Thursday 28 December 2023

Bill Goldberg says the WWE owes him a retirement match/broken promise by Mr. McMahon by AverageMansReviews

Bill Goldberg says the WWE owes him a retirement match/broken promise by Mr. McMahon by AverageMansReviews

Disclaimer: I have never been or likely to be a professional wrestler and I will be censoring a quote.

Bill Goldberg retirement match promised by Mr. McMahon: Bill Goldberg has been doing around on a social media platform today [yesterday] saying that he was promised a retirement match by Mr. McMahon calling him a piece of manure.

Here are my thoughts on this situation: frankly I don't care what he feels he owed and just for the record this has nothing to do with tribalism if he goes to AEW I will still have the same opinion. The fact is and you can regard this as a hard shoot/pipe bomb; he is a liability in the ring and for everyone's safety you shouldn't be in one. For some reason he still thinks he can be Goldberg the smash mouth gimmick and he just can't. Every time I have seen him in the ring over recent times at no stage does it look remotely comfortable for anyone if it goes more than 5 minutes if that. I mean if you have been around wrestling long enough you would have seen some terrible wrestling in your time, but [if you have seen it you know where and what I am about to reference,] having seen Goldberg vs. The Undertaker; Wasted: The Undertaker vs. Goldberg at WWE Super ShowDown 2019 Link you know that this is quite possibly or it is the worst match I have ever seen, it is difficult to watch because basically without going on and on about kayfabe melted away that night as you had two legendary wrestlers in their 50's and everything that could go wrong went wrong. The point that I am making here is; this was in 2019 I know he has wrestle more since then like his last match for the WWE was WWE Elimination Chamber 2022 where he lost a WWE Universal Championship match to Roman Reigns lasting no more than 6 minutes, I would regard this as an excellent way to go out, he went out in a championship match and laid down as it is done in wrestling, I honestly don't see the problem. As of this content Goldberg is 57 years old, so at his age and wrestling style I don't know what he is expecting to do? I mean let's be completely honest here his capabilities have been suspect for some time what with unable to look competent in the ring and/or confident in the ring including relatively short matches and not forgetting the possibility he may give himself a concussion thanks to his ritual [for the younger generations all I can say is this is genuinely real and I can't make this garbage up.] Goldberg has to head-butt something hard like a locker or a brick wall to apparently get the adrenaline flowing to come out to the ring, but unfortunately over more recent times this ritual has became a problem for the obvious risk to himself.

I should imagine some of you are going to take the low road and ask about Sting? Yes as of this content he is 64 years old, but he looks and gives off the willingness like he can still go in the ring even though I am aware he has had a few minor glitches, I mean I'm not trying to sugarcoated, but compared to Goldberg he is wrestling like someone in their very late 40's. Don't get me wrong and this is purely speculation; I am sure Sting feels it the next morning, I'm sure he could go for maybe another two years[ With not forget Sting retired the first time/had a long-term absence from the ring due to injury from 2016-2020, I'm not saying this was a good thing for those sensitive people out there but all I am saying is swings and roundabouts and it gave him roughly 4 years away from the ring to heal up and it wasn't the right way for him to retire from in ring competition,] but he is bowing out at the right time AEW Revolution 03/03/2024 and let's not forget Sting is in wrestling shade and mind, yes this is an actual thing for those that don't know, you can be as fit as you want to be, but it is completely different when you are wrestling either a one-off match or consistently basically it is called ring rust as well and at Goldberg's age regardless of physical capability or not at best he can only go for 9 minutes if that I know I am being incredibly kind with that figure.

In conclusion the wrestling business owes Goldberg absolutely nothing and like I have already said on a social media platform basically; Goldberg may as well join the queue of broken promises that the WWE has made but not kept and to make this crystal clear no I don't want him anywhere near AEW.


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