Thursday 28 December 2023

Eric Bischoff criticises AEW again for being like TNA; even though he booked WCW and TNA back in the days by AverageMansReviews

Eric Bischoff criticises AEW again for being like TNA; even though he booked WCW and TNA back in the days by AverageMansReviews

Just a heads up: I really wasn't going to do this today [yesterday] because I have so much other content to do. But I have massive problems with Eric Bischoff, yes I have seen a video clip of what he has meant to have said where basically he compares AEW to TNA back in the day and not this new generation incoming beginning next year and full disclosure on these two things; he does give Tony Kahn some praise for running his product in front of a live audience and yes I haven't seen but I know what up-to-date things as it relates to AEW. I haven't abandoned them, but as you have already may have guessed I am always trying to create new content, so it doesn't leave much time for TV of any description and finally but most importantly I ignore it that AEW have their problems, I am not trying to put up a smokescreen about the problems, in fact the older wrestling fans would understand completely where I am coming from as we progress through this content and yes there will probably be actually there will be some adapted softer adult language references.

The focus point of this content is simple: is Eric Bischoff; anyone can have their own opinion on wrestling, but not these individuals; Eric Bischoff, Hulk Hogan, Ryback, Dixie Carter, I don't know too much about Billy Corgan, but if I was to look more into him of what I have seen/heard it wouldn't take me too much to find a reason why he shouldn't be on this list as well, Mr. McMahon and obviously Jim Cornett. As they all very toxic individuals or allowed others to take over.

I mean it is very rich for Bischoff to criticise AEW; when he and Hogan destroyed WCW with getting in old WWF guys which were either definitely veterans slowly creeping towards old and creating this whole top guy earns top money ethos and if you didn't do earn top money you were not considered a top guy. But at least when AEW have brought in ex-WWE guys that they aren't necessarily old, obviously there is a few in the mix like Dusty Rhodes, but for those people that watch AEW would know he doesn't wrestle that much anymore and Sting is going to retire from in ring competition in 2024 AEW Revolution 03/03/2024, even though I would like to think they would keep him on as now and again an on-screen character. I am not behind the closed doors of this promotion, but it looks like that they are trying to use the old veterans to rub onto the young talent. Yes if the truth was known I don't like some of these ex-WWE guys that are difficult to work with that are in AEW that refused to lose to potentially a lesser talent, even though I may like some of these guys from WWE, they need to either change their minds it all be gone, I don't care they can go back to the WWE or anywhere for that matter, that is the wrong mindset to have, I need to quickly point out that this is not aimed at everyone.

But if that wasn't enough Bischoff and Hogan had a second bite of the cherry with TNA 2010-2014, where they once again almost destroyed another promotion and this time yes of what I can remember their roster quickly became very large and bloated with old guys, we aren't talking about veterans that could still go, we are generally talking about old guys and even TNA would say it has taken us all this time to recover from that and other bumps in the road to get to 2024 to get to the point where we could have a new generation/new era.

For those people that are thinking "Eric Bischoff is just telling you the truth and you don't like it." Well as I have already seen online generally speaking people have picked up on the irony or/and hypocrisy that Bischoff had a large hand in the downfall of WCW and almost TNA as in he is the common the nominator and for him to criticise AEW is just bull shish kebab. Or better yet Bischoff if you think you can run a wrestling promotion better how about you find someone to back you financially [I am sure Mr McMahon would love to take you up on that opportunity as you are two relics that cannot see yes on one hand you were both wisemen including Heyman that gave us the golden times of wrestling, but also on the other hand can't acknowledge that times change, you either change with the times or become time yourselves] to start up your own promotion and see how far you get, instead of sitting on social media, just trying to remain relevant in wrestling, so let me clarify one more time it isn't the fact that he is sharing his opinion that it has irritated me, it is the fact that he has the history he does and then has the balls to criticise another promotion even though on the scoresheet it says 1.25 Bischoff and Khan 0 of wrestling promotions that he has had a hand in putting out of business or/and almost out of business.

I mean for me Bischoff and this final comparison between both companies that he was involved in at the time are the final straws that broke the camel's back, don't get me wrong as I have previously said in this content I respect that back in the day he was one of the wisemen of wrestling, but that is about it.


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