Thursday 9 November 2023

Reactionary To The Wrestling News of: Mr. McMahon: Past, Present and Future? 09/11/2023 by AverageMansReviews

Reactionary To The Wrestling News of: Mr. McMahon: Past, Present and Future? 09/11/2023 by AverageMansReviews

Just a heads up: just for the record as it relates to this topic I know I am extremely late to the party.

I can't be the only one that finds this comical?: In summary; so Mr. McMahon bullies his way back into his promotion/company to be a part of this merger and to sort out the TV deals. By doing so; essentially stopping his future generations from overthrowing him perhaps in the future, ensuring that they can't keep it in the family, basically giving them the massive middle finger and making lots and lots of money in the process; consequently ensuring again that he is going to be in a position of power until the day he dies.

Or so he thought; as of in the middle of October 2023; the overseers of the WWE Endeavour; specifically CEO Ari Emanuel has removed Mr. McMahon from anything to do with creative and left Paul Levesque [Triple H] as the Chief Content Officer of WWE. Fast-forward until yesterday it was made knowledge that TKO Holding Group the merged UFC and WWE filed SEC [Securities and Exchange Commission] listing not once but twice as Mr McMahon as a risk factors briefly for his past and his present; presence on their board being a risk to either operations or financial.

On the behalf of every long-term wrestling fan look we may not know business generally speaking; but we can all say this; we have known it for years that he is a risk and it is one of those rare occasions where it is just nice to see Mr. McMahon with some egg on his face, as his plan didn't really work out how he wanted it to, I mean I have been waiting years for someone or anyone to take him down a peg or four. I am interested in what these parties are going to do about Mr McMahon now; I mean it is one thing to acknowledge this fact and it is another to do something about it; these are not opinions just questions; over time are they going to subtly squeeze him out? Or put him in a silence or a silent as they can role?

Well I have just seen from a very reliable source on a social media platform [Thursday night/Friday morning] that Mr. McMahon has sold his share in TKO Holding Group for $8.4 million, which hopefully if I am adding this up correctly in my mind puts doubts over Mr. McMahon's future? So all I can say is with finishing this off; if Mr McMahon wasn't so arrogant his wrestling promotion/company would now still be in his family's name so that would be his legacy, but he chose to screw his family over and take the money, so his legacy will be at one time a larger than life men/character that was incredibly shady and only do things for the all mighty dollar [can I make this crystal clear; please remember I did/have put a question-mark in the title of this content; meaning I don't know what is happening I am just working on here and now.]


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