Friday, 26 April 2024

Recommendation of: WWE WrestleMania XL/40/2024: Night 2 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Recommendation of: WWE WrestleMania XL/40/2024: Night 2 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Related content: Recommendation of: WWE WrestleMania XL/40/2024: Night 1 2024 - Spoiler Alarm! Link

Warning/Disclaimer/Speculation: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/adult language/biting/drug references. Full disclosure of course I know the results, but as you can clearly see I still watched this event, I am not or ever likely to be a professional wrestler and at one point or another there will be some speculation.

Drew McIntyre vs. Champ Seth Rollins; Singles for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship: CM Punk tells Cole basically welcome him back properly, with that Cole says something to the effect of we will do that properly with Punk saying fabulous, moving on to the match itself; McIntyre has time to take a selfie on the audience member's telephone and get back to the match, having a minor back and forth with Punk, which he is on commentary, later on Punk almost has a slip of the tongue by saying Irish psychopath instead of Scottish psychopath, but he corrects himself just in time. Rollins on the second stump; if you look really closely but obviously not too closely he doesn't actually hit it at all well as he does a running sitting down version/hits McIntyre's cheek. For some reason we have a small chant of this is awesome; is this what classifies as awesome these days? I beg to differ, then we have Cole on commentary indicating that this has been explosive from the start, once again really? Let's be honest here; speculation this match outlay could be designed to begin this night on a hard-hitting contest, but also to cover-up the fact that Rollins may or may not be in great shape as at some point on commentary they have already mentioned the night previous and his surgery, so once again on a third Premium Live Event in a row over this weekend be it in kayfabe or not including reference to cancer/leukaemia it's almost like may be the WWE are overworking their wrestlers? And just maybe Triple H the wrestlers you didn't get because they don't want to work your clearly backbreaking schedule are actually smarter by listening to their bodies and choosing another option and finally these two wrestling here are just trying to fit everything in. Then we have a clear this is awesome chant with Cole agreeing with them on commentary. Punk criticises McIntire for in a nutshell taking it to the outside and so on and so forth, but doesn't say anything about Rollins using the outside once we are out there. It has just dawned on me, okay it may be a slightly higher quality of match up but basically we have the WWE Intercontinental match from last night where we have all of these hard-hitting moves either being attempted or being hit in different ways; but not able to close the match out, I wonder if they are way that the more they do this, the more it devalues the move in question, okay this match/match slot is so stupid, because of the point I have just made, I mean usually or/and more often than not I would add maybe a mark for everything surrounding this match slot, but this match is so ridiculous that it just puts me in a foul mood and this has nothing to do with tribalism this is strictly WWE and nothing to do me liking AEW. But honestly this match/match slot has just put me in a foul mood, how about protecting both of your finishing moves next time and just to put the cherry on top of the cake I really don't like the majority commentary after the bell, they just sour everything. This match/match slot receives: 4/10.

And then Cash in

The Judgement Day's: Damian Priest vs. Champ :Singles for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship: simply put as my marking would suggest this is much better, so much better than the previous match slot: 7/10.

The Pride: Bobby Lashley, The Street Prophets: Angelo Dawkins & Montez Ford [with B-Fab] vs. The Final Testament: Karrion Kross, The Authors of Pain: Akam & Rezar [with Scarlett & Paul Ellering;] Six-Man Philadelphia Street Fight: a special mention has to go out to the individual in the crowd dressed up as Macho King Randy Savage [if you are interested in looking for this individual look for the crown and you will easily spot the individual.] I hope B-Fab is okay as for some reason she goes into the right top ring corner and takes the shoulder hit, it just doesn't sound too right, I should quickly state that this is nothing on Scarlett, everything seems to go according to plan, it is just the sound; it just doesn't sound too pleasant. Likewise I hope Ford is okay, because he goes flying over the bottom right corner, he hits his targets, but his back on legs/feet hit the barricades. B-Fab hits a form of a pump kick on Scarlett, but also falls slightly backwards and on top of her. Okay now I will have to take a mark off for this sport, because in all fairness it is just stupid and as you will understand why shortly; on the far side of the ring on the ring apron, we have B-Fab setting up a Russian leg sweep on Scarlett through a table where I am thinking hold on this is just not smart, because you will both go through the table and on top of that their backs took the table whilst their heads hit the floor or something to that effect; I mean I am not a professional wrestler and I will never be a professional wrestler, but surely a safer move would be like a Mark Hendry power slam through the table, so Scarlett's back takes the hit whilst B-Fab is protected by Scarlett, if she just drives forward and down [additional: this is not change my opinion; but however from a different camera angles  Scarlett performs a variety of a back body suplex.] A little later whilst setting up another table it broke, Trick Williams [from NXT gets referenced and mentioned on commentary.] This match/match slot receives: 7/10.

LA Knight vs. AJ Styles: Singles Match: with keeping in mind the surrounding elements such as commercial a promo section from one of the latest inductees to the WWE Hall of Fame, a very well-known and Slim Jim commercial, for odd reason [and I will get to the odd part] we have McAfee saying yeah in any English accent and then we have him and Graves discussing it on commentary and it comes the odd part; oddly McAfee says rest in peace. This match slot in a wrestling sense is solemnly good, but it is the surrounding elements such as in one way or another remembering Bray Wyatt, so obviously taking everything into consideration here. This match/match slot receives: 8/10.

