Thursday 2 May 2019

The Building of: RAW's & SmackDown Live's Falling TV Ratings Volume 1, Part 2 by AverageMansReviews

The Building of: RAW's & SmackDown Live's Falling TV Ratings Volume 1, Part 2 by AverageMansReviews

Audiences: another archaic element to this company would be this; where they could have a plan unfolding and their viewing audiences are not buying it, instead of changing it after some time as to illustrate they get the message, they will adamantly stand by it, to the point where it is crystal clear that your audience is furious, I mean in fairness and balance they don't have to listen to us all the time, but if they were to give a little so the next time they try something the hierarchy wants, your audiences will gradually learn to be more receptive [the ideal situation would be eventually for their audiences and the hierarchy of this company to give and to take a little on each side from time to time,] but I'm not speaking for anyone but there seems to be this growing gap of distrust between the hierarchy and their fan base.

If you would like me to prove what I am saying; here are just some examples in no particular order; Becky Lynch was originally meant to be a heel but their fan base wasn't buying it, Kurt Angle's Farewell Match at WrestleMania 35 vs. Baron Corbin. This was universally hated and the hierarchy knew it, so instead of promoting someone else from within as in making a new character/performer [at this point being a face or heel, it didn't matter,] all what mattered was listening to their fan base and on top of that they had a free roll of the dice to make someone into something, which if this individual had won this match it would have instantaneously put them into the Universal Championship picture. But no they decided to go ahead with their plan, in essence wasting this opportunity on a character which has a lot of heat anyway and strongly reminding their audience that their opinions don't matter. The final example I will give you is where on RAW they had the red brand champion versus the blue brand champion a winner takes all match [now I must stress I think most of us knew they weren't going to allow this to happen,] but here's the problem now if a faction had interfered like someone we hadn't seen used properly or new [like SAnitY or The Undisputed ERA,] then everyone would have gone home happy, but once again no they had to go with something which was pretty much guaranteed to annoy their fan base by having The Bar interfere in this match which after roughly well over may be 150 minutes of being promised something of course their fan base is going to be disgruntled. I mean if they wanted to get incredibly creative and surprising why didn't they get Harlem Heat to interfere in this match to set up a tag team match for the main event between themselves and both brand champions [a one and done deal,] that way your audience wouldn't have been grumpy and furious.

I think what has really fractured this relationship between the hierarchy and their fan base and vice versa, is being told something like when we had all four members of this family standing in the middle of the ring [basically saying "We can do better" amongst other things] then just to go back to what they were doing after saying all of this in a short amount of time with no improvements whatsoever is going to fuel more distressed between this company and their fan base.

Characters/Performers: here are a very quick top 10 characters/performers which this company have messed up or try to go against something which is natural or forced on their fan base [once again in no particular order.]

1. Reigns: before I receive negativity before his comeback, you know I am speaking factually not anything personal, it just leaves a massive question of if the hierarchy weren't pushing this character/performer so hard originally, would their fan base naturally have taken to him in the first place, it is one of those kind of things we will never know.

2. Lynch: I have already discussed this individual, but I like to bring it up whenever it is suitable, because look where this individual is now.

3. Lesnar: I can't take another Universal Championship reign under his usual contract, basically be more involved in some way or another or don't give him the championship it is that simple; it exposes how weak the red brand is and how it could be, I am not dramatizing this; I just can't think about it this is how bad it is for me.

4. Corbin: this character/performer doesn't know it yet, but he is completely buried, based on these grounds that if this company ever and I mean ever wanted to turn this character face, there is no way absolutely no way that their fan base will accept him [after everything the hierarchy have gotten this character/performer to do,] so this option isn't an option for him, I don't know where this character/performer goes after this Raw's mid-card situation

5. Banks: I really like this character/performer but she should leave the WWE she is too good to have her record of I believe never successfully defending the Raws Woman's Championship

6. Asuka: this character/performer deserves much better treatment, she has been buried twice by this company at this point in her main roster single's career and one of those was with the SmackDown Woman's Championship, if things don't improve for her in one way or another [single or tag team with Kairi Sane and Paige in a manager role] I like this character/performer but she should leave this company if this tag team doesn't creatively workout [meaning if the hierarchy don't do anything with them or at some point give them the WWE Women's Tag Team Championships once or twice I would like to see them win them multiple times but for now let's just work on once,] but if this doesn't materialize she should leave because as I have already said she deserves much better treatment from this company.

