Monday 13 May 2019

The Building of: RAW's & SmackDown Live's Falling TV Ratings Volume 2 by AverageMansReviews

The Building of: RAW's & SmackDown Live's Falling TV Ratings Volume 2 by AverageMansReviews

I wasn't planning to do this blog: this is very true after The Building of: RAW's & SmackDown Live's Falling TV Ratings Volume 1 and its 4 Parts [I will leave these for links at the bottom of this blog. but after watching a little of RAW and some of SmackDown Live [Monday and Tuesday, the 6th and 7th of May 2019.] I am going to put this really professionally and politely things are going from bad to worse, as you will see throughout this blog the more time I spend thinking about things be it in these 4 Parts or this blog or any of my wrestling related blogs the better my ideas become or they could be a solution, I am not saying this to sound arrogant I am highlighting this to point out one key point, which is this if this company took some time to develop an idea or storyline or anything and not forgetting to take on board what the reactions are like, their current situation of falling TV ratings wouldn't be a problem in the first place.

On a quick side note this blog may contain a spoiler even though if you look online right now you will find out this result or know it by now anyway,100% of the time I don't deal with spoilers, In any of my reviews meaning I will jump over or slightly mentioned something and leave the rest, but in this case I just wanted to cover my back but in fairness to myself this is not a review, when you come to read it you will know where it is, I am just giving you a polite heads up.

Contracts: I will not go on and on about it here, but I have been thinking of yes they should absolutely have Health Insurance, but maybe this company could split it down into two sections, the first section would be Inside and the second section would be Outside the ring, where if a performer is healthy and ready to compete this would be green on both sides.

But if a performer is carrying a long-term knee injury and the medical staff say he or she could wrestle, but eventually that knee is going to break down so what we recommend is this performer is able to do promos by the backstage area or video link but he or she is prohibited from in ring competition for three weeks [by then hopefully the knee injury will fix itself.] So the hierarchy from this company could suspend the in ring section of this Health Insurance, not to be harsh towards the performer in question, just making sure that the performer stays well away from the ring [so basically this company in theory is looking after their performers, don't worry they are still covered whilst they are getting fixed up, but politely saying "Whilst you are injured the ring is a no go area for you until you have got to green lights on your Health Insurance" and it doesn't matter if the performer in question says they feel okay, it has to be from the performer and the medical staff and it is more down to this company really stepping up to look after their performers and whilst I'm on the subject, if this company asks/eventually tells any performer to stop performing a certain move, because the long-term effects in their medical history as in if they repeat a certain move like for an example a Diving Head-Butt from the top turnbuckle gives them neck problems and the performer continues this company has the right to suspend this insurance on both sides for 30 days which in theory means this performer would be suspended [but I have to quickly add I am sure that this performer would either stop performing this move in question or ask permission for a special occasion, as long as the hierarchy gives this individual the green light then everything is okay, but if they don't and they do the move in question it is an instant 30 days suspension on both sides of this policy which in turn means this performer is suspended as well] and no this company does not have the right to stop this Health Insurance to stop somebody from working, the only reasons they have to do this is as I have just explained or this individual no longer works for this company, I am simply putting across that this company with its talent need to be more in the modern day as in give them Health Insurance, but also put some reasonable rules in place or something like that, for an example it could be something like this; if a performer breaks this three strikes section they are instantly released but I am sure this will not be the case and if it should happen you have took the time to view Part 1, yes in total this means 9 strikes , 3 sections, 3 strikes each [if you want to know more read Part 1.]

WWE Superstar Shake-up/Wild Card Rule: once again I am going to be professional here and put my opinions politely across, on one hand what a complete waste of time this turned out to be this year whilst on the other hand what a load of garbage this is. I mean yes I had a similar idea [if you want to know more read Part 3,] but at least my idea had some real thought behind it in a nutshell basically you could have still had the brand-split and used other performers as long as they were not specifically on a brand, it would have given this company better options including giving some of their characters/performers time off.

But I can see what is going to happen for the foreseeable future, unless they change things again. They are just going to use the same recognizable performers on the red and the blue brand which short-term this may be a stopgap for the TV ratings for maybe a couple of weeks if they are lucky to get away with it that long, but the long-term effects will be less characters/performers getting the opportunity to do what they love to do which in turn means more background politics because characters/performers want to leave and to be completely honest I can't blame them.

