Tuesday 30 April 2019

Hunter Killer 2018 by AverageMansReviews

Hunter Killer 2018 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this project is good.

Fundamental elements: there are words on screen, voice-over elements, background music, cultural elements, slow-motion effects, no subtitles when another language is being used, time jumps and place jumps.

Action sequences: there are weapons being used, combat elements and underwater sequences. Now here are some things for you to look out for; a Sea Scan [a little machine which is used underwater to scan things [without giving too much away in this case a wreckage,] which is piloted by someone in this submarine and they can see what it is like out there amongst other personnel around this monitor and another example would be this parachute sequence.

Character developments/Performances: the character developments are something safe and reliable, but on both counts be it the character developments or the performances they are good nonetheless.

This film receives: 7/10, this is one of those films where it knows what it is doing from beginning to end, so to finish up this review all I can say is it is a good film.

Monday 29 April 2019

Flatliners 1990 by AverageMansReviews

Flatliners 1990 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this project is good.

Fundamental elements: there are cultural elements, background music, quick moving effects, voice-over elements, slow-motion effects, mental imagery, time jumps and place jumps.

Now I should just point out that the cultural elements in this project have a strong presence in one way or another and briefly for now because I will talk about it later on in this review, so in short the movement of this title begins slow but it does get better.

Action sequences: there are weapons being used and combat elements

Storyline/Character developments/Performances: to begin with I will be talking about the storyline and character developments together and then the character developments and the performances together as well.

The reason why I am doing it this way is so, I can pick and choose what I talk about without giving too much away. So let us begin; the audience gets to see and experience four out of five of these main character's histories/secrets.

The character developments and performances; they are all good, they all bring something different to the table, to bring this chemistry/friction to life [I have said chemistry/friction, because it depends where you are in this title is depending what you get.] Now here is where I will be discussing the movement of this title, without these five performers this film may have really struggled, because yes this film moves but it is something like slow and steady to begin with but the more you watch of it, the more it finds its rhythm and the quicker it gets, but these performances are reliable asset to this title, be it as individuals or in different numbers or as a group.

This film receives: 7/10, this is one of those films that you need to see one's in your life time, because of its interesting take on life as a whole. I'm not trying to put you off this film, because that is not my way but I would feel more comfortable just pointing out again before I leave this review that there are heavy cultural elements in one way or another.

Friday 26 April 2019

Equals 2015/2016 by AverageMansReviews

Equals 2015/2016 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this project is excellent.

Fundamental elements: there are voice-over elements, background music, mental imagery, time jumps and place jumps.

Storyline: now what I am going to say about this storyline is going to be controversial, so I am expecting some of what I am going to be saying to irritate someone out there in Internet land, but that is the world we are living in now.

Now I understand that in today's world that you cannot touch someone in any way shape or form without some kind of controversy and yes before I receive any form of feedback I understand it and stand by it on some certain levels, but without giving too much away take this whole current situation in our population right now and times it by about 700% of not being able to touch someone and you get something like this futuristic world that this film is set in.

Character developments/Performances: the character developments are excellently designed to show what happens when any individual is prohibited not to express themselves in any way shape or form. I could identify with these characters easily, because of my mental health/even without my mental health illness I'm guessing here but without my illness I would still have connection issues because of a lack of confidence.

But if you have ever wondered what happens when you don't have any kind of physical or emotional or spiritual contact for a long time, this film will show you it may even get those people that use those rubbish lines of "Sex isn't everything" to maybe think about if or when they should be using them or if they should stop saying them all together and the performances are between good to very good, there is very good chemistry between our lead pair.

This film receives: 8/10, I had two marks in mind I went for this one, because yes as I have already said I understand it and will stand by it as it relates to physical contact on some levels. But this film highlights what a potential slippery slope we could find ourselves on, if we are not sensible and taking 100% of our connection on any level away from us is not an ideal solution, briefly the ending of this project.

Thursday 25 April 2019

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 2, Part 2, Volume 4, Disc 1] Episode 48: Kremzeek! by AverageMansReviews

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 2, Part 2, Volume 4, Disc 1] Episode 48: Kremzeek! by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this is another good episode.

