Saturday 20 April 2019

Wasted: The Riott Squad by AverageMansReviews

Wasted: The Riott Squad by AverageMansReviews

After the 2019 Superstar Shake-Up

This split was done too early: I have no idea why this company chose to split up this faction at this point, because now Rousey has left they could have given this faction time to breathe and develop either as individuals or as a faction collective, instead of being booked in a terrible storyline with Natalya or being used as enhancement talent for Rousey.

They have had some opportunities: but either individually or together, Ruby Riott vs. the Raw Women's Champion Ronda Rousey or at the same pay-per-view Liv Morgan & Sarah Logan in the Women’s Elimination Chamber Match to crown the first-ever WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions at the pay-per-view Elimination Chamber 2019, yes I chose Liv Morgan & Sarah Logan to win here. Because I was thinking they could really do something with these championships and develop themselves into something really good, where Ruby could still wrestle but also be the manager the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions and in fairness and balance I did go for The IIconics for the blue brand, basically for the same reason to develop their character developments.

But I am now sitting here stuck in a similar situation to SAnitY where I'm wondering what could have been, because as it relates to The Riott Squad, I think they made the best of what material was given to them but I just have this feeling that as a faction there was so much more to come from them and on top of that may be another year together wouldn't have harmed them as individuals either to develop as all round characters/performers.

Two things I don't get: why have they decided to break up this faction, when it looks like or it looked like they were going to break up Fire & Desire in the first place, I mean they were putting work into this split so why not go through with it? I would have greatly preferred this split to the one that they went with.

This is nothing personal against this individual, but I am getting fed up of Mandy Rose's sexual character, maybe the WWE should wake up and realize it is 2019 and these character developments are outdated, but then again this is coming from a company that sees a majority of their foreign characters/performers as heels as well so what can I say.

The second thing I don't get is; why is Corbin, Lashley, Rush and McIntyre still a thing? I know I have previously asked this question in the previous blog [Wasted: SAnitY] and yes I know they don't have anything to do with one another, but it is such a good question I had to ask it again? When The Riott Squad had so much potential in them; given the right push and space to develop and so on

So like the previous wrestling blog, I am going to leave it like this; sorry to The Riott Squad, before I continue I should make this crystal clear this is nothing against these three characters/performers this is specifically aimed at the people that are in control, I don't think we really saw the real potential of this faction and yes they could bring in a new member, but it wouldn't be the same I really would have let this faction run loose, before breaking it up in any way shape or form.

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