Monday 30 August 2021

DC's Batwoman [Season 2,] Episode 23: Bat Girl Magic! by AverageMansReviews

DC's Batwoman [Season 2,] Episode 23: Bat Girl Magic! by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there is flashing/other effects/scarring/stabbing/scarring/self harming/medical/strangling/shooting

Alice and Agent More's kidnapping: Storyline, Characters [Character developments,] Art and Action; these combined in one way or another; now sadly in this Storyline component picks up from the previous episode as in where it ended [involving Gibson, Alice and More] and it reminds us what the Arrowverse could be like as in its high-quality storytelling [more about Beth Kane/Alice’s background; this reminds me of how DC's Arrow 2012-2020 how they used to do things going on back and forth or just discussing things in the present, yes I did say something to the effect of I wasn't going to bring up the name of Beth Kane in this Second Season, but in fairness and balance I didn't know they were going to do this back and forth approach Beth Kane/Alice and on a quick side note like DC's they have 5 years of content to work on if they wanted to;] this ongoing storyline for this episode has depth and consequently it makes the other components really enjoyable and easy to understand and digest, we have more Characters [Character developments] for Alice which makes her so much more in-depth and well-rounded as a character and a person which in turn More have some character developments as she learns more about Alice and her background. The Art is clear to see and all around you as it relates to the scenery it is eye-catching and easy to settle down with be it day or night for one example the landscape of this island known as Coryana and finally the Action; in a nutshell Alice vs. Sohail and Agent More vs. Tatiana/The Whisper; if you have seen this episode I know there isn't much to go on with the first one, but they are both solidly good. I mean if we were to take these components altogether as a whole there is lots of things to see and to experience so it is all positive here.

This episode receives: 6/10, this episode is good: now just in case if you are confused by my marking here considering I have been giving this episode high praise, simply put yes everything I have said in this review deserves high praise, but then again we have to go back to Ryan Wilder or Ryan Wilder/Batwoman and other characters and things; likewise in the interest of fairness and balance there are some positives here, but you have to put up with the negatives just to see and experience these positives; so what I am very much saying is please just make this the Alice DC/Arrowverse for the remaining of this Season 2 and Season Third and final season and we will get on just fine. Why can I see them killing off Alice in the final episode of the final season, full disclosure all I know is this live-action program as it relates to this corner of the DC Universe, but my point here is; why not use Alice in other TV programmes across the Arrowverse, I mean it would be such a shame to see this character/performer go to waste, because generally speaking the TV program she is a part of is mostly garbage, if they wanted a readymade female as I have already said; in-depth and well-rounded character there we go. I mean some people survived the Titanic so I don't see any reason why Alice couldn't survive after this TV program, I mean there is another 3 Seasons they could have just as Beth Kane/Alice filling in the missing gaps so yes they are very much taken the template of the DC's Arrow TV program and using it here with not surprising a great outcome.

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