Storyline/Moral message: generally speaking the storyline is okay and the moral message element is "Never fooled around with electricity."

Action sequences/Artistic visions: I will talk about both of these elements in one sequence, it is where we have Optimus Prime [in his transformed mode of Freightliner FL86 cab over semi truck,] on these tracks chasing after this train with some other Autobots hanging onto him in one way or another, it shows very good imagination and it is a small sequence but something engaging nonetheless.

This episode receives: 6/10, now this episode does take some time to get going; to be a little bit more specific, without giving too much away it is where this small number of these Autobots take this journey to another country, where Omega Supreme first appears in this episode [and if it should happen that you don't know this character and what he looks like; basically you won't be able to miss him he is the massive, gigantic Autobot.] But my point is this; this is where this episode begins to get slowly and steadily more and more positive movement.

Wednesday 24 April 2019

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 15: Dark Warrior by AverageMansReviews

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 15: Dark Warrior by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is mixed

5 things about this episode

Back stories/Moral message: there are two back stories sequences in this episode and the moral message is where Billy says "I just had to believe in myself."

Character developments: I am sure this family member character's voice has been dubbed over with another voice; it is one of those occasions where something doesn't look or feel right.

Action sequences: they are good, but without giving too much away [this is something for you to think about when or if you watch this episode or not.] Now you would think that this scientist/martial artist which is highly trained would be able to take care of some Putties/Putty Patrollers, but he isn't.

Comedy level: Rita Repulsa has a go at Baboo and Squatt [it is a mixture between caring for them and angry] whilst hitting them with her Staff.

This episode receives: 4/10, now generally speaking they should have made more of this monster in this episode, but having said that this mark looks and feels right after everything is said and done.

Tuesday 23 April 2019

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 14: Foul Play in the Sky by AverageMansReviews

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 14: Foul Play in the Sky by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this is another episode which is lots of fun.

5 things about this episode

Storyline/Back story/Origin storyline: in this episode we have different characters in different locations which gives this episode a license to go and fro between these different locations with ease as it just slots back into this location without interrupting the flow of this location and then pick up and go off to another location and then repeat slots back in and so on and so forth. We also get a back story sequence of a monster and mental imagery of this small sequence of where it all began for these Power Rangers

Comedy level/Character developments: on both counts these two elements are developing in such a way that it shows that our recurring characters are developing individually or together, here are just two examples when we have Bulk & Skull just being Bulk & Skull [I know this is a little bit vague, but it will make sense when or if you watch this episode or not] or Kimberly trying to deal with this very difficult situation with some assistance from Alpha 5.

This episode receives: 10/10, this mark feels right after taking everything into consideration.

Monday 22 April 2019

Average Extra of: Avengers: Endgame 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Average Extra of: Avengers: Endgame 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Background to this blog: straight from the very beginning I would like to say this; this blog even though it has this title as this film, it has nothing to do with the film itself and without saying too much I will have to wait until this film comes out on Blu-Ray or DVD. Simply because I have never hidden the fact I am in a wheelchair, but sitting in a cinema for a long certain amount of time in this case roughly 181 minutes or more, I am taking an educated guess and I am not willing to find out the hard way I will probably have physical problems [in a nutshell if there was an intermission with this project I would be there for sure and on a quick side note I am of the opinion any film over 140 minutes long should have an intermission anyway, just out of interest in fairness and balance I can at this time sit through 140 minutes, but it does take some management to put it nicely.] For those people that have been following me long enough yes I did sit through Blade Runner 2049 2017 at the cinema which was roughly 163 minutes long and once again to put it politely of what I can remember I did struggle physically.

What we are here to discuss: now before I get criticized or unpleasant feedback I want to make this crystal clear; in a previous blog entitled Average Extra of: Captain Marvel 2019 [somewhere in there you will find I was trying to be balanced] and as it relates to this blog to cover my back I'm just being factual mixed in with my own opinions, so in a nutshell based on what I've seen online [yes I have done a little bit of research looking at different people’s opinions and what happened in these situations,] but my point here is this; if this individual had a leg to stand on I would be pointing it out at some point and it should go without saying but I am going to say anyway, I have been doing this kind of thing long enough to make up my own opinions, material and once I have an opinion it is very difficult for people to change my mind, so yes I may have done a little bit of research here and there but this is all me.

