent is going over here.

Dudes with Attitude [Darby Allin & Sting & Los Ingobernables de Japon's Shingo Takagi] vs. the AEW World Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks [Matt & Nick Jackson] & Bullet Club's El Phantasmo with Hikuleo; Six-man Tag Team Match: my pick is the AEW World Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks [Matt & Nick Jackson] & Bullet Club's  El Phantasmo with Hikuleo.] Because at one point or another The Young Bucks [Matt & Nick Jackson] were in the Bullet Club so it seems logical they would go with this wrestling moment here and if Kenny Omega was to make an appearance at this pay-per-view, this is where I would have him coming down to the ring to join in this moment as well, but this is purely speculation and I have no idea about health or possible appearance here. But as he has done so much for both wrestling promotions, he should make a wrestling appearance if just to say hi and an update on his recovery, you know something light and breezy or just have him appearing beside as I have all they said the Bullet Club or they could just do something completely out of left field and have him on commentary for this entire pay-per-view, just an idea.

Jon Moxley vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi; Singles Match for the interim AEW World Championship: my pick is Hiroshi Tanahashi. My pick is based on business, business, business; I just have this feeling that to cement the relationship between these two wrestling promotions Toni Khan will allow this to happen, if you have been paying attention yes the WGP Tag Team Championships will be potentially going back to AEW which is big, but if they wanted to make it crystal clear earthshattering statement that we can work together and show the WWE how-to book a limited appearances/wrestling champion on AEW programming, because he will be wrestling for NJPW as well. Let's be honest if we are heading towards a situation like this AEW won't have the same problem as the WWE from this perspective of all their Championships mean something, so if we got to see Tanahashi once or twice a month physically on TV amongst potentially having an Internet presence or sending a video package, basically what I have been saying about the WWE having a main brand champion with a part-time contract.

But as it relates to this match here with Jon Moxley I see somebody or something happening to begin a new feud or a continuation with The Jericho Appreciation Society for The Blackpool Combat Club to give a big closing angle to this pay-per-view and one final thing this card looks highly entertaining, even though I don’t know much or anything about some of these performers.


Spoiler incoming on the Buy-in:

Jericho Appreciation's Lance Archer defeated The Factory's Nick Comoroto

Friday 24 June 2022

Little Fockers 2010 by AverageMansReviews

Little Fockers 2010 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/medical/electrocution/vomiting/cutting/animal feeding

I am just so happy to get through this final film never to watch it again: it is only a short time away from the twins 5th birthday Samantha Focker [Daisy Tahan] and Henry Focker [Colin Baiocchi] and between then and now even on the day there is in one way or another some friction between this cast.

The pacing of this film is just garbage it roughly goes on for 98 minutes long and the reason why the pacing is garbage isn't necessarily the pacing fault; let's just say there is a lot of blame to go around here. It's just a good 80% of this film is infuriating, because where I have been positive about the cast itself in the previous two film titles, in this instalment for some stupid reason they have turned it in on itself to create this implosion, where these characters/performances just really grind up against one another. Having said that don't get me wrong there are some scenes or sequences where it shows the chemistry which the previous two films are/were very much founded on, but then again there are some moments where it quickly shows this in a positive sense and quickly evaporates leaving us back with this unpleasant tension and atmosphere. Likewise the comedy material is mostly painful to watch I am not being lazy, but the only good things were involving Henry [Colin Baiocchi] and his pet Bearded dragon Arthur which it isn't a surprise to me that Colin Baiocchi he won an award Young Artist Awards 2011; Young Artist Award; Best Performance in a Feature Film - Supporting Young Actor Ten and Under Colin Baiocchi. But when a film that makes Harvey Keitel as Randy Weir looked poor then you know something is wrong with a project; full disclosure I must stress he only has a very small role, but it is still valid point.

Jack vs. Greg; on one hand this is funny-ish, we get a comedy scene/reference to the legendary Jaws 1975 film title with the legendary background music. Where briefly we have Greg telling the kids to get out of the ball pit which he is standing in waiting for Jack to attack [Jack is under the balls making waves and finally he attacks.] But on the other hand this is just very sad, because this is one of those situations which would have been acceptable in the first film was sure, partially acceptable in the second, but not in this film and yes I know he saw something online and something which he could and obviously has misconstrued. But because of the length they have known each other roughly 10 years at this point, he still wouldn't have taken a moment to ask Greg which let's be honest Greg is afraid of Jack and just for the record without giving too much away Greg is not Dr. Bob Banks, but Jack had to check something just to make sure Greg wasn't lying.

