Thursday 9 November 2023

Wasted: LA Knight vs. Champ The Bloodline's Roman Reigns [with Paul Heyman;] Singles Match for the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship at WWE Crown Jewel 2023 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Wasted: LA Knight vs. Champ The Bloodline's Roman Reigns [with Paul Heyman;] Singles Match for the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship at WWE Crown Jewel 2023 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Relating content: Recommendation of: WWE Crown Jewel 2023 Links

We aren't here to discuss the result directly even though it will pop up, so putting that to one side: but we are here to discuss the absolute garbage of the main event; basically it is the same outlay every time Roman Reigns defends his Championship, I have made it public knowledge I am very much done with this entire bloodline saga. Yes Reigns will go down in history for this championship run, but as far as I am concerned this run is incredibly weak and not forgetting as I have already referenced the way he is winning his matches isn't anything historic about it. As I have already made reference to hear Recommendation of: WWE Crown Jewel 2023 I am so much more concerned about the aftermath of this championship run and how long it will need to take to get this main event flourishing again, because as I have consistently made reference to it; I get it is the design of Reigns's character/gimmick to lay waste to anyone in front of him or cheat to keep hold on to his championship, but if I was the WWE hierarchy and myself included I am so much more concerned about after Reigns, because yes at this moment in time it looks to be Cody Rhodes favourite to dethrone Reigns at WrestleMania 40/2024, so we put the championship on Rhodes and then what? You can't have him lose it relatively soon, because since his return to the WWE in 2022; he has been talking about finishing the story of winning the main championship.

I mean yes we have Walter and one day he will be in the main event picture; but if I was the WWE I would protect him from this incoming storm of garbage, but then again there are some wrestlers that I want to protect from dealing with this situation and I am talking about young blood which are not yet on the main roster Carmelo Hayes, Bron Breakker, Ilja Dragunov and Joe Coffey. I mean having thought about it for 10 minutes; if they wanted to get the main event picture up and running again, they could make it the year of open challenges where there are only one rule and that very simply this; you must have never won a main event championship. I mean I know it sounds cheesy, but it would be a quick and efficient way to establish a mixture of seasoned wrestlers would have never been in this situation and a mixture of young blood that it would be good for them to wrestle these types of talent to get the idea of what is expected of them, so by doing it this way it should be a nice mixture of names and on top of that new names to this level of main event status.

But I should now talk more about the main event a little; yes full disclosure there were times where the commentary team were putting over LA Knight, but I really don't understand why they were even being told or going off their own backs to take some shine off Knight by saying am paraphrasing here just so you get the rough idea; if he doesn't win here or something, something flash in the pan. I mean that is clearly trying to take of the shine off him especially as I have made reference to he clearly isn't winning here so why compounded? It annoys me, like it or not for a business standpoint Knight is good for business. But then again this is the same promotion that at one point or another; struggled or were determined not to push Becky Lynch when she was white hot, so I am not surprised that we have a similar situation with Knight and their lack of willingness to protect him either by not having him in this match or let's not put him down so much on commentary when he is in a main event match.

I just don't get either the old hierarchy or the newest hierarchy's mentality/thinking process of there is something special happening with this wrestler and instead of trying to work it into a beneficial situation, more often than not they tried to work against it which is very strange, because I thought the point of business is to make money, now I am not saying give the fans what they want every time. But I am saying when you have something naturally happening with a wrestler/character sometimes it is just better to go; okay we can't ignore this and we shouldn't work against it, because it makes us money. So we will put him in this case in a main event match, but we will instruct our commentary team not to essentially discredit his ongoing connection with our fan base.

To finish off this content; I just want to say the old expression of "It is how you leave" and yet again Reigns is becoming more and more the liability as he spends more time reacting to the crowd; his matches are becoming definitely boring and insufferable.

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