Real Talking Time: right now I have gotten all the necessaries out of the way with, I think it is now time for Larson to be removed from the MCU, her professionalism or to be much more precise her unprofessionalism has to be bought into question, because of what I have seen and felt and so on and so forth as it relates to these interviews with her and the other performers of this title.

I mean if you haven't seen any of them, I would suggest you go and look at anyone's video, because regardless of anything you watch you will see and experience, the uncomfortable nature of these situations. Yes I have to be honest I did laugh amongst other things whilst watching these videos, because it's like you cannot quite believe on what you're seeing and hearing and on top of that you are thinking they can't get any worse, but they do the more you watch the worse it gets.

I'm going to probably get heavily criticized for this; because I am a "White Dude" [Larson's words not mine,] but if or when I have children, to be a little bit more specific a daughter I am going to do everything in my power to make sure she has a good understanding of what a good female role model is, let's keep this in the realm of comic books and this is just a small selection and in no particular order; Jessica Jones, Diana Prince [a.k.a. Wonder Woman,] Agent Peggy Carter, Tank Girl and there are others.

But my point here is this; I am going to show to my daughter when she's old enough, that you can or could turn out like these characters with strong personalities, brains and individualism such as dress sense, all you have to do is find the strength within you and don't listen to or read anything, about someone pushing their beliefs onto you or preaching to you and whatever you do don't read or look at anybody shaming magazines.

Now for those people that think in this example I am pushing my beliefs and so on onto my potential future daughter, this is not the case, I just want her to be safe, happy and herself, but as it relates to this blog I also would like her to be able to comfortably and easily handle these uncomfortable situations in these interviews much, much, much, much, much, much better than Larson does, with hopefully my daughter being relaxed and warm natured for people around her, with many other personality traits.

I mean if it should happen that I am coming over in this blog really harshly, it is because this would be the second time I have spoken about this performer in this manner and she doesn't seem to be getting better at dealing with these situations in fact she is getting quickly much, much worse and the more she is like this; the more she is going to be a detriment to the MCU, but not only that her own career as well and she is only just in her 30's [as of this blog,] so eventually people's patience in the hierarchy of any company will run out or they just won't take the risk with her and her outbursts or her credibility will eventually just run out, if she doesn't calm down or stop her antics now.

I would like to take a couple of seconds just to say to any other performer that happens to be in these interviews that I am speaking of; well done and I mean this genuinely well done for trying to remain professional under these most difficult of situations and we know as viewers of this franchise there is chemistry on and off screen between these performers of a warm and fun nature, minus one.

There is only one way I can finish this blog and it is by saying this; but what do I know I am just a "White Dude."

Saturday 20 April 2019

Wasted: The Riott Squad by AverageMansReviews

Wasted: The Riott Squad by AverageMansReviews

After the 2019 Superstar Shake-Up

This split was done too early: I have no idea why this company chose to split up this faction at this point, because now Rousey has left they could have given this faction time to breathe and develop either as individuals or as a faction collective, instead of being booked in a terrible storyline with Natalya or being used as enhancement talent for Rousey.

They have had some opportunities: but either individually or together, Ruby Riott vs. the Raw Women's Champion Ronda Rousey or at the same pay-per-view Liv Morgan & Sarah Logan in the Women’s Elimination Chamber Match to crown the first-ever WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions at the pay-per-view Elimination Chamber 2019, yes I chose Liv Morgan & Sarah Logan to win here. Because I was thinking they could really do something with these championships and develop themselves into something really good, where Ruby could still wrestle but also be the manager the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions and in fairness and balance I did go for The IIconics for the blue brand, basically for the same reason to develop their character developments.

