Thursday 16 November 2023

Journey 2: The Mysterious Island 2012 by AverageMansReviews

Journey 2: The Mysterious Island 2012 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/environmental/animal cruelty/animal birth/animal waste/breaking/shooting

I need to find my grampa: in summary: Sean Anderson [Josh Hutcherson:] is trying to find his grandfather Alexander/Granma/Grampa Anderson [Michael Caine:] he is this slightly eccentric adventurer that has called this island home for some time now. But if he wants to go on this adventure he is going to need a guardian which after speaking with his mother Liz [Kristin Davis:] Sean's mother and the wife to Hank/Henry [Dwayne Johnson:] is stepfather/former Navy code breaker that put himself forward to go on this adventure with Sean.

The framework and pacing of this 94 minutes film is of a safe and reliable outlay, but I will talk about this more later in this content.

Art/Action: generally speaking the art is captivating from the creation of this map, to these vice versa big or small versions of creatures [basically a role reversal of sizes] and we have this chasing sequence on bees, with this game of chicken with Hank and Alexander working together, we also have these underwater sequences that later on in the film we have Hank in this very old-fashioned diving gear trying to spear with this spear shaped rod this electric eel so that they could harness the electricity to charge the batteries of this submarine [it gets referenced in the film so I can't give too much away.] But how can I put this nicely some of these green screen effects or/and these slow motion effects look really old and yes I am very aware of it isn't 2012 anymore, but back in the day on one hand it looks as I have already said captivating, but on the other hand and this is the nicest way I can put this; you can tell they either run out of money or it was meant to come out that way, but either way it just looks really poor, I will bring up some more of the art momentarily in the upcoming section as well.

Comedy/Character developments and performances: Hank does not like lizards I am going to be a this film the benefit of the doubt and say I believe this to be a nod to Dr. Henry Walton "Indiana" Jones, Jr., It has been well documented he doesn't like snakes and as lizards are likewise a part of the reptile family, Sean shoulder barges in passing Hank and that doesn't really come off that well, considering who is portraying Sean and then who is portraying Hank [I'm going to consider this as a comedy reference just so they can point this out,] as this kind of behaviour from a teenager doesn't work on Hank, because of his obvious size. Moving on we also have Hank using a ukulele [a small guitar] and singing a modified version of It's a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong. The biggest asset to this film would be the chemistry between Hank and Alexander [Johnson and Caine:] as they don't like each other that much to begin with, which gives a boost to the framework and pacing as they used this chemistry to wake up this film and give it a little bit more momentum, even when they get along the momentum still remains. The character developments of our entire cast are good versions of their character types and minus the other two performers I have just referenced, is a good cast assembled here

This film receives: 6/10, this film is good; it is perfectly designed for family viewing of a mixed age brackets and full disclosure I have never seen the predecessor to this sequel; Journey to the Center of the Earth 2008 as of being created. This film also has some awards accredited to its name; 7 Winners that includes Kids' Choice Awards, USA 2013 Blimp Award Favorite Male Butt Kicker Dwayne Johnson. 4 Nominees from the same award ceremony/event Blimp Award Favorite Movie Actress Vanessa Hudgens [as Kailani:] is a intelligent woman that with her father Gabato [as Luis Guzmán:] runs this tour guide and takes Hank and Sean to this location for $3000.


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