Now if you're going to use this Wild Card Rule let's use it properly, at least give your fan base the option of 4 possible choices who they would like to see on RAW next week or if they were really thinking outside the box they could use this method and for a second option put the name of the wrestle or click on the character's/performer's [tag teams/group/stable/factions have one box until they are separated or seen as individuals] you want to see from the active roster? So if the second option has enough votes the performer's name will appear on the following week's for options, I mean if they are going to use this Wild Card Rule they should be really using it to engage with their audiences on some level, if it should happen that they keep picking the same name or names week after week, maybe this company could do something very useful with that information like give the individual or tag team a championship  or a championship opportunity on some level  or a push without a championship opportunity just to see how things go to start with matches higher up on the card and then championships if things are going well [they don’t have to do this but it is useful and free information, so all I am saying here is now and again you may as well use this free information to make a positive effect] they can vote on

I mean at this point I think it would be wise to have Triple H. take over both main brands and see what he can do, because in fairness and balance he has a proven track record working with any form of NXT [if you want to know more read Part 3] and it would free somebody up to go and work on another business venture. I have never hidden the fact I don't have access to NXT, but as I have said many times in different ways the yellow and black brand has universal credibility of being untouchable and highly respected and highly entertaining on top [I mean if I could just pay for everything NXT and possibly their studio films, if that is on the WWE Network for a reduced price so I could leave everything else I would be happy to pay for that.]

Tag Team Championships: do I really have to talk about these three divisions again, I want to do something crystal clear I like tag team wrestling but as it relates to this company and these divisions it is incredibly painful to talk about them. Because they are in complete shambles, I haven't seen or heard anything on the women's side of things [when this blog was dictated] and I would preferably not like to talk about the red brand version of them, simply put they have became a joke in fact the current storyline over there as it relates to the tag team division is anything but funny.

I am here to talk about the blue versions of them; so I have been really good holding back my language throughout this blog so far until now [yes it is going to still be clean, but you will notice a difference.] So here we are once again where this company could have given a tag team a push which hasn't been given a push yet or they are newcomers [here are two examples Heavy Machinery or Rusev & Shinsuke Nakamura] or even The Revival [before someone points this out I know they are on RAW but like that little technicality is going to stop this company from giving them these championships and briefly I think it would be an excellent idea to either stop this current storyline which The Revival are in with The Usos it is juvenile and terrible and either let The Revival leave this company or use them properly it doesn't make The WWE look good or professional to be treating their talents in this way] Or give these championships to a new call-up from NXT [a call-up from out of nowhere, that kind of thing.] I don't have a problem with Daniel Bryan & Rowan winning them and does that mean they will be changing these Tag Team Championships like they did with the WWE championship when Bryan was holding it. I have just realized splitting up Aleister Black & Ricochet was a complete waste of time as well, yes once again I am aware they were on the red brand, but as I have already said that is just a small, very tiny technicality. They could have been given these championships to elevate their status [with The Usos taking the loss,] then having Daniel Bryan & Rowan Attacking Aleister Black & Ricochet to have an excellent feud with Daniel Bryan & Rowan,] I am not speaking arrogantly but I would have really liked to see this including Heavy Machinery and Rusev & Shinsuke Nakamura in this feud as well [If you want to know more about the tag teams divisions you can read Part 3.]

But I have more to say here is my really big problem with this company, instead of trying to use or push as I have already said a team which hasn't been given a push or newcomers, they waste this opportunity on an act which has plenty of heat anyway. The reason why I find it incredibly frustrating is because firstly they had a similar situation not too long ago with Corbin vs. Angle [Angle's retirement Match] at WrestleMania 35, where no one wanted this match besides the hierarchy of this company, so basically instead of putting a new character/performer in as a replacement for Corbin and building something positive for the present and future we now have Corbin listing it as one of his accomplishments via the ring announcer [if you want to know more you can read Part 2.]

Like I said earlier I don't have a problem with Daniel Bryan & Rowan winning these Tag Team Championships, but if this company are not willing or are too short-sighted not to put in new characters/performers or new acts when the situation arises or unfortunately happens due to unforeseen circumstances, then they really, really, really, really have no one else but themselves to blame for the falling TV ratings.

All Elite Wrestling: I don't have much to say here, but to be honest I can't wait to see what this company can do, [if you want to know more you can read Part 4.] Now it should be noted if some time in the future that this company has any problems, I will be so much more lenient on this company then the WWE, because if anything over a long stretch of time the WWE have taken my patience really, they never seem to really address any of the problems with long-term solutions, it's more like "If we do this or that" maybe they will forget, the problem is we're not forgetting.

But let's try and finish this blog on a positive Bray Wyatt "Firefly Funhouse" is lots of fun, please WWE don't screw this up, Ali vs. Andrade was going really well until the outcome and Daniel Bryan & Rowan vs. The Usos to become the new SmackDown Tag Team Champions, even though I am against the booking on this match I can see it as a positive [even though I saw it coming but there was a close fall.]

The Building: RAW's & SmackDown Live's Falling TV Ratings Volume 1, Part 1 link

The Building of: RAW's & SmackDown Live's Falling TV Ratings Volume 1, Part 2 link

The Building of: RAW's & SmackDown Live's Falling TV Ratings Volume 1, Part 3 link

The Building of: RAW's & SmackDown Live's Falling TV Ratings Volume 1, Part 4 link

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