Friday 15 December 2023

Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol 1987 by AverageMansReviews

Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol 1987 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/shooting/bodily functions/animal waste/breaking/vehicles crashing/burning/medical

Commandant Eric Lassard [George Gaynes:] he is still very much going senile but nonetheless he has been working on this program it is called "Citizens on Patrol" or in short C.O.P.: the idea is getting volunteers of the neighbourhood to be trained to be like a police officer; to hopefully have an understanding and to potentially work besides a police officer to hopefully build a cohesive neighbourhood and by doing so bringing crime down. Now whilst this program is being put in place in his own Police Academy; he is going to attend a Police Seminar in London. Commandant Lassard entrusts the success of the programme between his most loyal and faithful Officers led by Sargeant Carey Mahoney. But however the acting Captain Thaddeus Harris [G.W. Bailey:] strongly does not like this program, in fact need to the beginning of this instalment he complains to is superior Commissioner Henry Hurst [George R. Robertson:] throughout this entire franchise he acts how he should act for someone in his position so he fits in very nicely with his limited appearances, because in one way or another we have these bubbly, wacky and foiler characters you need at least one normal character throughout this franchise and he is it. But I digress; I am paraphrasing here; Commissioner Hurst tells at this point Captain Harris that until the general consensus changes on this program we all get on board with it. Luckily acting Commandant/Captain Harris has still got his loyal dimwit Lieutenant. Carl Proctor [Lance Kinsey:] which he has now gone from serving Commandant Mauser to Captain Harris and a limited appearances from Sargeant Chad Copeland [Scott Thompson.]

Now let's bring in some more new names; Mrs. Lois Feldman [Billie Bird:] she lives at this retirement home, she is a volunteer into the C.O.P. Program; she has a very similar mind set to Sargeant Eugene Tackleberry [David Graf] but with two differences; the first being there is about roughly 35 years between them and she gives zero dumplings, which makes her more fun. Kyle Rumford [David Spade:] is in the C.O.P. Program, well basically it was either this or some prison time and thanks to Sgt. Carey Mahoney he and his friend Arnie Lewis [Brian Backer] are in this program instead; which if you remember right back at the beginning of this franchise he was looking at a similar option. Claire Mattson [Sharon Stone:] she is a news reporter; reporting on the C.O.P. Program and finally we have a cameo from Tony Hawk as himself; now I didn't know this; until the person watch some of these films pointed it out in the ending credits sequence where you can see a younger version of him when they do this sequence with all these skateboarders.

Generally speaking: the framework and pacing of this 88 minutes film is good as always up to this point anyway [maybe just to cover my back in the future instalments, I haven't seen these films for a very long time.] You know they have a storyline to tell and just get on with it in a lively positive and manner.

Action/Art/Comedy; briefly let's begin; instructor/Officer Zed McGlunk [Bobcat Goldthwait] is screaming underwater in a swimming pool at the Police Academy basically come back here as Lewis was getting bored of demonstration and decided to go on the exercise bike but it had came off its stand and went flying off into the swimming pool; so Officer McGlunk looks at Lewis on this bike cycling; this is highly creative art and then he just slides in to the swimming pool and rescues Lewis, but however and sadly Mickey Mouse doesn't survive is ordeal. Later on; Sargeant Tackleberry goes into resolve this bank robbery by himself as Mrs. Fieldman is told to wait outside on a quick side note; in identical motorcycle please officers uniforms, which she does. But Sgt. Tackleberry gets taken as a hostage and from out of nowhere Mrs. Fieldman on this police motorcycle crashes through this bank's window so that Sargeant Tackleberry can take charge of this situation with her saying "Book em' Tack" and yes in the closing section of this sequel we have this really a lengthy comical and imaginative action sequences; briefly sometimes taking place on the ship [made for sailing on water but for this sequence is docked] or some other characters are chasing down this hot air balloon or/and a biplane in other biplane and yes we also have acting Commandant/Captain Harris and Lieutenant Proctor get involved, but their involvement quickly turns into they need rescuing as Lieutenant Proctor very clumsily shoots their hot air blown with shot gun and finally Sargeant Tackleberry jumps from a biplane onto a hot air blown; but don't worry your leaves the biplane in the capable hands of Officer Carl Sweetchuck and Officer McGlunk I am sure nothing can or will go wrong.

Character developments and performances; as the norm the character developments either of the newcomers or the newest returning or the returning characters/performances; feel welcoming and fluently does gel with at this point is long serving cast members; things are just getting better and better, because with more characters are establishing themselves; it just reinforces cameraderie of the characters and the cast of performers themselves.

This film receives: 10/10, this film is top-notch entertainment; I think what helps with keeping these films entertaining is the fact that their storylines are noticeably slightly different like this one was focused on this program. This film also has an extra sequence at the end of it to tell you the cast names, this film also has two awards to its name and unfortunately no they are not the positive Image Awards (NAACP) Image Award Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Motion Picture Michael Winslow [as Sergeant Larvell "Motormouth" Jones] and Razzie Awards 1988 Worst Original Song Brian Wilson Gary Usher For the song "Let's Go to Heaven in My Car".


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