Character developments and performances; minus the positive I have already mentioned these character developments and performances are poor and mostly unlikeable besides when this film is going through one of its good moments or longer.

This film receives: 3/10, this film is poor; I mean as I have briefly referenced or shown in this review it does have some good in here and there is an extra scene alongside the first closing credits this is good fun. But let me put it this way by using this award Nominee Alliance of Women Film Journalists 2011; EDA Special Mention Award Sequel That Shouldn't Have Been Made. This film has as you can already see awards accredited to its name once again as you can already see no they are not all positive. So 3 Winners ASCAP Film and Television Music Awards 2011; ASCAP Award Stephen Trask. Teen Choice Awards 2011 and Winner Razzie Award Razzie Awards 2011 Worst Supporting Actress Jessica Alba For The Killer Inside Me , Machete and Valentine's Day I have no idea why this award is here yes she is in this film as Andi Garcia but that is as far as it goes. 5 Nominees Teen Choice Award Choice Movie: Comedy.



Thursday 23 June 2022

Meet the Fockers 2004 by AverageMansReviews

Meet the Fockers 2004 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/medical/animal cruelty/animal sex/shooting/drugs/electrocution

Meet the Fockers: it is time for the Byrnes; Jack [Robert De Niro] & Diana [Blythe Danner] to meet the Fockers; Bernie [Dustin Hoffman] & Rosalin [Barbara Streisand] to meet in Miami at the home of Bernie & Roslin which they open their house [on Focker Isle] to them and their daughter Pam [Teri Polo] and this goes without saying but I am going to say it anyway to their son Gaylord "Greg" Focker [Ben Stiller,] just to say yes this is his name so I cannot be held responsible for that, but moving on Jack and Diane decline to stay in their large RV [which is massive and one of those high quality and high tech ones] with their grandson Jack “Little Jack” Banks [Spencer Pickren & Bradley Pickren] and Mr Jinx the Himalayan cat [Bailey, Misha/Meesha the Himalayan cats; full disclosure these are the only names I could find.] But I digress which is possibly a good thing because the Fockers have a dog by the name of Moses [Terem Yorkie mixed dog.]

The pacing of this 115 minutes film is good, because of the character developments and performances; meaning this is good character developments and this is a very much a cast performance all good; basically it uses the formula of polar opposites the Byrnes are very matter-of-fact and everything has to be done with precision; uptight as it relates to Jack and suppressed as it relates to Diana. Meanwhile the Fockers as it relates to Bernie & Roslin are very warm, open and positive people and on top of that we still have the Jack and Greg dynamic going on as well; yes it has been moved on and developed.

Comedy and action; we have another  Mr Jinx toilets scene or/and sequence I am making reference to the one involving Moses and likewise another sports family sequence this time it is American football and don't worry of course someone is going to get hurt. A little bit after this; to stop this full flight breaking out between his father and Jack; Greg stand in the middle consequently gets kicked in the face from his father which in turn keeps up the nose injuries from the previous one and this one as well.

This film receives: 7/10, this film is good; it moves things on, it introduces new characters, it is just I can't make references to too many of the comedy or action material, because they are or have in one way or another are sexual and as you can see from my marking I don't see this as a bad thing; it's just I can't put it in this review, but I should point out through the first section of the closing credits there is an ongoing sequence. This film also has awards accredited to its name and no they are not all positive 2 including ASCAP Film and Television Music Awards 2005 ASCAP Award Top Box Office Films Randy Newman. Nominees 7 including Casting Society of America, USA 2005 Artios Award Best Feature Film Casting - Comedy Francine Maisler and The Stinkers Bad Movie Awards 2004 Stinker Award Worst Actor Ben Stiller For Along Came Polly , Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story , Envy and Starsky & Hutch.



Wednesday 22 June 2022

Lightyear 2022 by AverageMansReviews

Lightyear 2022 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/medical/shooting/stabbing/cutting/robotic element showing/animal cruelty

Okay, so what do you want me to do with this film?: Basically after this colony gets stranded on this planet thanks to Captain America sorry wrong captain Captain Buzz Lightyear [voiced by Chris Evans] originally alongside Commend Alisha Hawthorne [voiced by Uzo Aduba] and then his reliable robotic cat which is given to him by the name of SOX much later on worn SOX as well [voiced by Peter Sohn] to fix what keeps going wrong time after time after time after time after time. But eventually he finds some more support and one final thing we have Zurg [James Brolin] and his forces trying to capture Captain Buzz Lightyear. I should point out that at one point or another these things happen, but I have gelled together to give you a basic outline.

