Thursday 14 December 2023

Police Academy 3: Back in Training 1986 by AverageMansReviews

Police Academy 3: Back in Training 1986 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/shooting/burning/electrocution/references to racial and sexism

There can only be one Police Academy: as you may remember from the first review of this franchise I did make reference to; two Police Academy/Police Stations and now here, but they ran very differently, the first is very nurturing and hands on whilst the other is very militarised and very sterile; Commandant Eric Lassard [George Gaynes:] a highly experienced Commandant which yes I have just remembered he has a goldfish and yes he may be still a kind but increasingly senile individual is still the top guy at this Police Academy, but if he would like to keep this Academy up and running he is going to have a challenge on his hands; as this rival Police Academy and its top guy Commandant Ernie Mauser [Art Metrano:] yes this was the foiler in the previous film title and his right hand dimwit Sargeant Carl Proctor [Lance Kinsey,] but they will call upon some double agents in Sargeant Kyle Blankes [Brant Van Hoffman/Brant von Hoffman] and Sargeant Chad Copeland [Scott Thomson:] that if you have been watching these films in chronological order; you would know that they would love to stick it to now Sargeant Carey Mahoney [Steve Guttenberg] and his unit of comrades; which Commandant Lessard will call upon them again for their assistance as it simultaneously dawns upon him, Sargeant Larvell Jones [Michael Winslow] and Lieutenant Debbie Callahan [Leslie Easterbrook] all get the same idea. I will mention some other characters/performers I haven't mentioned yet in these instalments; so we have husband-and-wife Sargeant Douglas Fackler [Bruce Mahler:] an unknowing individual that is very clumsy and consequently dangerous to people around him. Violet Fackler/Cadet Violet Fackler [Debralee Scott:] once again if you have been watching these films in chronological order you would know; that from the first film she was dead against her husband joining the police force, but this time it is her husband's ride on the bonnet as she fully intends to join the police force and speaking of chronological order we have another two coming back for more Cadet Zed McGlunk and Cadet Carl Sweetchuck [Bobcat Goldthwait:] he used to be the leader of The Scullions in fact he used to intimidate and rob from Carl Sweetchuck [Tim Kazurinsky:] back when he had his own self titled store, but Zed has turned over a new leaf and Sweetchuck is probably set up of being pushed around, so hopefully joining the police force will give him some self-confidence.

Generally speaking: the framework and pacing of this 83 minutes film is good; as its predecessors it has a instalment to tell and as you can tell it has a reliably good story outlay to tell; basically of competition between two Police Academy's when one is more than enough.

Action/Comedy/Art; as I have already given you one example; I will give you a couple more; Sargeant Larvell Jones as his Bruce Lee inspired impersonation wants to take down these criminals in this location; as they are robbing these many high society people at this event on this lavish sailing vessel including taking the Governor Neilson [Ed Neilson:] in a nutshell; he announced at the beginning of the film that one of these academies will be closing; as a hostage. But Sargeant  Jones will receive assistance from one of their latest cadets; Cadet Tomoko Nogata [Brian Tochi:] a very nice Asian Cadet; that was transferred from Comdt. Mauser's Academy to Commandant Lassard Academy; he was originally a part of an international exchange program from Tachikawa Highway Patrol to study American methods on policing. But in this action sequence; Sargent and Cadet most definitely put foot to posterior as they quickly dispatch of these criminals and then doing this chilled out walk out of this location and briefly a little later we have this mass chasing sequence on water as this criminal has taken the Governor hostage and making a run for it in a speedboat with a selection of Commandant Lassard's personnel in hot pursuit on jet skis; including Sargeant Jones impersonating a submarine with a periscope as well. In fairness and balance I should point out Commandant Mauser and Lieutenant Proctor are trying to be in hot pursuit as well, but they are in a canoe with these paddles. The entirety of this big action ending sequence looks excellent and like good fun as well.

Character developments and performances; as the norm the character developments either of the newcomers or the newest returning or the returning characters/performances; feel welcoming and fluently does gel with at this point is long serving cast members.

This film receives: 10/10, this film is top-notch entertainment; This film also has won an award to its name; 1 Winner Golden Screen, Germany 1986 Golden Screen [just the record and to cover my back it is the same award from the previous film title, but as it is here I have put it here as well.]





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