Wednesday 16 February 2022

DC's Batwoman [Season 3,] Episode 49: Broken Toys by AverageMansReviews

DC's Batwoman [Season 3,] Episode 49: Broken Toys by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there is flashing/other effects/medical/stabbing/shooting

So Beth Kane/Alice is going to be killed off by the end of this TV program then: Storyline, Character [Character developments:] Comedy and Action these all combined in one way or another; I should quickly state that this is not a spoiler and it is just speculation on my part, but if you have been with me long enough you would know or will now I have been speculating this since Season 2 for example DC's Batwoman [Season 2,] Episode 23: Bat Girl Magic! Link I mean if you can read what you can hear and see, it is annoyingly transparent that by the end of this season that Wilder will have everything she ever wanted a family, a girlfriend and possibly a good career. Dr. Hamilton [after being saved by her stepsister Beth Kane/Alice; Beth Kane/Alice pushes Dr Hamdan out of the way of a fatal shot or something] and dedicates the rest of her life to her clinic possibly renaming it The Kane's Clinic after her stepfather and to stepsisters.

I mean if I am anyway near the right ballpark I will be absolutely fuming, because throughout these three seasons they have tried to drill into our heads that Beth Kane/Alice is a villain, but this is simply not the case I mean throughout season 1 when it was appropriate I highlighted Beth Kane/Alice has done or going to do terrible things which I never condoned, for an example DC's Batwoman [Season 1,] Episode 8: A Mad Tea-Party Link but in a nutshell her family gave up on her and left her behind at 12 years old or somewhere around here if my memory is correct, so she had to survive any way possible. I mean if you read the entire season 1 of reviews this fact and family or stepfamily don't take any responsibility for this which irritated me so much.

But as it relates to here and now I just wanted to bring this up now so when or if it happens I can use this review as reference that I said it way before it happened. I just think it is incredibly fuming, frustrating and sad that this TV program pushes i its agenda yet puts mental health and the fact that if you do anything wrong with or without mental health influences [I should quickly state; it depends what the individual or individuals have done] but in the context of this TV program; Beth Kane/Alice cannot move on from it because as this TV show proves they [meaning these characters will put it back in Beth Kane's/Alice's face when it suits them.]

But let's be positive for a minute; Beth Kane/Alice doing the empty drink straw sucking thing over this important dialogue between Wilder, Fox and Moore this legendary inventor Kiki Roulette and Beth Kane/Alice taking all of this seriousness out of this situation with this beautifully timed sound effect/activity.

Later on there is this lively simultaneous action sequences yes I am classifying this as one action sequence, because they are simultaneous these are good, I will tell you the teams; we have Wilder/Batwoman, Dr. Hamilton and Beth Kane/Alice dealing with one situation and then we have Moore Fox/Batwing dealing with another situation.

This episode receives: 7/10, this episode is good; but it clearly suggests that after everything is said and done at the very least Beth Kane/Alice isn't going to have a happy ending and yes I would really like to be wrong about this, I mean at this point I will take a her being alive and free, but not able to come back to Gotham City

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