Tuesday 7 November 2023

Recommendation of: WWE Crown Jewel 2023 by AverageMansReviews

Recommendation of: WWE Crown Jewel 2023 by AverageMansReviews

Warning/Disclaimer: flashing effects/colourful effects/global pandemic. Disclaimer: look I have never been inside a wrestling ring and never likely to be and I already know some of the results and I will make reference to a outlawed/prohibited name wrestler, but as you will read, it is just based on hearing and observation and finally on top of that I will be bringing up some controversial figures for good reason. Finally anything I will say as racial I am making an observational and opinion point and nothing more.

Drew McIntyre vs. Champ Seth Rollins; Singles Match for the WWE Heavyweight Championship: the match slot goes how I would have expected it to go; it was very run-of-the-mill, if I was to be honest it began to put me to sleep, but having said that this match/match slot gives this mark. This match/match slot receives: 7/10.

Nia Jax vs. Shayna Baszler vs. Zoey Stark vs. Raquel Rodriguez vs. Champ The Judgement Day's Rhea Ripley; Fatal Five-Way Match for the WWE Women's World Championship: first things first I just have to laugh [I am being sarcastic] when I hear Michael Cole and Wade Barrett trying to put over women's wrestling in the WWE including NXT. I mean granted I don't watch Impact Wrestling/TNA Wrestling, but everyone knows by its reputation they have a well-established women's division with a championship including tag team championships and for the WWE and AEW [All Elite Wrestling] to even be discussing women's wrestling is a joke. Yes you may have noticed I partially left out NXT; it is because if I had to pick a brand that makes a concerted effort to have a thriving women's division with a singles champion and roaming WWE Women's Tag Team Champions [which I know could appear anywhere within the WWE Universe; but for this discussion let's put them here;] this would be NXT. I should point out just to cover my back this generally speaking is nothing against the women's wrestlers themselves but so much more aimed at those in charge of their own promotions or/and main brand rosters; so I will join Cole and Barrett praising NXT. Now on to the second thing; I see no improvement in Nia Jax as a wrestler; she still looks at minimum very clunky in the ring and the final thing is; minus Jax I hope the hierarchy of the WWE find all these women something to do; because they brought everything and consequently look better for having this match; so they should be given a slight reward by just giving them more screen time. This match/match slot receives: 9/10.

John Cena vs. The Bloodline's Solo Sikoa; Singles Match: I can't say too much here, because that isn't what this content is designed to do. But I can tell you this; what a waste of time, a match slot and what a bunch of garbage this was and yes I did notice Cole called out the wrong move when Cena apparently had the STF locked in the first time, but it wasn't. This is purely speculation; but everyone knows why he may have called it that; because what Cena had locked in was a Crippler crossface/crossface [Chris Benoit and his heinous actions; but saying a crossface should have been acceptable though as it is a move,] much later on Cole says in short Solo Sikoa has a star making moment, thanks to the Samoan Spike, I beg to differ on that Cole. The only positive nice things about this match slot was Husky Harris [Bray Wyatt/Wyndham Rotunda] and Umaga [Edward Fatu; yes for the younger members of the wrestling universe he would be another member of the AnoaŹ»i family.] Finally can we stop calling Cena greatest of all time, I'm not taking anything away from him, but what I am saying is; how do you define the greatest of all time? Granted if you want to say he is amongst the greatest of all time, I will accept that as a genuine statement. I mean if the WWE want give him the accolade of the greatest of all time, there is one thing they could do; give him number 17 World Championship? Briefly I know this individual has not got the greatest public image anymore and rightly so; but Hulk Hogan how much I don't want to say this; he was the face that built wrestling alongside Mr McMahon they took it into the mainstream and not forgetting they tapped into real-life situations such as war and unfortunately made Hogan this public image for basically following the kids and everything will be fine. Before I receive complaints about singing his praises; unfortunately I am just speaking factually and yes because I am from that generation I find it devastating that he really wasn't anything like this even nice guy; he is a fraud. But even as a heel in WCW in the NWO [New World Order,] he had the ability to energise his career and basically saying to the kids which were probably teenagers or there or thereabouts join my group and together we can take over the world. My point being; is once again how can you classify someone as the greatest of all time when as I will say again I don't like what I am saying; you have the likes of Hulk Hogan or Ric Flair just to name some names. Including everything until the buildup until the next match: this match/match slot receives: 2/10.

Logan Paul vs. Champ LWO's Rey Mysterio: Singles Match for the WWE United States Championship: Mysterio goes for a crossface and Cole says basically Mysterio going for some sort of submission, when it is briefly quite clear on what is the mission he almost had locked in place; granted it was a bit close to the ring ropes, but you could still see it for a moment. Paul needs to stop going for the Buckshot Lariat in his previous match and this one of what I can remember it doesn't end well and here it doesn't fully here and It finally happened Cole finally says the word crossface. No, no Paul don't do that; don't call it spot; he refuses something to the effect of; come on Rey, you still have some were going up [to the top turnbuckle] come on, come on [if I have roughly heard that correctly] with Cole saying something to the effect of Paul trash talking as always. No Cole Paul is talking about it part of the wrestling match and what is coming up next. A moment or two later we have this moonsalt fallaway slam; where Paul just about gets enough rotation to safely land this move. This match/match slot receives: 7/10.

