Tuesday 15 February 2022

Bird on a Wire 1990 by AverageMansReviews

Bird on a Wire 1990 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/shooting/animal cruelty/animal feeding/drugs/electrocution

Don't I recognise you from somewhere?: After Marianne Graves; high society lawyer [Goldie Hawn] stops to pick up some petrol/gas she recognises the gas pump attendant Billy Ray; various aliases due to being in a witness protection programme but real name Rick Jarmin [Mel Gibson] her ex-fiancé which she thought he was dead based on the grounds she attended his funeral. But after this complete accidental reunion; now their lives are in real danger as there is these two people looking for them in Eugene Sorenson [David Carradine] and Albert Diggs [Bill Duke] for revenge as it relates to Eugene Sorenson for spending the last 18 years in the United States Penitentiary Hodolin-Pennsylvania and a cleanup Albert Diggs so these two individuals can begin new business with the Colombians; yes Eugene Sorenson is wanting to get back into business of drugs, but I am basically pointing out where the focus lies first one is for revenge and the other is business.

For this 110 minute film; the pacing is always moving what with this action/buddy comedy approach and chemistry between our lead partnership feeling free-flowing and natural with likewise good performances [all the performances are all good you know they are what they are.] But back to our lead partnership of Rick Jarmin/Mel Gibson and Marianne Graves/Goldie Hawn; it takes this partnership to be as I have already said free-flowing and natural for it to be a good film, on reflection it heavily relies on this fact, so much so if this partnership didn't work this film would have fallen on its knees, but luckily it works.

Now there was a specific reason I pointed out a high society lawyer as it relates to Marianne Graves/Goldie Hawn, because they have also gone with the characteristics/personality of someone that is completely out of the depths to deal with these ongoing situation changes, be it action on and or in the air or anything else she is completely out of her depths.

This film receives: 6/10, this film is good; this is one of those films that knows what it is doing and consequently it knows what it can offer its viewers which is a solidly good crime, action and comedy film.

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