Randy Orton vs. Kevin Owens vs. Champ Logan Paul [with Prime bottle mascot;] Triple Threat Match for the WWE United States Championship: we have a lot of comedy in this match slot; some fans are dressed up as Apocalypse prophet leader gimmick Bray Wyatt. Graves gets mixed up with competitors names, but he corrects himself, of what I have seen on the replay Paul actually gets the sling shot lariat right for the first time ever on both of his challengers.. McAfee gets corrected by Cole after making a mistake between Owens and Paul when it was meant to be vice versa. McAfee yet again makes another mistake when Paul goes in for a running/jumping clothesline into the far right corner on Orton, he calls it a big splash but as I have already indicated it was a clothesline; it has to be said that McAfee is consistently making little errors on commentary, then Cole says the wrong names but then also corrects himself. I have just noticed the Macho King audience member at some point will be in the screenshot. This match/match slot receives: 8/10.

Bayley vs. Champ Damage CTRL's: Iyo Sky; Singles Match for the WWE SmackDown Women's Championship: Bayley performs this flying cross body through the ropes on the entrance side, she seems to pick up an injury it gets referenced on commentary, but I am leaning more towards a kayfabe injury for this match, but this is speculation and I mean no disrespect. Regardless of this match slot is good and the crowd does get into it, but it does feel like it was here to be a good match yes but also just do what needs to be done. This match/match slot receives: 7/10.

Cody Rhodes vs. Champ The Bloodline's: Roman Reigns; TBD match for the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship; Stipulation to be determined by the result of Night 1's main event: okay let's start bringing this down from the very beginning Cole makes reference to how long Reigns has been champion which has been 1,316 days, then made reference to the list of champions which Reigns is now in company with/of as wrestlers that have held the championship longer as in alongside in the history books, then we have Graves basically saying greatness and other things, Cole brings up this would be the 9th time Reigns has had the main event spot of Mania and he has broken Hulk Hogan's record then Cole makes reference to how many defences Reigns has made; tonight will be 31 and then he lists the names off with Graves including Rhodes on that list, basically we have the entire commentary table putting over Reigns in a hard way. But if we were to look at the facts; that they aren't actually that impressive if we were to be honest. The problem I have with this entire building up garbage is so many uncomfortable facts if anything this entrance actually harms Reigns, because if you were to look at it; it highlights the worst parts of him even though he may or may not have been in control; such as to begin with taking the main event of Mania record away from Hogan and just for the record I don't care about Hogan, I am simply pointing out that they are making reference to when Reigns was being shoved down our necks so this was not a good start, then so what he has been champion for 1,316 days which puts him alongside these other long reigning champions, but he has the worst statistics, I really do understand that he does have a medical history and on a separate topic but on a connecting one the world of wrestling is different, but reasonably if he had 89 or somewhere around here defences that would be something to highlight over this timeframe of days, but as things are his record would basically indicate doing the bare minimum to keep hold of his championship and not forgetting the uncomfortable fact that most of these have come from outside assistance. I really wouldn't have brought this up in the slightest, because it just annoys me and we haven't even had the ringing of the bell yet. Cole references Reigns as the most dominant champion of this era which I think I have successfully squashed that theory by saying earlier he has done the equivalent of the very basics to keep hold of his championship. Paraphrasing McAfee makes reference to Rhodes being in possibly better cardia than Reigns or you would think based on he wrestles more three times a week, you know what I said about from earlier about Reigns not looking good, this would be another point, it has to be asked warlord in making these references which then opened up the door for me to point out these things? It just doesn't make your champion look in the slightest strong in any sense of the word. Now I have to give some praise you Cole for telling Rhodes in a nutshell focus, McAfee makes reference to a possible know of certain herb in the air and then a little later he says an adult reference, Mr. Perfect gets referenced in one way or another and then for me Graves has to spoiler a little by saying basically a comparison between this legend and Reigns reign as champion and as everyone should know likewise as I have already illustrated it has been less than perfect. We have a this is awesome chants, which I beg to differ and finally this is where I got angry, very unbelievably angry at one point or another we have the commentary team saying something to the effect of pro-wrestling something or other. This is why I highlighted in the first night when Michael Cole said buckle up it is time for the greatest show in all of entertainment, this is WrestleMania. I hate to break it to you but the WWE has been about professional wrestling for some years, if you want a turning point I will give you one 2002 when the WWF went to WWE actually the E stands for Entertainment and yes the second W stands for wrestling; I mean I know, I know it was probably a jab at AEW, so taking everything into consideration, including my interest in this feud checked out about a year ago. This match/match slot receives: 6/10.

The average mark of this pay-per-view is: 8/10, let's be honest the second night really did the heavy lifting and save this weekend, before I get criticism for something or anything I should point out this event went from a 5/10 to what you see here, so how can I put this politely; I just see things as they are so let's not this tribalism garbage shall we.

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