But I am now sitting here stuck in a similar situation to SAnitY where I'm wondering what could have been, because as it relates to The Riott Squad, I think they made the best of what material was given to them but I just have this feeling that as a faction there was so much more to come from them and on top of that may be another year together wouldn't have harmed them as individuals either to develop as all round characters/performers.

Two things I don't get: why have they decided to break up this faction, when it looks like or it looked like they were going to break up Fire & Desire in the first place, I mean they were putting work into this split so why not go through with it? I would have greatly preferred this split to the one that they went with.

This is nothing personal against this individual, but I am getting fed up of Mandy Rose's sexual character, maybe the WWE should wake up and realize it is 2019 and these character developments are outdated, but then again this is coming from a company that sees a majority of their foreign characters/performers as heels as well so what can I say.

The second thing I don't get is; why is Corbin, Lashley, Rush and McIntyre still a thing? I know I have previously asked this question in the previous blog [Wasted: SAnitY] and yes I know they don't have anything to do with one another, but it is such a good question I had to ask it again? When The Riott Squad had so much potential in them; given the right push and space to develop and so on

So like the previous wrestling blog, I am going to leave it like this; sorry to The Riott Squad, before I continue I should make this crystal clear this is nothing against these three characters/performers this is specifically aimed at the people that are in control, I don't think we really saw the real potential of this faction and yes they could bring in a new member, but it wouldn't be the same I really would have let this faction run loose, before breaking it up in any way shape or form.

Friday 19 April 2019

Wasted: SAnitY by AverageMansReviews

Wasted: SAnitY by AverageMansReviews

After the 2019 Superstar Shake-Up

What a completely wasted opportunity: there is only one place for me to begin; the more time I spend thinking about this the more I feel a level of anger and frustration, because this faction never, never, ever got the time or run to show anything on the main roster. But everyone knew what they were capable of because you have either seen it or heard of it from NXT.

Why bring them up from NXT?: This question has to be asked, because they were making a massive name on the yellow and black brand, when I heard they were heading to the main roster I was excited to see these four members bring their chaos to the blue brand, but having looked back on this time, I knew deep down there was a problem when only three members were called up at once. I know, I know I come across quite negatively when it comes to talking about this company, but I was trying to remain positive. I was thinking maybe NXT could really do with Nikki Cross staying for a little while and in a storyline later on SAnitY could really do with some backup and no one wants to help them because they are too much in the way of their chaos, so on the night of the match it will have to be 4 on 3 a handicap match, but wait here comes the fourth member of SAnitY she happens to be the most craziest member of them all Nikki Cross!

But once again it has to be asked why bring any performer up from NXT if the hierarchy of this company are either going to bury them or not use them. What really, really irritates me is I can't even say this faction got buried, based on this fact for them to be buried they would need to be consistently in matches or feuds and just for the record I know being buried in a wrestling terminology is not a good thing, but in this case it would be slightly better than how this faction  has been treated since being on the main roster [just for the record I wouldn't want to see this faction being buried in the first place, but I think you get my previous point anyway.]

Raw's mid-card: so what you're telling me is this faction or group were not good enough to freshen up this section of their apparent flagship show, when you have Corbin, Lashley and McIntyre [McIntyre should be higher up on the card with the push he was given when he first appeared on the red brand and whilst I'm on the subject why is this trio or group yes I am including Rush still a thing?] But back onto the subject in hand, newsflash I am going to tell you as it is in clean language this section of once again their apparent flagship show is painful to watch as it is right now; so I really, really, really don't see any problem with having SAnitY going up against Raw's mid-card, I mean it would have been interesting and something worthwhile to watch instead of its current shambles. I cannot overstate this there was absolutely nothing to lose here, I mean if they were going to disband this faction, they may as well have given them one good shot to show their value which means they could have stayed together and it would have stimulated this part of Raw.

So I am going to leave things like this; sorry SAnitY that you never got the opportunity [and in short those little bits and pieces on TV do not count,] I mean a genuine opportunity to show what energy and excitement you could have brought to the red or blue brands

Thursday 18 April 2019

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 2, Part 2, Volume 4, Disc 1] Episode 47: The Gambler by AverageMansReviews

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 2, Part 2, Volume 4, Disc 1] Episode 47: The Gambler by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is good.

