Thursday 25 January 2024

Average Extra of: Tatiana Maslany about She-Hulk: Attorney at Law Sason 2 Cancellation by AverageMansReviews

Average Extra of: Tatiana Maslany about She-Hulk: Attorney at Law Sason 2 Cancellation by AverageMansReviews

Related Content: Average Extra of: Marvel Studios She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: Pretty Much Cancelled Link

Warning: there will be softer adapted adult language references, including things that will probably make some of you very uncomfortable at one point or another, you have been warned.

This is a rough transcript of what Tatiana Maslany Attorney Jennifer Walters/She-Hulk had to say about the cancellation of Season 2 of this TV program: "Don't even get me started on Season 2, because it is going nowhere I think and it's pretty sad and infuriating to deal with the problem with this industry is how many studios tend to listen to loud and opinionated way to seriously that are biased and take their word for everything as if they are the majority. What happened to The Marvels 2023 and its reception, I think is just completely false and misunderstood most fans were not happy of course with the addition of from Marvel and I think the problem is that there is a silent majority that actually loves these female lead roles, especially these female ensemble cast films they dealt with this for The Marvels and I can say for a fact I know I dealt with this for She-Hulk there is absolutely a silent majority that loves She-Hulk, people feel the stigma, you know to admit that you enjoy something different especially female empowerment in Disney film or a series under Marvel and I think Bob [Bob  Iger: Managing Director of Disney] is part to blame for that stigma because a thing of course that is still being very much complex, they just listen to the toxic demographic too closely and decide to cancel this or that or are based on little to no logic, it's a fan problem and not a studio issue at the root, we need more fans feel comfortable to admit what they enjoy and support, when it involves films and television especially under Marvel and what Disney are trying to establish here, I think it is a disgrace that we couldn't just agree on budget with a continuation of She-Hulk and just agree on something already, anything I mean there is so much to discuss about what we wanted to do for Season 2 and where it's right now but fandom culture is basically creating a bleak future increasingly challenging for studios to understand there is a silent majority that, that needs to be more outspoken and support actresses like myself to things going and I think they are a part of the problem too, you got these two that are loud unbiased and those that don't want to say anything and it can be very damaging for brand like Marvel for a studio to truly understand their demographic, I am rooting for Echo and Iron Heart and whatever future Captain Marvel has, but I don't know too much of where she is going but characters like that are the true stars of Marvel and are the true future, I often see so much the twerking scene that we did for She-Hulk and its undeserved for the cast and crew including myself, I think it's one of the most funniest scenes out there for the MCU for comedic relief it is obvious why males would have an issue with it with something like that."

She goes on to say "I think these films and series from Marvel really need to cater to more women evolved and expand the demographic that Disney is going for, but the silent majority needs to speak their voice to really make that happen to show feedback accurately to this studios, I wholeheartedly believe that's what the problem has for way too long, it all boils down to both a marketing problem and irresponsible from fans not showing their proper support to this studios."

Why don't you tell us what you really think? Well thank you I will: this is just a bunch of manure really so let's take section by section; Don't even get me started on Season 2, because it is going nowhere I think and it's pretty sad and infuriating to deal with the problem with this industry is how many studios tend to listen to loud and opinionated way to seriously that are biased and take their word for everything as if they are the majority. My response is: well yes, if they put their hands in their pockets be it going to the cinema or paying a subscription, this is how it works, it is simple business; manufacturer and the consumer I mean this isn't just cinema or TV this is basic how the world goes round, so so far it isn't down to any form of fan base and on a quick yet very valid side note the fan base has grown up with these characters, so we are very and I mean very protective over them, so when we see less than their true potential, yes we are open up to different interpretations, depending on what world they come from, but regardless is still revolves around their true potential and portrayal. But please keep talking absolute garbage.

What happened to The Marvels 2023 and its reception, I think is just completely false and misunderstood most fans were not happy of course with the addition of from Marvel and I think the problem is that there is a silent majority that actually loves these female lead roles, especially these female ensemble cast films they dealt with this for The Marvels and I can say for a fact I know I dealt with this for She-Hulk there is absolutely a silent majority that loves She-Hulk, people feel the stigma, you know to admit that you enjoy something different especially female empowerment in Disney film or a series under Marvel; My response: what are you smoking and can I have some? I am amazed that either Disney, Marvel or any of the current crop of new blood into the MCU just don't get it, I mean once again it is down to consumerism, if people don't like the garbage you're shovelling they aren't going to pay or at minimum watch it or listen to it or take it, but putting consumerism to one side for a minute this is becoming very personal very quickly between the performers that Disney/Marvel Studios are hiring generally speaking and aiming their actual personal opinions and collective social commentary at the fan base that are paying their bills. I am being sarcastic when I say this; I find it incredibly comical that when people are trying to instruct a coherent argument they use words such as empowerment, just the record there was nothing empowering about She-Hulk Season 1; especially with what happened in the final episode where without giving anything away she learns absolutely nothing which makes this entire TV program a complete waste of time, so what is empowering about this; when you don't learn anything about the person you are now and the responsibilities that come with that if you can just change it at the end?? Seriously this is the problem with the new generation of performers when you come up against someone that has been around and also can see the smoke screen of manure and just for the record I don't care about female lead or ensemble casts; I know I have just sent this; but no one seems to be getting it; people don't like to have an agenda or preaching or anything shoved down their throat, they should be allowed to come to those ideas or think they themselves, so you can put this kind of content in there, but you can't force feed it.

