Thursday 14 December 2023

Reactionary To The Wrestling News of: AEW estimated $34 million loss in 2023 by AverageMansReviews

Reactionary To The Wrestling News of: AEW estimated $34 million loss in 2023 by AverageMansReviews

Just a heads up: I am not a business expert or have any business education, but I do know little bits and pieces and disclaimer this is heavily speculated and opinion based.

Where to start really: well let's just talk about the elephant in the room straight away CM Punk $3 million a year contract, I am not pinning it on him, but however when you are paying this kind of money and all you get is some wrestling followed by in one way or another negative press which may or may not encourage people to stay away from your promotion.

Frustration with booking decisions [yes Tony Kahn doesn't have to listen, for an example the booking of the women's division] which consequently may lead onto the next problem.

The attendances going through a low [I have seen pictures doing their rounds on social media.]

Questionable infrastructure? For me this is a big one, because I know generally speaking businesses can run on a financial loss especially in the first lot of years. So I would say a small financial loss is okay as long as you had the infrastructure and if you don't know what this means; it basically means in a general sense you may spend money at the beginning on your infrastructure to make your money back and more later on down the line. So as it relates to AEW okay in 2023 you are running at a loss, but for an example do you have the infrastructure to recoup that kind of money and make more? Which I has to be completely honest this from an outsider perspective irritates me so, so much. Because I know the answer and/or they could have done this instead of doing this or that.

So why did you start AEW Heels? On one hand you are aware the you preach inclusivity and on the other hand then you come out with this idea/concept which excludes men/potentially others; so by definition this is hypocrisy but I digress and for $49/roughly £39 a year subscription and then you come up with the idea/concept/another actual thing of videogames AEW Fight Forever 2023 [just to cover my back I don't care who paid for what.] Because as far as I'm concerned there is only one thing that TK should have been doing and that is making his own version of the WWE Network okay maybe not spending the money just yet but you know planning so hypothetically speaking we could have said $34 million loss, but at least they now have the input structure such as a network of AEW/ROH content online [yes you didn't think I was just talking about having AEW content did you?] Yes which you could also include AEW Heels in this as well and put a 8 pounds a month either dollars or pounds on that [if I had this option yes I would pay it for this content] and without irritating your business partners you could say it is look you will still get first viewing we are just creating a library so our fan base can pick and choose when they watch and what they watch.

Use talent you already have; I mean this is pretty much self-explanatory, there is no point obviously if TK thinks this could be a game changer then bring the talent in. But I mean if you know, you know that if you don't know one of the reasons why you don't see sometimes and I mean big-name talents on screen is because they either turn down creative plans or don't want to lose so Kahn has got himself into an unfortunate situation where when these individuals contracts run out don't re-sign them, because they aren't worth the money if they aren't actually going to work for you; you may as well build up a fresh individual which without being disrespectful is on less money and if this individual did ask for an improved deal is still wouldn't be breaking the bank compared to the big-name that isn't willing to play the game actually they may as well go back and play with the game that they are used to playing and just on a quick side note; I am very much in favour of the fines thing; where if the talent voice their displeasure on social media they get fined, I have always found that kind of thing to be unprofessional regardless of most situations, I mean don't get me wrong in special circumstances I may allow it in one message on social media like; a wrestler putting out a message/tweet hypothetically saying I'm fine, I took a hit, I wasn't sure about this spot and I spoke about it with the person I was wrestling with tonight, but they convinced me it would be okay. I mean in this hypothetical message/tweet it is okay to be angry and it is more than okay to tell people you are fine, even though you have slightly bent the rules of being unprofessional or/and for an example if you get criticism for wrestling properly you have every right if you so wish to defend yourself online, just watch what you say.

I did say; give AEW 10 years to see what they really look like or something to that effect, I am not panicking about this promotion, actually I would prefer them to go slightly a little bit backwards to reinvest in their AEW established and build up new young talent, was when AEW was truly jumping as in noisy neighbours for the WWE but it has to be said 2023 has been one hell of a learning curve for AEW, as I have already referenced with any business starting up it can be financially hard so let's hope that things can pick up in 2024.




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