Storyline: it starts as soon as the opening sequence has finished in outer-space, without giving too much away I feel different about this episode in different sections of it, like roughly speaking; that was a good start, that doesn't feel the same, but then again it does get better the more you watch of it.

Artistic visions/Action sequences: the artistic visions are well-placed in this episode, be it the outer-space elements or the Colosseum or the dodgy casino [when I say the dodgy casino I mean this in a storyline sense,] these elements look engaging and imaginative and the ending section action sequence can be put in the same group for its well-planned vibrant nature as well.

This episode receives: 6/10, simply put I said/had this mark in mind after watching this episode, so I am just going to stick to it. Because I don't like splitting hairs too much and as I can only pick one mark per a review here we are.

Wednesday 17 April 2019

Payback 1999 by AverageMansReviews

Payback 1999 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this project is good

Fundamental elements: there are voice-over elements, cultural elements, background music, no subtitles when another language is being used, mental imagery, slow-motion effects, time jumps and place jumps

Storyline/Comedy level: it is okay, I can't say too much here, because it is very straightforward and there is a comedy level but it is of mature/adult contents.

Action sequences: there are weapons being used and combat elements, briefly here is something for you to look out for from an action sequence perspective and this is just a rough description, cutting the fuel line which by the end of this sequence makes a big explosion.

Character developments/Performances: the character developments are in a nutshell in most cases something safe and reliable whilst generally speaking the performances are mixed, but having said that Lucy Liu as Pearl her character type is strong and she puts in a strong performance as well. [I really can't say too much about this character either,] simply because of her career/job it is of the adult variety and within my blogs I am clean in what I put in them. But I can say her character developments/performance, well to put this as cleanly as I can this individual seems to be top class at her job and she knows what she likes.

This film receives: 6/10, in short this mark feels right.

Tuesday 16 April 2019

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 2, Part 2, Volume 4, Disc 1] Episode 46: The Secret of Omega Supreme by AverageMansReviews

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 2, Part 2, Volume 4, Disc 1] Episode 46: The Secret of Omega Supreme by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this is another episode which is lots of fun.

Origins storylines/storyline: briefly this episode takes the viewers through one character and how/why he has these strong feelings for revenge for another selection of characters and how another character was born. There are many characters being used in different locations such as outer space dealing with different things as well.

Character developments: the character which his name is in the title of this episode there is a little bit of character developments

Action sequences: the action sequences are excellent

This episode receives: 10/10, this is just something for you to look out for; how  come when Cosmos fell off  Astrotrain [in his transformed mode of Space shuttle,] Astrotrain is none the wiser, it wasn't that subtle in the first place. But having said that this episode is deserving of this mark [on a quick side note I have gone through all the previous episodes of this TV program and changed the words state into mode, if you have found the word state, please let me know and I will change it, but I have gone through them all up to this point.]

Monday 15 April 2019

Middle Men 2009/2010 by AverageMansReviews

Middle Men 2009/2010 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this project is mixed.

Fundamental elements: there are words and numbers on screen, voice-over elements, background music, cultural elements, mental imagery, slow-motion effects, quick moving effects, yes and no to subtitles being used when another language is being used, time jumps and place jumps.

The movement of this title begins quickly, but roughly somewhere around the middle stages it really does begin to slow down, basically it is like it is running on normal batteries, but it could do with the Energizer Bunny batteries instead.

Storyline: now there are only two things I can tell you about this storyline; the first thing is; it is based on a true story and the second thing is; it is based on adult contents.

Action sequences: there are weapons being used and combat elements.

Character developments/Performances: on both counts there are good.

This film receives: 5/10, now after taking everything into consideration this mark looks and feels right.

Saturday 13 April 2019

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 13: Peace, Love, and Woe by AverageMansReviews

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 13: Peace, Love, and Woe by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is lots of fun.