I really, really well and truly don't like this film with a passion, full disclosure I didn't like this film beforehand, but I really don't like it more now the penny has dropped. Because there are some words on screen right at the beginning of the film "In 1995, a young Andy Davis saw Lightyear, the film that inspired the Buzz Lightyear toyline." Or to cover my back there is something like this to this effect.

The reason why I don't like this film so very much, is because this would explain why this film feels so old as it relates to its storyline, it's lack of comedy, lack of outstanding action sequences, really generic character developments on a little bit of research and in a nutshell if you're wondering why this Lightyear was different to the 1995 version is done by design.

The pacing for this 100 minute film is safe and reliable, I mean on the grand scale of things wrong with this film, this is the last thing on the list. I have been around films doing this kind of thing in some capacity since I was 25 years old as of this blog/review I am 39. So this is speculation/my opinion which I don't like this, because it implies that your audience is stupid which we are not. They have used up-to-date animation to make this project look colourful and engaging which it does. But it covers up or it is an attempt to cover up the other shortcomings of this project.

There are some positive components or elements to this film though, anything to do with SOX much later on worn SOX as well [voiced by Peter Sohn] this character or/and voiced performance just brings so much positivity to this film, if you are a cat person [which I am] you will really like these characters; yes there are a view moments where he acts like a cat. There is this force field imprisonment and chasing sequence which these are good as it shows our characters having to work together or/and some other bits I liked like the confetti and the surrender button.

Character developments and performances; like I have already referenced other than the positive character/performer they are generic okay they are doing their job, but that is about it.

This film receives: 2/10, this film is poor; as I have made this probably very crystal clear I really didn't or don't like this film and I hope never to see a sequel of this film ever, but then again as things are at the moment at the box office for this film I don't really have to worry about seeing a sequel, because as it is here and now it has some, some, some, some distance to go before they even consider thinking of an idea for the sequel and the only reason I am not putting any figures down is because at the moment things change but for now you can take from me after everything is said and done I think they would just be happy to get their money back with a little bit of a profit. I am being very careful on what words I say, because I am very much aware it is only been out for a small amount of time so it may achieve breaking even or more, but having said that I was in the cinema today and there was hardly any people in the with me and the person I watch some my films with. This film also has not one, not two, but three yes I said three extra scenes [at the end of each amount of ending credits.]



Tuesday 21 June 2022

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 40 by AverageMansReview

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 40 by AverageMansReview

WWE: I really wasn't going to do this today, but on watching a review of last night's Monday Night's Raw [Monday 20/06/2022] and I got informed by this very reliable source that Mr McMahon made another appearance [his recent previous one was SmackDown Friday 17/06/2022 and yes I watched the review on this from the same reliable source as well.] In fact I do believe this reliable source but on some research, meaning I have watched these appearances and I am now going to give you a warning I am just going to say it as it is so I will probably trigger somebody out there, but like it or not these are excellent I have a golden untouchable ticket and let's make it crystal clear I am not happy about it in the slightest, but it is just facts.

Why the fudge are these crowds being positive towards him? In a nutshell if you didn't know he is being investigated by his own board for alleged sexual behaviour between himself, this ex-paralegal and John Laurinaitis and this cover-up which Mr McMahon is currently no longer the CEO [Chief Executive Officer] and Chairwomen of the WWE, Stephanie McMann is the interim CEO. Which it is unknown if she knew anything about this situation, before taking her sabbatical which only lasted a couple of weeks. But unfortunately Mr McMahon still has creative control meanwhile Laurinaitis has stepped down as an Executive Producer whilst this investigation is ongoing to be replaced by Bruce Pritchard [he now holds this position for Raw and SmackDown again.]

