Wednesday 29 June 2022

Blowback 2022 by AverageMansReviews

Blowback 2022 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/shooting/torture/strangulation/electrocution/breaking/domestic violence/drugs

I have seen snails move quicker than this roughly 90 minutes film: basically we have Nick [Cam Gigandet] that needs $500,000 for his daughter's medical procedure which could save her life her name is Emma [Melissa Diaz] so he designs but is not in control of this bank robbery; the one that is in control is Jack [Randy Couture] 95% of the plan goes away as should go other than someone being shot at the scene; Assistant Bank Manager [Carlos Mendez] and then Nick being double-crossed.

As I have already referenced the pacing of this project is poor in fact I will go one more step and say just bad. This is one of those generic, but possibly good or enjoyable projects that follows the script of what it basic action robbery project should be. But because of the pacing being bad as in so slow it really does stretch out this title and minus two little chasing sequences around Mrs Foster [Laura Velgos] house and yes if you ever watch this film I am very much clutching at straws here I am very much aware of that, but in my defence this is all I have to work with as it relates to a bit of momentum in this project and finally there are a very small occasions where the background music sounds and all-round feels very amateurish; yes this is coming from me that comes from the alternative music community, but trust me you will know when you hear it, because it sticks out like a sore thumb.

Action; there is this torture sequence involving Nick and Pete [Ego Mikitas] trying to get information out of Sully [unknown performer;] this case down sequence before this has a little comedy as Nick punches Sully; it is one of those you betrayed me punches with Nick's feeling some of the pain because his body is damaged from being double-crossed, but back to this torture sequence. Nick asks Sully nicely compared to what Pete does, which Sully gives the hard man routine, but he after a little time with Pete he changes his mind, I should just point out that the action and comedy element here is dark or you may not find it funny in the slightest, but there are other bits of comedy around Mrs Foster the running round elements and one other little bit, but I will not discuss that in this review, I am just saying there is another bit for you to look out for.

Character developments and the performances; they are on both counts solid either solid versions of their character types and their performances do their job.

This film receives: 2/10, this film is poor; as I have already made crystal clear the pacing of this film really does take the marking of this title down I mean other than that this film is a paint by numbers of what you expect it to be.

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