7. Evans: I have no time for this character and to be fair to myself it is not my fault, it is the fault of this company having her come down to the ring time after time doing this waving thing and now when she speaks what I have seen it can be seen as archaic and leaning towards sexual based.

8. Stroman: what has this company done to this character apart from completely derailed his career, the sad thing is I don't see them rebuilding this character anytime soon, simply based on the fact they now have Lars Sullivan.

9. The Revival: it is just embarrassing how this company have dealt with this tag team, I mean this team understand tag team wrestling as if they have been together for 25 years or more, but as of this blog they are individually still young. I really like this team, but I want them to leave this company because they could make a much bigger name somewhere else, including to show off their real skills and talents and build a legacy with their careers, so when everything is said and done their names can stand alongside the likes of The Dudley Boyz, The Road Warriors Demolition, Harlem Heat and many others.

10. Nikki Cross: simply put where is she? I want to see her on my TV.

It should be noted there were quite a few names I wanted to put here in this list, but I wanted to get a good selection of male and female characters/performers.

Now slightly moving on generally speaking the character developments which this company uses his outdated, they are something like from the 1980's such as foreigners are heels or using a sexual character type for a female performer, I hate to break it to this company but it is 2019 now and yes there are some performers that are better at being a heel and likewise there are some better performers that are better at being a face, but I don't see why they can't have some characters/performers somewhere in the middle or leaning one way or another more frequently to have a wider selection of characters and I have always found it strange that this company is unhappy when a heel character/pairing/faction gets over [this terminology means when their audience gives a positive reaction to these performers,] I find it strange because they are dealing with living people [I know this is obvious,] but my point is this; everyone is within their rights to make up their own decisions, I mean Paul Heyman is a classic heel, but the WWE fan base have decided to say along with Heyman's the beginning of his promo [if he uses the usual beginning, “My name is Paul Heyman” that one]

I mean I understand it as a heel you're not meant to get over, but as I have already said in this blog be it, Lynch or Heyman or for another quick example Rusev Day if their fan base have chosen how to take whatever performer/act you have put in front of them it may not be down to the characters/performers faults and yes this works the same way as if the hierarchy wanted someone/act to get over and their fan base is saying "We are not buying it."

Authority figures; this also needs to be drastically updated completely scrap the basic face or heel character types and replace them with something neutral and a reasonable outcome persona, which basically means if you have a heel wrestler trying to annoy an authority figure week after week after week after week, maybe this authority figure puts this individual in a run the gauntlet match or an authority figure puts a face character in some high profile matches, just because this authority figure wants this face character to improve. So with this idea it scales back the authority figures in a way, but in a way it makes them more important because whenever they show up, it makes their presence means something even before they open their mouths, I mean if I had to pick somebody to fulfill this role right now, I would have to give it to Triple H. he would be able to understand the situation, because there is a good chance he has been in a similar situation before in his career and on top of that because of his time in the ring, he seems to be able to switch between heel to face and somewhere in between quickly and naturally with different elements such as trying to be comical to reflect a heel's comments or sarcastic or as a final option heel, all I am basically pointing out here is flexibility and putting the focus back onto the characters/performers in the ring [just for a quick idea they could have Stephanie give a State of the Universe Address from the headquarters of the WWE,] after every pay-per-view on Monday nights so it slightly shakes things up once every month or in the storyline if they get Mr. McMahon to address a big situation like having no Universal Champion, it gives weight to how serious this situation is if Mr. McMahon is giving this state of the Universe Address.

NXT/The Network: now this is going to take some explaining; in short this is an accidental problem, meaning if your fan base are universally happy with this brand and even though I don't have access to this brand by its street credibility it is much better than your main TV programming, then which one do you think people are going to watch? On one hand I want this company to make this brand available to everyone, but on the other hand they may receive a shock, because it will put their main rosters to shame as it relates to their TV ratings and whilst I am talking about this subject, why bring up these characters/performers to the main rosters if you are just going to bury a high percentage of them, in one way or another, here are two examples of what I mean "The Viking Experience" I understand why they changed their name [The War Raiders to The Viking Experience] to make them more PG friendly, but seriously "The Viking Experience" they can do much better than this [yes I am aware that this tag team have had another name change to"The Viking Raiders" just because the backlash of the name "The Viking Experience" was massive and my second example is this; in short Where is EC3?

The Network, I could be completely wrong about this; because I don't know but I say this with common sense in mind if people are watching the network wouldn't this effect the TV ratings as well as if you're watching one [The Network] you won't be watching the TV on top of that as well, they can't have both but as I have just said I could be completely wrong about this; but it was still a valid point for me to make nonetheless.

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