Tuesday 21 June 2022

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 40 by AverageMansReview

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 40 by AverageMansReview

WWE: I really wasn't going to do this today, but on watching a review of last night's Monday Night's Raw [Monday 20/06/2022] and I got informed by this very reliable source that Mr McMahon made another appearance [his recent previous one was SmackDown Friday 17/06/2022 and yes I watched the review on this from the same reliable source as well.] In fact I do believe this reliable source but on some research, meaning I have watched these appearances and I am now going to give you a warning I am just going to say it as it is so I will probably trigger somebody out there, but like it or not these are excellent I have a golden untouchable ticket and let's make it crystal clear I am not happy about it in the slightest, but it is just facts.

Why the fudge are these crowds being positive towards him? In a nutshell if you didn't know he is being investigated by his own board for alleged sexual behaviour between himself, this ex-paralegal and John Laurinaitis and this cover-up which Mr McMahon is currently no longer the CEO [Chief Executive Officer] and Chairwomen of the WWE, Stephanie McMann is the interim CEO. Which it is unknown if she knew anything about this situation, before taking her sabbatical which only lasted a couple of weeks. But unfortunately Mr McMahon still has creative control meanwhile Laurinaitis has stepped down as an Executive Producer whilst this investigation is ongoing to be replaced by Bruce Pritchard [he now holds this position for Raw and SmackDown again.]

Now this is where I am going to take this Blog/Volume somewhere very dark, but however as I have already said I have a golden untouchable ticket for doing this. So these fans celebrate an appearance from Mr McMann is that true? Yes. I know why he  has done these appearances, It is a show of strength and power to  basically say " I am still here and everything is absolutely fine." Because I have been around this company for quite a few years I can sense or smell this act of defiance from him as in I am still god of this universe, even though I am not currently on my throne." So speculation on my part but having an educated guess some of these fans would be the same fans that were pro-this hash tag #SpeakingOut in 2020. So I know I have brain damage here, but how can you be pro-this hash tag in 2020 and about two years later stand there celebrating an entrance of somebody that there is clear evidence something has happened based on just clearly based on the fudging board taking the actions they have? I mean I know there is more, but this is a clear indication something has gone on here. I mean I remember two years ago social media was a light with this hash tag everyone weighing in with their comments on a lot less information regardless if it was true or not. So I ask you why the hell are these so-called wrestling fans basically being like a bunch of seals clapping for a fish, but you say anything bad about this company or anything pro-AEW they will jump down your throats, but I guess these are the same people that were going on about #Me2 or/and #BlackLivesMatter and no I am not making this a racial thing, but they have very vaguely similarities from the perspective of we are all people regardless of religion or ethnic background or others. But you're still going to cheer someone that is essentially an embodiment of the status quo in the USA, but then again your country still uses the right to bear arms, because you believe it to be your constitutional right then has an outcry when somebody uses them to commit acts of unspeakable violence and then just waits until the next time for it to happen which on a quick side note without getting too political is the definition of madness, doing the same thing time after time and expecting different results.

All Elite Wrestling: as things stand it looks like MJF is staying at home after his work shoot, but not a work or shoot thing he has 18 months left on his contract so at this point I am like he can go or stay, in fact the more he stays away his value depreciates, because there is an old thing in wrestling if there is a spot free someone else will come up and take it and run with it. As it relates to this wrestling promotion I have one more thing to say they had a wrestler on their books by the name of Jake Atlas, but after he has/had been arrested for misdemeanour battery and domestic assault against his partner all I have to say about this; hello Jake Atlas thanks for coming and goodbye Jake Atlas. From the same reliable source he wasn't on a major AEW contract and the belief is he won't be back which is excellent news. Personally I don't tolerate any form of domestic violence, I mean there is that little grey area where I will listen to somebody defending themselves to get away from the situation or defending someone which is vulnerable or something like that, but other than that no to domestic violence.



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