Tuesday 2 January 2024

Nick Hausman from Wrestling Haus backtracking after allegations made towards Chris Jericho in 2023 by AverageMansReviews

Nick Hausman from Wrestling Haus backtracking after allegations made towards Chris Jericho in 2023 by AverageMansReviews

Related content: Kylie Rae, Chris Jericho & Nick Hausman: alleged inappropriate behaviour 2023 Link https://averagemansreviews2017.blogspot.com/2024/01/kylie-rae-chris-jericho-nick-hausman.html

Important Disclaimer: normally am not this direct, but in this case as you will see that will make an exception, because I am fed up of this garbage and if you want to follow what has been happening read the previous connected content and I will be making reference to a convicted criminal.

Nick Hausman from Wrestling Haus: has now backtrack where he says I am paraphrasing here but trying to get it reasonably in the white line; he said a clip of our show went viral; I have heard things, I don't like Chris I think that is obvious by this point, then he went and spoke about his legacy and that is what I have concern for Chris, that is all I meant by those comments and then he goes on about this snowball effect of other allegations about Chris, about sexual misconduct, Hausman goes on about another woman and wanting to respect her privacy and for others to do the same [yes he didn't make reference to her but you see social media gets a lot of criticism, but in this case people are smart they saw him give this individual Kylie Rea Hart Emjoi As it relates to her comments, So at worst people will come up with 2 + 2 = 4.05.]

My opinion is simply this: Hausman see what happens when you mess the bed without facts. You also knew as soon as you made reference to Harvey Weinstein be it backhanded or just referenced in the same breath as Chris Jericho I mean everyone knows as soon as you put one name to another name to make a point; I will make this a polite comparison/reference he could be the next Ron Simmons/Faarooq which incidentally I have made that comparison to Power House Hobbs, but as you mention Jericho and Weinstein in the same breath you instigated a level of hatred towards Chris Jericho including but not limited to the audience at AEW World's End 2023 to voice their displeasure.

All because of your dislike of Chris Jericho and apparently of what you have heard, I don't care what you have heard, it is about professionalism I mean I know I don't like CM Punk, I have never hidden the fact that because I am professional when it came to Brawl Out 2022 I was as time went on I was more on his side of things because to sum this up; even though I don't know him, I know he comes across as one of those wrestlers that you don't want to screw with in any way shape or form, because what will happen is what happened, I mean I don't like Hulk Hogan or/and Mr. McMahon but I have to remain professional to a certain extent; where I have to say if it wasn't for these two we wouldn't have the landscape we have today.

Finally; I wonder how many of you are going to apologise to Chris Jericho? And don't give me their garbage about but he did this, that or the other. Where is your proof? I mean like I said in the related content; a heavy amount of you knew of Mr. McMahon shady behaviour especially towards the end of him being in power and you still gave him a massive hero welcome/return. I mean isn't that just a little bit hypocritical? And no this is not about tribalism, this is about inappropriate behaviour I don't care what promotion you work for inappropriate behaviour is unacceptable.

But then again these kinds of situations are going to repeat and repeat and repeat until; we sit down as a society and really talk about things such as inappropriate behaviour against women, false allegations towards men, women living in fear, men living in fear of something harmless going wrong. Until we are both seen as equals this garbage is just going to continue and for those women that are laughing at the thought men living in fear, I happen to be one; where I know there is a whole load of reasons why women won't touch me; disability, mental illness, not the most developed individual physically, he won't touch me and other reasons, but all I am trying to say here is; men living in fear is a real thing. But back onto and finally Nick Hausman from Wrestling Haus I will be regarding this source as unreliable from now on.



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