Now this is where I am going to take this Blog/Volume somewhere very dark, but however as I have already said I have a golden untouchable ticket for doing this. So these fans celebrate an appearance from Mr McMann is that true? Yes. I know why he  has done these appearances, It is a show of strength and power to  basically say " I am still here and everything is absolutely fine." Because I have been around this company for quite a few years I can sense or smell this act of defiance from him as in I am still god of this universe, even though I am not currently on my throne." So speculation on my part but having an educated guess some of these fans would be the same fans that were pro-this hash tag #SpeakingOut in 2020. So I know I have brain damage here, but how can you be pro-this hash tag in 2020 and about two years later stand there celebrating an entrance of somebody that there is clear evidence something has happened based on just clearly based on the fudging board taking the actions they have? I mean I know there is more, but this is a clear indication something has gone on here. I mean I remember two years ago social media was a light with this hash tag everyone weighing in with their comments on a lot less information regardless if it was true or not. So I ask you why the hell are these so-called wrestling fans basically being like a bunch of seals clapping for a fish, but you say anything bad about this company or anything pro-AEW they will jump down your throats, but I guess these are the same people that were going on about #Me2 or/and #BlackLivesMatter and no I am not making this a racial thing, but they have very vaguely similarities from the perspective of we are all people regardless of religion or ethnic background or others. But you're still going to cheer someone that is essentially an embodiment of the status quo in the USA, but then again your country still uses the right to bear arms, because you believe it to be your constitutional right then has an outcry when somebody uses them to commit acts of unspeakable violence and then just waits until the next time for it to happen which on a quick side note without getting too political is the definition of madness, doing the same thing time after time and expecting different results.

All Elite Wrestling: as things stand it looks like MJF is staying at home after his work shoot, but not a work or shoot thing he has 18 months left on his contract so at this point I am like he can go or stay, in fact the more he stays away his value depreciates, because there is an old thing in wrestling if there is a spot free someone else will come up and take it and run with it. As it relates to this wrestling promotion I have one more thing to say they had a wrestler on their books by the name of Jake Atlas, but after he has/had been arrested for misdemeanour battery and domestic assault against his partner all I have to say about this; hello Jake Atlas thanks for coming and goodbye Jake Atlas. From the same reliable source he wasn't on a major AEW contract and the belief is he won't be back which is excellent news. Personally I don't tolerate any form of domestic violence, I mean there is that little grey area where I will listen to somebody defending themselves to get away from the situation or defending someone which is vulnerable or something like that, but other than that no to domestic violence.



Monday 20 June 2022

Meet the Parents 2000 by AverageMansReviews

Meet the Parents 2000 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/medical/vomiting/animal waste/drugs

Meet the Parents: Gaylord "Greg" Focker [Ben Stiller] and yes that is his name so I can't be held responsible for that. But I digress goes to seek his girlfriend's Pam  Byrnes [Teri Polo] approval to marry their daughter days before her sister Debbie Byrnes [Nicole DeHuff ] and Dr. Bob Banks [Thomas McCarthy] wedding; their mother Dina Byrnes [Blythe Danner] she is a very grounded person with her feet firmly on the floor, but their father on the other hand is a completely different story Jack Byrnes [Robert De Niro] as an father, ex-war veteran and ex-CIA [Central Intelligence Agency] Agent he is going to be very protective/overprotective of Pam, consequently he doesn't like Greg so he puts him through hell. The pacing of this 108 minutes film is like in storyline fluently moving from beginning to end

The comedy and action material is free-flowing and natural for some examples in a nutshell; Greg is waiting for Pam's 2nd year kindergarten class to assemble/spell correctly Marry Me Pam [a letter on one piece of card] in Greg's attempt of a proposal, but he quickly abandons this idea after hearing Pam talking to her sister on the telephone, then later on we have Greg opening this bottle of wine and the cork accidentally, but perfectly hits this urn which contains the ashes of Jack's mother which Mr Jinks the Himalayan cat [Bailey, Misha/Meesha Himalayan the cats] comes to sit and spend a penny in it. [Jack has been teaching Mr Jinks to use the toilet, but Mr Jinks still likes to go to the toilet the old-fashioned way for cats whenever possible] and after that later on there is this game of volleyball in a swimming pool and by the end things don't end up well for the bride as Greg spikes the ball down and it hits your face; hopefully on their big day her face is going to be back to normal.

The character developments and performances; generally speaking first of all they are all mostly good, with likewise good chemistry. But the partnership of Ben Stiller and Robert De Niro as Greg and Jack is excellent; this is one of those occasions where if this partnership fell flat at minimum, this film would have fallen on its knees, this film needs this partnership to work and not only that to this excellent standard of at heart two very good people, that love Pam very much; it is just the older one wants the best for his daughter, but he does get along with Kevin Rawley [Owen Wilson] he is a ex-fiance of Pam's they only became friends after Pam broke it off. But this partnership got Nominated for an award MTV Movie + TV Awards 2001; MTV Movie Award; Best On-Screen Team Robert De Niro Ben Stiller.