5 things about this episode

Character developments: now in this episode we have The five Power Rangers as themselves encouraging Billy to bring someone to this event later on today and when he finds somebody they are all trying to encourage him to ask her to this event, there are another two occasions where this kind of support or trust comes into this episode be it as themselves or as The Power Rangers. The chemistry is excellent, because it just shows between these characters there is a strong bond between them and because these characters individually come from different backgrounds, it hopefully it comes over to the viewers that you can make friends from any background.

Back story: the back story sequence is good.

Artistic visions/Action sequences: the artistic visions and the action sequences, I like this different dimension and the powerful mystical character that The Power Rangers come up against in this episode, she has the colour scheme of mostly white with blue hair which is long with her long nails [or what I think are long nails] and this one-on-one action sequence with Billy/The Blue Power Ranger and this mystical character, there is a new ability for The Power Rangers, but I am not going to tell you about that I am just making reference to it, to point out I am aware it is here somewhere in this episode.

Comedy level: all I have to say is Bulk & Skull are on top form

This episode receives: 10/10, yes this episode may seem a little bit cheesy in places, but as things go the more I think about it the more I think this mark is suitable for this episode

Friday 12 April 2019

Wonder Park 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Wonder Park 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this project is mixed.

Fundamental elements: there are voice-over elements, background music, cultural elements, mental imagery, slow-motion effects, time jumps and place jumps.

Storyline/Character developments: now I will be discussing these two elements at the same time in some elements. This project is and was hard work to watch, because the storyline is boring and without giving too much away never discusses this situation as it relates to one parent and on top of that it turns the main character's reactions to this situation into a bad thing [on a side note it needs to be pointed out that if you want to react to this situation like the way this character does/did, it is completely normal, but if you want to react in a different way within reason that is acceptable to, but I have to say when these two characters are reunited it is a very touching moment.

But for the other character developments, generally speaking they are something safe and reliable.

Artistic visions: now from this perspective there is only one way I can describe the artistic visions, on one hand you have the paint by numbers that kind of thing going on and on the other hand you have things like; 0G Land which shows imagination and a high-level of an artistic vision, the same can be said for when our lead character is inside/getting this giant robot thing to work or shooting/firing Liquorice or this straws sequences, I really don't want to give too much away as it relates to these sequences because there has been clearly a lot of effort put into them and when you see them you will go "Oh now I understand."

Comedy level/Voice performances: Steve [voice by John Oliver,] the more time the viewers spends with this character the funnier he gets including John Oliver's voice performance [before someone points this out I will point it out myself, this character is just and I mean this in a good way, this is just John Oliver in an animal form.] The voice performances; the audience feels the strong bond between mother and daughter, but for the rest of this cast their voice performances are also something safe and reliable.

This film receives: 4/10, it hasn't been easy to mark this title yes I have only two marks in mind, this project does have some good elements to it, but at the same time I can't ignore how bored or depressing in places this project is.

Thursday 11 April 2019

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 2 by AverageMansReviews

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 2 by AverageMansReviews

Monday 08/04/2019: now to be honest I wasn't planning to do this blog, but because of what happened at this dates Raw program I have so much to say. Straight off the bat I did not watch all of this program, because I value my sleep and red or blue they are not worthy of being series linked at this current time, yes the blue brand is better, but still [on a quick side note when it was on WOS Wrestling it was series linked and if or when All Elite Wrestling is on TV in my part of the world, that will be getting series linked as well.]

Before I get my claws out I have taken some time to watch some videos of other people’s opinions or live video, just to make sure it comes across I am trying to be balanced and for those new viewers/readers out there in Internet land just for the record my opinions cannot be easily swayed.

Where to start: the utter garbage with both brand champions, that wasn't going to happen in 10 Billion years, that isn't what annoys me what does annoy me is the wasted opportunity to introduce a new group or unit and let's not forget this thing called a brand split [what does that even mean anymore?]

