Thursday 17 February 2022

Uncharted 2022 by AverageMansReviews

Uncharted 2022 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/shooting/cutting

I have a job opportunity for you: I will begin in New York Nathan Drake [Tom Holland/younger Nathan Drake better known as Nate; Tiernan Jones] works in this bar as a bar attendant, but I would recommend keeping an eye on your possessions whenever he is around; you see his hands are much quicker and slippery than your eyes are. He gets approached for this job opportunity from Victor Sullivan better known as Sully [Mark Wahlberg.] But after Nathan declines the first time around, he finds Sully's business card in his pocket; Sully has quick hands as well. Nathan agrees to this job not for the financial reward; yes that would be nice but to find out what happened to his older brother Sam Drake [unknown apologies for that/younger Sam Drake; Rudy Pankow.] Finally for a little piece of advice you should watch your back when it comes to Braddock [Tati Gabrielle] and/or Chloe Frazer [Sophie Ali.]

This is just a solidly good film the storyline and pacing, the action, comedy, art, character developments, character types and performances; follow a safe and reliable format; be it Nathan Drake having this action sequence with The Scotsman [Steven Waddington] and the comedy being Nathan have no idea what The Scotsman has just said based on the fact he is speaking heavily Scottish. Or another sequence of action but also mixed in with comedy and art is where we have Nathan and Sully chasing down Chloe; this sequence of events is enthusiastic and it looks excellent as well as it begins if my memory is correct with this rooftop sequence [apologies if I am incorrect about this] but regardless this sequence looks excellent, in fact from an artistic perspective; this film has plenty to offer from a visual perspective.

As I have already also made reference to the character developments, character types and performances are good; they are very much like their character types.

This film receives: 6/10, this film is good; I mean this film does precisely what it is designed to do, which is do all of the foundation work for possibly a sequel, this is just a friendly heads up there is an extra scene after the title "Uncharted" before the closing credits, I should just cover my back by saying I don't know if there is or isn't any more after scene or scenes, because I had already left, so if you want to go and watch this film and if there is, please get back to me and tell me all about it.


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