Thursday 11 April 2019

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 2 by AverageMansReviews

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 2 by AverageMansReviews

Monday 08/04/2019: now to be honest I wasn't planning to do this blog, but because of what happened at this dates Raw program I have so much to say. Straight off the bat I did not watch all of this program, because I value my sleep and red or blue they are not worthy of being series linked at this current time, yes the blue brand is better, but still [on a quick side note when it was on WOS Wrestling it was series linked and if or when All Elite Wrestling is on TV in my part of the world, that will be getting series linked as well.]

Before I get my claws out I have taken some time to watch some videos of other people’s opinions or live video, just to make sure it comes across I am trying to be balanced and for those new viewers/readers out there in Internet land just for the record my opinions cannot be easily swayed.

Where to start: the utter garbage with both brand champions, that wasn't going to happen in 10 Billion years, that isn't what annoys me what does annoy me is the wasted opportunity to introduce a new group or unit and let's not forget this thing called a brand split [what does that even mean anymore?]

Speaking of tag team, what is going on with the red brand's division seriously? I mean with zero build [minus that little backstage scene] we now have Zack Ryder & Curt Hawkins as the new Raw Tag Team Champions. I mean I really, really wouldn't have a problem with this; but for two reasons, the first reason is both of these tag teams are using heel tactics, so which one is meant to be heel and which one is meant to be face here, I mean as characters I wouldn't mind having these two teams on two different levels of being heels, but I know this company don't design their characters like this in their are eyes you are either one or the other there is nothing in the middle. My second point is this; there has been zero build in this feud [I know I have already said this once, but it was such a good point I chose to bring it up again.

My next paragraph is going to sound really stupid as it relates to the men's tag team championships [I am aware of this,] but at the same time it kind of makes a valid point as you will see. Look if someone in the hierarchy doesn't like tag team wrestling [yes I know it is better on the blue side of things,] but if they don't like them get rid of them. Now don't get me wrong I like tag team wrestling, but I am getting fed up of red or blues men's titles being treated like an afterthought and whilst I'm on the subject I was under the impression that automatic rematches where not a thing anymore or unless I got that wrong.

Moving on why can I now see Lars Sullivan vs. Kurt Angle at the next pay-per-view, I should just point out I have no evidence to suggest this; other than the following last night's attack on Raw and the name of the next pay-per-view which is Greatest Royal Rumble and they need big names on that card [I could be wrong,] on the other hand we could be getting The Undertaker vs. Elias as well, so based on these two segments these could be two potential matches for the next pay-per-view [to cover my back this is all speculation.]

Now whilst doing this blog I have seen Stroman attacking Joe on SmackDown Live on the Tuesday 09/04/2019 episode, so what is precisely going on with the brand split again? I didn't see any of the show because for some strange reason I couldn't find it on my TV, so I just looked at the results and yes Lars Sullivan attacked The Hardy Boyz, I'm just putting this out there, because of my earlier statement about Kurt Angle and potentially another match.

But back to what I was originally saying; now this is where I really get my nails out for the WWE, I want to make this really transparent if they were doing or trying to improve or at the very least not  falling into the same pitfalls I would be a little bit more lenient, such as for one example making Lesnar the Universal Champion again, when the previous time, before he lost it again at this year's WrestleMania was such a great success [sarcasm very much intended,] having to sit through another Lesnar Universal Championship reign is very, very hard work. I will go on record right here and right now, I would strongly in no uncertain terms is this character/performer allowed to be anywhere near a title picture. This is nothing personal my opinion is based on fact I will put it simply like this; he needs to be more involved with this company when he is under contract in any way shape or form it is that simple, then by all means if this is done they can put the championship back on him if this is what they want to do, but if sometime in the future this character/performer gets given a similar contract, it will just make any problems or any weaknesses that this TV program has at that time look really obvious, like for an example it could show the weakness of Raw's mid-card.

I know that Kofi Kingston is the WWE Champion now, but how many times does this company really and I mean really listen to us it's apparent Universe without being forced [briefly for another example Becky Lynch, they wanted to turn her heel but their Universe had different ideas, yes I will be bringing this up time after time when it is appropriate, because look where this character/performer is now. But to be balanced for a second they don't have to listen to us, but when they are getting a strong message or any consistent message, it is foolish not to at least try to change the plans slightly or change the plans completely or scrap that idea or just something or anything instead of being adamant that this plan is going to work if we stick with it, because we want it to work [I will be talking about listening and taking this as a warning later on in this blog.]

But what I wouldn't do is get one of your characters/performers to be a voice piece in a promo after his match to acknowledge there is an issue  between behind the scenes/hierarchy and its once again apparent Universe, because I may be of average intelligence or possibly less, but either way this doesn't seem to be a wise move, I mean if you go and look back over this week's Raw [Sami Zayn] in a roundabout way this is what the promo was all about and here comes more sarcasm what a surprise this company using cheap heat again. But what do I know, this is just off the top of my head, this company over recent times have exploited someone's medical situation, put a legend's image on a table which isn't here anymore, completely buried and when I say completely buried I mean not once but twice of one of their top female characters/performers in Asuka and gave another legend a terrible Farewell Match on the biggest stage of them all in professional wrestling in Kurt Angle vs. Baron Corbin at WrestleMania 35 [I am trying not to think about this too much, because the more I do, the more I can think of examples.]

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