Saturday 7 September 2024

The Crow 2024 by AverageMansReviews

The Crow 2024 by AverageMansReviews

Related content: Average Extra of: Is The Crow 2024 going to be a financial success or dead and buried? Link

Review Time

Warning/just a heads up: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/drugs/suicide/cutting/stubbing/suffocating/torture/regeneration/breaking/hit and run/run over/drowning/dismemberment/disfigurement/feeding/transformation/feeding/animal cruelty/medical. I will be using one censored adult reference and I have to be honest I will be finding it difficult to control my mouth; but I will make up secondary content for this later on.

This reboot is Crow manure: briefly/roughly; Eric Draven/The Crow [Younger: as Eric Unknown performer/Older:Bill SkarsgÄrd:] he is a mentally troubled individual that is in this rehab facility, he meets Shelley Webster [FKA Twigs:] she finds herself in some deep trouble and yet finds herself in this rehab facility with Eric; apparently they fall in love [later on in this content I will explain my wording of "apparently;"] they escape this facility and they die because of what Shelley has as evident, but Draven gets to come back and several score.

Generally speaking: well we know usually I break things down and talk about them, but in this case let's just say everything is wrong upon wrong, so yes this film goes on for roughly 111 minutes; it tries to an appalling standard to be dark and foreboding and I would say everything with the crows [please remember the plural here] and the same can be said for the underwater sequences as it relates to the art and action. But however that is now aware the positives stop. It will make much better sense if I bring up the action and art again later on, because everything about this reboot is heavily crippled [yes I am entitled to use this wording based on I am a lifetime disabled individual;] but I digress. This film is heavily crippled by the disastrous character versions and/or the performances of Draven and/or Webster; now allow me to give you a little life lesson for the younger generation; this is not love what this couple show; it is co-dependency/enableism and just having sex; so when this couple individually or together indicate just a willingness to keep things as they are because there is a good chance that no one will have them away they are; it feels very hollow and jarring based on the reasons I have just provided. So once you recognise this/means character dynamics it makes the entire film pointless even when there is a position swap deal put in place; you're still like why? There is nothing worth saving of this relationship, in fact it makes them look even smaller as if it's the only way I can win this game I will do it which is really immature in itself; individually or together these two are just not nice people and here is a nice heads up; we only get to see Draven as this version The Crow in its entirety for maybe the final 25 minutes.

Now back onto the action and art; I would have really liked let's just call it the massacre towards the closing stages of this project; but for one massive problem; there is this performance happening on stage whilst Draven/The Crow is taking care of business which really takes away from this chaotic action as on both counts but separately they aren't comedy, but together boy howdy you can't take this matter seriously with this performance happening as well; I know what they were trying to do, but it really was an epic fail. I mean in sequences of this nature to you know match the massacre with something elegant, all they had to do was put on just a classical instrumental performance.

This film receives: 1/10, this film is poor; I mean based on the trailer I had seen going around in cinemas [if you want to know more read the linked content] with the person I watch some of the content with; I knew/we know it was going to be garbage, but basically I said this to the person; even I didn't expect how bad it was going to be and yes there are some good bits, but they get overshadowed by the overwhelming negatives and I hope never be another instalment of this franchise is specially with the performance of connected to this title.


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