This film receives: 7/10, this film is good; it knows what it is and it sticks to that which is a relatable comedy, because hopefully at some point in your life you would have to meet the potential in-laws. This film has Won 7 awards such as American Comedy Awards, USA 2001; American Comedy Award; Funniest Actor in a Motion Picture (Leading Role) Ben Stiller. 15 Nominees including at the same award ceremony/event Funniest Actor in a Motion Picture (Leading Role) Robert De Niro, I should also point out this; Academy Awards, USA 2001; Oscar Best Music, Original Song Randy Newman For the song "A Fool In Love". In the interest of fairness and balance Blockbuster Entertainment Awards 2021 Nominee Blockbuster Entertainment Award Blythe Danner, at the same award ceremony/event Nominee Favorite Female - Newcomer Teri Polo. Finally all of these awards are not positive Bogey Awards, Germany 2000 Winner Bogey Award [description of this award; it is about how many people see it in a certain time; it uses a scale system top Titanium: viewed 10 million people. Platinum: 5 million people within 50 days of its release. Gold: 3 million people within 30 days. Bronze: 1 million people within 10 days and at the bottom Bogey Award: 1 million people, or 1000 people per copy, with a minimum of 25 copies, within first ten days.

Sunday 19 June 2022

National Treasure: Book of Secrets 2007 by AverageMansReviews

National Treasure: Book of Secrets 2007 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/shooting/drowning

Family names: to clear their family name Benjamin Franklin "Ben" Gates [Nicolas Cage,] the returning characters with more of a role from his father Patrick Henry Gates [Jon Volght] with the additions of Benjamin's mother Dr. Emily Appleton-Gates [Helen Mirren] and Mitchell "Mitch" Wilkinson [Ed Harris] who throws shade on the Gates family name with proof what he is saying has truth to it.

The pacing is worse than it is predecessor National Treasure 2004 if you want to know my thoughts on it here is the Link and I know the previous projects generally speaking is good, it just runs out of steam. But this sequel is roughly speaking 124 minutes long, but 6 minutes shorter. I know it isn't much, but generally this film the opening section is slow, followed by a middle section or around here has a get up and go to it, followed by back into this slow film, even though in fairness and balance from beginning to end of this film there is lots happening.

The action, comedy and art are good; like generally speaking we have Benjamin, Dr. Abigail Chase [Diane Kruger,] and Riley Poole [Riley Poole] on the run from Mitchell and his henchmen/hench-people so it turns into a car chase so when Benjamin quickly reverses this car [using this reversing system; located in the front but off to one side, there is this camera located on the outside in the middle of the boot, but lower down] the  all these dogs quickly move out the way well minus one, there is this young very cute dog that since there and licks the camera to say hi and there is another comical moment in this chasing sequence watch out for alcohol barrel. I really did like this puzzle as it relates to The Resolute Desks, I won't give too much away, the mechanics of them is excellently worked out and elegant as well. We also have an illuminating sequence which is a positive like its predecessor and as it relates to other puzzles and scenery and their constructions these are also positives. But they also tried to recreate this one moment where Riley has got one over Benjamin, Abigail and this time Patrick; with this time his new book " The Templar Treasure and Other Myths that are True" with no one reading this book, but this time around it fell flat on its face.

The character developments and performances; the character developments and performances are safe and reliable, you know they are good, there is much I can say about them really other than once again FBI Special Agent Peter Sadusky [Harvey Keitel] is class, but his character spend less time in this film so this is not a good thing.

This film receives: 5/10, this film is mixed; I mean after taking everything into consideration this mark is the outcome. This film has awards accredited to its name and they are not all positive but not anything to do with this film, just to cover my back I work under the theory of they are here so they count. 1 Winner Yoga Awards 2008 Yoga Award Worst Foreign Actor Nicolas Cage For Ghost Rider and Next. 5 Nominees including Teen Choice Awards 2008 Teen Choice Award Choice Movie Actress: Action Adventure Diane Kruger.


Saturday 18 June 2022

The Breakfast Club 1985 by AverageMansReviews

The Breakfast Club 1985 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is stabbing/drugs/child-abuse/scarring/reference to domestic violence and suicide.

