Friday 17 May 2024

Wasted: Drew McIntyre vs. Champ Seth Rollins; Singles for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at WWE WrestleMania XL/40/2024: Night 2 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Wasted: Drew McIntyre vs. Champ Seth Rollins; Singles for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at WWE WrestleMania XL/40/2024: Night 2 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Related content: Recommendation of: WWE WrestleMania XL/40/2024: Night 2 - Spoiler Alarm! Link

Speculation warning: I will be speculating at some point or points in this content.

Let's be short here: look I get it that it was either due to time restraints or/and Rollins possibly carrying an injury on top of not being 100% fit to begin with [surgery, yes he was cleared to wrestle, but possibly not 100% fit.] So don't get me wrong I am really understanding, but there is only one little/big problem with this match/match slot and as I referenced it in the connecting content; did they really have to hit their finishes so many times altogether, I mean I get it maybe they wanted to have hard-hitting spots in a limited match. But as long-term wrestling fans would know, the more you kick out of a finisher, the more you devalue it, so consequently this match/match slot is what it is.


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