Friday 15 December 2023

Reactionary To The Wrestling News of: AEW in Danger? 2023 by AverageMansReviews

Reactionary To The Wrestling News of: AEW in Danger? 2023 by AverageMansReviews

Just a heads up/Disclaimer: I am not here to discredit anybody, but I will also be defending somebody. But however I am here to slow down the speculation and just for the record I wasn't meant to do this content today I was meant to do other wrestling content instead but this seems more important.

I have listened to Nick Husman and another content creator: comments on this matter and he doesn't say anything about AEW being in direct danger or possible danger. I am not misquoting him or cherry picking what I want to hear; but generally speaking and looking from an overview prospective with paraphrasing here in summary is everything is up in the air between everyone that may or may not be concerned between possibly WWE or AEW or WBD or/and TNT/TBS. If you're wondering why I say listen it is because I am dyslexic, but I am smart enough to put it into a document so that I can use my computer program to hear it for myself.

But I digress; I can now confirm after listening to another source but there was a meeting on Monday 11/12/2023 between higher-ups of  TKO’s Marc Shapiro, the WWE Chief Content Officer Paul Levesque a.k.a. Triple H and WWE President Nick Khan met with higher up WBD Executive/WBD Chief Revenue and Strategy Officer Bruce Campbell for a long time, it has also been said that Endeavor CEO Ari Emanuel has been having positive discussions with other partners, this has all come around because of CM Punk that potential opportunity has come around.

Which as things stand could leave AEW without a home as WBD owns TBS and TNT; as they currently have the rights to show AEW content such as Dynamite, Rampage and Collision [I know they need this TV program especially for Punk;  which can I just say is and was a completely stupid idea, in the first place and I have never hidden my dislike for Punk, but in this case my thinking is it could have been anybody and I would have still said this was a stupid idea,] based on 3 reasons; 1 didn't anyone learn from the W CW and Hulk Hogan era and 2 this would give any wrestler generally speaking the idea of being untouchable and 3 what happens if the individual in question gets fired or leaves? Briefly because I don't want to give these individuals the time of day on a quick side note; anyone revelling in AEW's potential difficulties in the future are just very sad individuals.Because it is thanks to AEW that my interest in wrestling is still alive and well, you see I was just about to give it up when the WWE was doing that three way storyline involving Reigns, Ambrose  and Rollins; you know the real life aspect of it being cancer. You know you get to that point where I think I am just found my limit, but then I was hearing the workings of AEW and then AEW became real, yes I now watch some of the WWE/NXT content especially now someone [Mr. McMahon] at minimum either very little control or left I don't know this situation at this time As of this content being first created, I should really go and look into that. But that isn't my point here; AEW pulled me back in and I stayed, so as I have made reference to this it must be at minimum double figures by now AEW is good for the wrestling business, it keeps the WWE on their feet and focused. As JR Jim Ross made reference to some time ago and I am paraphrasing here but the sentiment is the same, if you don't like AEW  or the WWE you mustn't like wrestling then? I am not backtracking on anything I have ever said about the WWE, but there was always one constant and that was Mr. McMahon, so we get along much better now.

I am not being naive here, but I don't see there being a problem obviously yes absolutely I can see there being a massive potential problem. I am just talking about from the perspective of this just sounds like the usual potential TV negotiations; I mean it does happen from time to time and if I was AEW I would be concerned that you had all of these high-profile individuals in one place at the headquarters of Warner Bros. Discovery.

But after yesterday's content of Reactionary To The Wrestling News of: AEW estimated $34 million loss in 2023 Link I am not against AEW, but having said that I am not against the idea of maybe it is time to do some restructuring which I do briefly discuss in this linked content on any level; but to just finish off I don't see AEW in danger as things stand, but they have grown and sometimes in growing/changing sometimes it is painful.

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