Welcome to the club: it is Saturday 24/03/1985 Location Shermer High School, five students are here at 7 AM for a whole day of detention: the first one up is Andrew Clark a " Athletic" [Emilio Estevez,] next we have Claire Standish a " Princess" [Molly Ringwald,] Brian Johnson a "Brain" [Anthony Michael Hall,] Allison Reynolds a "Basket Case" [Ally Sheedy] and finally John Bender a " Criminal" [Judd Nelson.] The only people that are on this location with these kids are Vice Principal Richard [Paul Gleason] which he is a ruthless in the way these pupils and he assigns them with 8 hours and 54 minutes; a no less than 1000 word essay on who they think they are? No one word repeated 1000 times. We also have Carl Reed [John Kapelos] a janitor at Shermer High School the storyline is designed to be a location-based/situation based film, meaning yes they discuss how they got into this situation, but we don't see it or after this once again yes they discuss it in this location, but they just focus on here and now. The pacing of this 97 minutes film is very much like its storyline it has lots to cover so it has to be fluent in its movement even when there are masses of dialogue exchanges.

Comedy, action; and art there are comical moments in the dialogue exchanges, without giving too much away we also Bender climbing up and through the ceiling to get back to the rest of our Breakfast Club, sadly on his way back it doesn't exactly go smoothly as he falls through the ceiling and the rest of them quickly cover up for as the Vice Principal comes in enquiring I am paraphrasing and in a nutshell asking what was that? With the rest of them making sound effects to convince him that was the sound but he doesn't buy it, but he leaves them to it. Then later on we have these characters listening to music, dancing and under the influence of marijuana; the art is the dance moves I don't know if it was choreographer or if it comes from the characters/performers themselves; but this is good and good comedy as well.

The really clear thing about this film is something of fantastic value even by today's standards roughly 37 years later. When this review was first dictated in 2022, to be brutally honest we have failed in what this film represents not only have we failed we have spectacularly made it so much worse than this was, it's like they must have seen into the future, potentially borrowed the DeLorean from Doc Brown and looked into 2022 and gone "Man we need to give them a warning now whilst we still have time to affect the present and consequently the future."

Yes I may as well talk about the elephant in the room briefly there are no ethnic characters or any members of LGBT+ community, but if you can see past all of this. You can clearly see what they are talking about we are all the same, but with little differences. This is me now talking from someone in 2022, it depends how big we as individuals want to make our differences; yes I am talking about the differences I can make and not the ones I can't not from a hard brick wall, I am talking about the ones like being disabled with mental health on top. When it is appropriate to talk to for an example any woman of ethnic background of 18 or older then I try, I just chosen something easy but the point is still valid that I try to talk to different people from different backgrounds. But generally speaking everyone is hiding or protecting their section of society behind their brick walls and forgetting or screwing everyone else up in the process.

The character developments and performances are what make this film a classic; because as I have shown using their basic core character developments type by their names; they feel they are social standings including home life with their families and A lack of nurturing environment on a quick side note if any parents watch this film as well; these characters discuss and show the ramifications of the pressure you may or may not be putting them under or in fairness and balance you may not even know, this film may begin an open dialogue with the children [age-appropriate for this film] to discuss things in a different way. But this cast put in timeless performances, generally speaking it goes like a subject potentially comedy or just light and then deep and intense or it backs off and then goes in deep again or backs off and moves on [I am trying not to be too specific just in case they missed something out,] but my point being here is it just knows how to approach, discuss and move on if need be depending where you are in this film at this time. Like the majority of this cast received a Winning award for their performances MTV Movie + TV Awards 2005; Silver Bucket of Excellence Award; Anthony Michael Hall Judd Nelson Molly Ringwald Ally Sheedy.

This film receives: 10/10, this film is top-notch entertainment: this film is a legendary and classic coming-of-age drama that you definitely need to watch before you die and just a quick and special mention we get a written quote as in it is text on screen from the musician legend David Bowie right at the start of this film. This film has 4 awards accredited to its name and all 4 are winners including the one I have already mentioned National Film Preservation Board, USA 2016 National Film Registry National Film Preservation Board, Online Film & Television Association 2021 OFTA Film Hall of Fame Songs "Don't You (Forget About Me)" and Online Film & Television Association 2020 OFTA Film Hall of Fame Motion Picture.