Friday 19 April 2019

Wasted: SAnitY by AverageMansReviews

Wasted: SAnitY by AverageMansReviews

After the 2019 Superstar Shake-Up

What a completely wasted opportunity: there is only one place for me to begin; the more time I spend thinking about this the more I feel a level of anger and frustration, because this faction never, never, ever got the time or run to show anything on the main roster. But everyone knew what they were capable of because you have either seen it or heard of it from NXT.

Why bring them up from NXT?: This question has to be asked, because they were making a massive name on the yellow and black brand, when I heard they were heading to the main roster I was excited to see these four members bring their chaos to the blue brand, but having looked back on this time, I knew deep down there was a problem when only three members were called up at once. I know, I know I come across quite negatively when it comes to talking about this company, but I was trying to remain positive. I was thinking maybe NXT could really do with Nikki Cross staying for a little while and in a storyline later on SAnitY could really do with some backup and no one wants to help them because they are too much in the way of their chaos, so on the night of the match it will have to be 4 on 3 a handicap match, but wait here comes the fourth member of SAnitY she happens to be the most craziest member of them all Nikki Cross!

But once again it has to be asked why bring any performer up from NXT if the hierarchy of this company are either going to bury them or not use them. What really, really irritates me is I can't even say this faction got buried, based on this fact for them to be buried they would need to be consistently in matches or feuds and just for the record I know being buried in a wrestling terminology is not a good thing, but in this case it would be slightly better than how this faction  has been treated since being on the main roster [just for the record I wouldn't want to see this faction being buried in the first place, but I think you get my previous point anyway.]

Raw's mid-card: so what you're telling me is this faction or group were not good enough to freshen up this section of their apparent flagship show, when you have Corbin, Lashley and McIntyre [McIntyre should be higher up on the card with the push he was given when he first appeared on the red brand and whilst I'm on the subject why is this trio or group yes I am including Rush still a thing?] But back onto the subject in hand, newsflash I am going to tell you as it is in clean language this section of once again their apparent flagship show is painful to watch as it is right now; so I really, really, really don't see any problem with having SAnitY going up against Raw's mid-card, I mean it would have been interesting and something worthwhile to watch instead of its current shambles. I cannot overstate this there was absolutely nothing to lose here, I mean if they were going to disband this faction, they may as well have given them one good shot to show their value which means they could have stayed together and it would have stimulated this part of Raw.

So I am going to leave things like this; sorry SAnitY that you never got the opportunity [and in short those little bits and pieces on TV do not count,] I mean a genuine opportunity to show what energy and excitement you could have brought to the red or blue brands

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