Please continue; and I think Bob [Bob  Iger: Managing Director of Disney] is part to blame for that stigma because a thing of course that is still being very much complex, they just listen to the toxic demographic too closely and decide to cancel this or that or are based on little to no logic, it's a fan problem and not a studio issue at the root, we need more fans feel comfortable to admit what they enjoy and support, when it involves films and television especially under Marvel and what Disney are trying to establish here My response: I have to be completely honest this was the first time I genuinely almost messed myself with laughing so much, because only a complete idiot would disrespect their boss publicly, you know the person that is actually paying you money or was paying you money or possibly pay you again for a different projects, but that was a smart move partially throwing him under the bus. But however we completely agree on something here, but not in the way you think; yes Bob  Iger has allowed this garbage and including Kevin Feige [the President of Marvel Studios] to individually or together to allow this garbage to go on for too long of shovelling their agenda down our throats and if you want a logical reason for your cancellation, you have openly said in the related content that basically you blew your very large budget of $225 million I know, I know I must sound like a broken down record but it is down to consumerism once again so why would they give you another regardless of size budget just for you to blow it again? It is about business, business, business end of story. You can stop that mental manipulation/social compliance garbage as well when you say; it's a fan problem and not a studio issue at the root, we need more fans feel comfortable to admit what they enjoy and support, when it involves films and television especially under Marvel and what Disney are trying to establish. The fact is in the way you put things across, you are suggesting mental manipulation/social compliance when you believe that if you can get these silent people to talk they may and you are hoping they will basically go to bat for you, I know I have brain damage with mental health on top, but even I can read the room don't you get it we are living in the era of social media people will tell you what they want and what they clearly don't want for two excellent examples I know people at the time were hopeful of a second series of Watchmen 2019 and at one point or another you must have seen this hash tag going around #SaveLegendsOfTomorrow DC's Legends of Tomorrow [2016-2022] which individually dealt with generally speaking dealt with how to put this nicely white on black violence and then a bunch of misfits which came from all different walks of life, but were able to create a dysfunctional/functional family and if you have ever watched these one or both of these TV programs, you know full well I mean absolutely no disrespect in the language used here; but carry on and what happened with The Marvels is a briefly a wake-up call even though I gave it 10/10, The Marvels 2023 Link I mean this is what the problem is the MCU has gotten to the point where, because they have allowed this garbage which along, where we had come accustomed to glowing positive films back when they first started out to nowadays on average and a general consensus of possibly good to average to poor, so this has become learned behaviour.

I think it is a disgrace that we couldn't just agree on budget with a continuation of She-Hulk and just agree on something already, anything I mean there is so much to discuss about what we wanted to do for Season 2 and where it's right now but fandom culture is basically creating a bleak future increasingly challenging for studios to understand there is a silent majority that, that needs to be more outspoken and support actresses like myself to things going and I think they are a part of the problem too, you got these two that are loud unbiased and those that don't want to say anything and it can be very damaging for brand like Marvel for a studio to truly understand their demographic, I am rooting for Echo and Iron Heart and whatever future Captain Marvel has, but I don't know too much of where she is going but characters like that are the true stars of Marvel and are the true future, I often see so much the twerking scene that we did for She-Hulk and its undeserved for the cast and crew including myself, I think it's one of the most funniest scenes out there for the MCU for comedic relief it is obvious why males would have an issue with it with something like that."

My response: how immature do you sound? I mean I could even put this much more harshly but I won't because I have identified that you are not aware of the world around you; briefly because I have said this already. You have already acknowledged that you blew your budget and I have repeatedly said that in summary it is business, business, business. I mean how difficult is it to understand? Blaming the fandom culture is easy, because that takes all of the responsibility off the people that worked on this TV series including herself instead of looking at us, you should be all looking at yourself going, maybe we pushed our luck? Because quite frankly generally speaking I am getting sick to death of the current climate of people not taking responsibility for the outcome of this all that, yes I feel absolutely comfortable saying she is not aware of the world around her; based on this example; one minute she is asking for the silent majority to go and bat for her and others like her and then the next minute she is putting them under the bus as well and blaming them, this is the second time I almost massed myself from laughing too much, because she keeps speaking of this silent majority; which I have to ask what silent majority? Does she mean the people that didn't watch her TV program or at the cinema with The Marvels film, hasn't it dawned on you yet the silent majority are speaking loud and clear by not watching or going to the cinema? The majority be it silent or not are speaking loud and clear and they are saying generally speaking no to whatever you are shovelling and I know I am this evil demographic known as a Caucasian male in their 40's but perhaps if you want to be taken seriously don't twerk, I am just saying again on one hand you are wanting to be taken seriously, whilst on the other hand you are damaging that message; but please continue for the final time

I think these films and series from Marvel really need to cater to more women evolved and expand the demographic that Disney is going for, but the silent majority needs to speak their voice to really make that happen to show feedback accurately to this studios, I wholeheartedly believe that's what the problem has for way too long, it all boils down to both a marketing problem and irresponsible from fans not showing their proper support to this studios. My response is: now I have been holding back one uncomfortable truth that they don't want to hear and it is fact you are aware that since Marvel Studios/the MCU began essentially it was founded upon the hard work of men and women that made Marvel Studios/the MCU very, very lucrative in fact it is because of these men and these women who graciously built up the MCU for you to have future jobs/employment, I just have a massive problem with the current direction of the MCU, because it isn't based around inclusivity how much they would love to preach that fact, it just isn't, it is just about playing social politics and agenda driven content and if you don't like it you are a part of the problem, so you can keep your mouth shut and fudge off. But the most saddest thing is; they are just tearing down the work of the original generations worked and foundations.





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