Saturday 4 May 2019

The Building of: RAW's & SmackDown Live's Falling TV Ratings Volume 1, Part 4 by AverageMansReviews

The Building of: RAW's & SmackDown Live's Falling TV Ratings Volume 1, Part 4 by AverageMansReviews

The red brand/the blue brand TV programs: now as it relates to the red brand I have spoken about this in a previous blog title The Building of: RAW Volume 1, you will find it on both of my social media accounts be it Facebook or Twitter. But I will put something similar or identical here, but either way I won't go on and on about it just in case

Here is what I suggest; you have the commentary team welcoming us to RAW, they tell us what is coming up tonight and then, just focus on the first hour and what is coming up for the first hour, we have the cruiserweights in a Ladders Match to find out the new number one contender for the championship [yes I have no problem with seeing the cruiserweights on both red or blue brands.] The second hour we could have the WWE Women's Tag Team Championship Match, the commentary team just focus on the second hour and for the final hour a rotation between the Universal Championship picture or the Raw Women's Championship picture [one week one the next week the other.]

By using this rough idea, it gives your audience 3 main events and it gives the impression they are taken seriously and 3 main events seems very reasonable if you are asking your viewers to sit there for three hours. Now for a quick example if for some reason [in storyline something happens which was unforeseen obviously the commentary team can make one or two references/conversations about it in the second hour if it affects the main event in the third hour, because I am trying to put over that the commentary team didn't know this was going to happen, but it is important to not overly talk about the future hours in this TV episode until they roughly get to that point of the show.

Now there are two very, very important reasons why I am being very specific here; the first reason is, it is boring to hear the commentary team going on and on about something which may be two hours away and the second reason is; if you're commentary team up building up a main event for roughly 150 minutes and it doesn't deliver [I say this whilst coughing the men's red brand champion vs. the men's blue brand champion winner takes all,] your audience everywhere are going to be incredibly outraged and beside themselves with anger [it doesn't matter that most of us knew it wasn't going to happen,] what matters is the fact that they were talking about something for a very long time and to end it the way they did without something new is why they received the backlash they did.

The following week could be slightly different rotating things around like in the first hour, having a cruiserweights match, in the second hour having a United States Championship Match and rotating again between the main championships on this brand or another week you could have a one-on-one match between Sullivan vs. Styles filling up one of these main event slots [I would prefer the second hour or third if it is a number one contender's match for the Universal Championship,] it is something that your viewers would be excited to watch, rotate the men's or women's brand championships pictures down to the second hour or rotate the cruiserweight championship picture up to the second hour, basically what I am trying to say here is variety, I mean in a nice way you could even catch your audience off guard by having the first hour main event slot be a women's or men's brand championship picture and make the third hour a 4-way Elimination Men's or Women's Tag Team Championship Match.

Now on to the blue brand [two hours] in its current format this company could do a similar format for this brand as well, but looking outside the box maybe if the red brand was much, much, much better it would bring back or encourage people to look forward to this program as well and if you're thinking I am being a little bit harsh, yes the blue brand is consistently better than the red of what I see. But my patience with this company as a whole [minus NXT, because I would like NXT but I am not a subscriber] has been getting less and less throughout the years to the point where I have outlined throughout these wrestling blogs lately where and what the problems are, but I'm not being negative when I say this; because of their archaic ways of doing things, I don't see them drastically changing their model anytime soon [I want to state this right here and right now, I would be happy if I was wrong and they gradually changed things around,] if at some point in the future the blue brand went to three hours, I'm taking a guess here by saying they would more than likely have the same problems as the red brand.

I want to quickly make this point without discussing it too much, because of this companies dealings with another country, it may have encouraged people to switch off their TVs or unsubscribe to The WWE Network [to cover my back, I have no proof of this so it is speculation, but at the same time it is a valid point to put here.]

All Elite Wrestling: there is only one topic I could finish with and it would be this one; All Elite Wrestling really wouldn't have to do much to make an impact, besides doing things they have to make sure it runs, my perspective is more based around well if the WWE TV ratings are going down, where do you think your viewers are going to be heading? It isn't because it is a new company [okay that might have something to do with it,] but it has much more to do with wrestling, I know this is going to sound really strange but considering it is really obvious wrestling fans [and I'm not speaking for them] but wrestling fans like wrestling, not a company that thinks their archaic ways are the best [in their defence they haven't said this,] I am just basing it on how they have been doing things for years and years and years and years and years and years [20 minutes later] and years and years and years.

I mean let's try and finish this on a positive for an example there is one gimmick that is really captured the imagination in the WWE Universe and it is Bray Wyatt "Firefly Funhouse" and if you haven't seen it go and watch it, but my point here is this they can make brand-new gimmicks or new superstars if they put their mind to it, but also completely mess them up as well in a shorter period, so in a nutshell WWE don't screw up Bray Wyatt "Firefly Funhouse" this gimmick/character/performer has so much potential just don't rush it and because I haven't really stuck up for this company, here is a rare moment I can understand why they turned Kevin Owens heel again, my reasoning may be speculation, because I don't know but also common sense as well, it may just be down to the current injuries so they may have been forced to do this, but still it would have been good to see him as [Big O. and The New, New Day] do their thing, this also had lots of potential.

So I hope I have covered pretty much everything to why/or covered most things to why RAW's & SmackDown Live's TV ratings are falling and if you have took the time to read every single part of this, thank you I appreciate it, I mean I appreciate all the views, but still thank you

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