Bianca Belair vs. Champ Damage CTRL's Iyo Sky; Singles Match for the WWE Women's Championship: Barrett put over NXT calling it truly the breeding ground of greatness and yes I am aware he began his WWE career there also. Now I am willing to go with the benefit of the doubt here with my next point being; I hope the crowd were just a little burned out from this event so far and they just needed a break. Because yes there was some crowd reaction/participation, but other than that man this crowd were mostly dead. This match/match slot receives: 8/10.

Cody Rhodes vs. The Judgement Day’s one half of the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions Damian Priest; Singles Match: Barrett is a comical genius; as he asks how much pyro do you need? With Cole laughing. This match/match slot is everything that you may think it is, but it does move things on as it relates to this particular bigger picture. This match/match slot receives. This match/match slot receives: 8/10.

LA Knight vs. Champ The Bloodline's Roman Reigns [with Paul Heyman;] Singles Match for the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship: if I was anyone backstage that could be possibly instructing Cole to make references to the fact of this very long; three and a half years to stop making references to it or if he is doing it off his own back. Because that is just being blind or/and tone deaf to the increasing situation of there is growing unrest everywhere of this ongoing championship reign and on top of that basically talking about Knight proving his worth in the ring. I know Cole has been doing this job for some years now; but he is aware it is scripted right? So on one hand he is putting over the champion which after everything is said and done is probably going to go on for a year longer than what it should have, whilst on the other hand taking the challenger down a notch or this is how it comes over [I mean I should point; I have said all this before the match has actually began; whilst I am here and now; I have heard about five seconds of someone's comments about this match/match slot, I was thinking I would just be honest with you.] But before I continue watching this main event; listen to build up/entrance makes Knight sound like he isn't even in Reigns league, so talk about protecting the champion and discrediting the challenger. I mean I have made it no secret, the WWE are going to have a massive problem rebuilding their main event picture after this championship run, because they have discredited everyone that has been in front of Reigns and as I have said quite a few times at this point. That is a part of his gimmick which I use to understand that, meaning I understand it; but I am now looking at the long-term effects of that character type. So I will now go and begin watching this match, this match hasn't actually started yet and the commentary team are really annoying me; we have now Barrett in a nutshell saying popularity can get you far in this industry, but it is now time for Knight to prove it or the Yeah movement will die in the desert. Even though I haven't officially began watching this match yet I am getting the feeling I am going to hate everything about this match/match slot, even though I did say a while ago I was officially done with this whole Bloodline thing. But I have moved on from that slightly into the perspective of as I have already referenced I am more concerned about after Reigns and this is just compounding my concerns. But in fairness and balance so far as it is just beginning I am paraphrasing roughly; Barrett hopes Knight does better than he did, when he got to this level.

I have to be completely honest I am absolutely hating this match/match slot there is nothing of great substance happening and I am going to say it now even before whatever happens next if you want Reigns to keep hold of the championship until WrestleMania 40/2024 just do us all a favour and don't book him. I mean I saw a post the other day and they compare Reigns' run to Hulk Hogan's and have a guess who had the better run; yeah it was the red and yellow. Okay this is going from bad to worse as we now have CM Punk chants going [if you want a pinpoint; it is roughly around when the commentary team are talking about Reigns and his last match being at SummerSlam 2023.] Now we have the crowd turning on reigns calling out posterior hole. Barrett put over Knight again by saying we may be seeing history unfolding in front of us or something to that effect. Reigns performs a Rock Bottom and call makes reference to that effect on commentary. For those people that don't know it was originally made famous by Reigns' cousin Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. But on watching the replay this move is slightly wrong Johnson goes puts his hand on the far shoulder and goes up and down. But Roman clearly goes for around the stomach and up and down. Cole put over Knight by roughly saying now convincing reigns that he belongs on this stage. Now we have the crowd giving it; this is awesome chant, then sometime later we go back to posterior hole chants and booing, Roman sucks as well. Cole and Barrett put over Knight and talked about the uncomfortable truth that essentially Reigns and I am paraphrasing here; it being the same story of he was lucky to get out of here with his championship. This match/match slot receives: 2/10.

The average mark of this pay-per-view is: 6/10, okay let's have a pipe bomb moment [in a wrestling sense;] the only reason that this Premium Live Event receives on an average a positive mark is because of the women wrestlers bringing it to the table and like it or not, because I am speaking based on facts where this event was held women on the whole are not highly regarded as first rate citizens, so a massive goes out to the women wrestlers for just going out there and hopefully inspiring women in this part of the world that you can do other things that you are society demands of you [on a quick side note; how I try to work out these marks is based on a counterbalance thing so yes you may see many positive matches here, but the women ensured a positive outcome.] Continuing in this vein what the hell were 2 match slots on this card it was just garbage and I will be completely honest with you I would have happily giving the main event 1/10, the only reason I didn't is because Knight quite comfortable being put in a main event match.


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