Speaking of tag team, what is going on with the red brand's division seriously? I mean with zero build [minus that little backstage scene] we now have Zack Ryder & Curt Hawkins as the new Raw Tag Team Champions. I mean I really, really wouldn't have a problem with this; but for two reasons, the first reason is both of these tag teams are using heel tactics, so which one is meant to be heel and which one is meant to be face here, I mean as characters I wouldn't mind having these two teams on two different levels of being heels, but I know this company don't design their characters like this in their are eyes you are either one or the other there is nothing in the middle. My second point is this; there has been zero build in this feud [I know I have already said this once, but it was such a good point I chose to bring it up again.

My next paragraph is going to sound really stupid as it relates to the men's tag team championships [I am aware of this,] but at the same time it kind of makes a valid point as you will see. Look if someone in the hierarchy doesn't like tag team wrestling [yes I know it is better on the blue side of things,] but if they don't like them get rid of them. Now don't get me wrong I like tag team wrestling, but I am getting fed up of red or blues men's titles being treated like an afterthought and whilst I'm on the subject I was under the impression that automatic rematches where not a thing anymore or unless I got that wrong.

Moving on why can I now see Lars Sullivan vs. Kurt Angle at the next pay-per-view, I should just point out I have no evidence to suggest this; other than the following last night's attack on Raw and the name of the next pay-per-view which is Greatest Royal Rumble and they need big names on that card [I could be wrong,] on the other hand we could be getting The Undertaker vs. Elias as well, so based on these two segments these could be two potential matches for the next pay-per-view [to cover my back this is all speculation.]

Now whilst doing this blog I have seen Stroman attacking Joe on SmackDown Live on the Tuesday 09/04/2019 episode, so what is precisely going on with the brand split again? I didn't see any of the show because for some strange reason I couldn't find it on my TV, so I just looked at the results and yes Lars Sullivan attacked The Hardy Boyz, I'm just putting this out there, because of my earlier statement about Kurt Angle and potentially another match.

But back to what I was originally saying; now this is where I really get my nails out for the WWE, I want to make this really transparent if they were doing or trying to improve or at the very least not  falling into the same pitfalls I would be a little bit more lenient, such as for one example making Lesnar the Universal Champion again, when the previous time, before he lost it again at this year's WrestleMania was such a great success [sarcasm very much intended,] having to sit through another Lesnar Universal Championship reign is very, very hard work. I will go on record right here and right now, I would strongly in no uncertain terms is this character/performer allowed to be anywhere near a title picture. This is nothing personal my opinion is based on fact I will put it simply like this; he needs to be more involved with this company when he is under contract in any way shape or form it is that simple, then by all means if this is done they can put the championship back on him if this is what they want to do, but if sometime in the future this character/performer gets given a similar contract, it will just make any problems or any weaknesses that this TV program has at that time look really obvious, like for an example it could show the weakness of Raw's mid-card.

I know that Kofi Kingston is the WWE Champion now, but how many times does this company really and I mean really listen to us it's apparent Universe without being forced [briefly for another example Becky Lynch, they wanted to turn her heel but their Universe had different ideas, yes I will be bringing this up time after time when it is appropriate, because look where this character/performer is now. But to be balanced for a second they don't have to listen to us, but when they are getting a strong message or any consistent message, it is foolish not to at least try to change the plans slightly or change the plans completely or scrap that idea or just something or anything instead of being adamant that this plan is going to work if we stick with it, because we want it to work [I will be talking about listening and taking this as a warning later on in this blog.]

But what I wouldn't do is get one of your characters/performers to be a voice piece in a promo after his match to acknowledge there is an issue  between behind the scenes/hierarchy and its once again apparent Universe, because I may be of average intelligence or possibly less, but either way this doesn't seem to be a wise move, I mean if you go and look back over this week's Raw [Sami Zayn] in a roundabout way this is what the promo was all about and here comes more sarcasm what a surprise this company using cheap heat again. But what do I know, this is just off the top of my head, this company over recent times have exploited someone's medical situation, put a legend's image on a table which isn't here anymore, completely buried and when I say completely buried I mean not once but twice of one of their top female characters/performers in Asuka and gave another legend a terrible Farewell Match on the biggest stage of them all in professional wrestling in Kurt Angle vs. Baron Corbin at WrestleMania 35 [I am trying not to think about this too much, because the more I do, the more I can think of examples.]