Wednesday 15 November 2023

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WCW World War 3 1995 26/11/1995 Match 2 Part 2 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WCW World War 3 1995 26/11/1995 Match 2 Part 2 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/choking/blood warning

Match/Stipulations: Big Bubba Rogers vs. "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan; Taped Fist Match [the only way to win are pin-fall or knockout; meaning stay down to the count of 10]

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 6/10

Match Slot Storyline: 6/10

Crowd Participation: 7/10

On Commentary: Tony Schiavone & Bobby "The Brain" Heenan/"Wiesel" 7/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 7/10

Recommend Watch: 6/10

Match Total: 39/60 - this match/match slot is good.

Comments: this is a solidly good continuation to this pay-per-view, this is one of those matches/match slot that users a very basic outline with a match story which has stood the test of time from the beginning of wrestling until the end of time itself and all three rings came into use through proceedings, these three rings are here for our main event tonight, which I will discuss then.

On commentary Schiavone makes reference to where we are as in the commentary table I am paraphrasing we are going to get hit one of these days. Because Rogers on two separate occasions is really close to the point where on the second occasion we can hear him telling "Bobby tell them how great I am." For the younger generations this was that when the commentary table were either next to the ring or nearby the ring.

Basic Result: Big Bubba Rogers is victorious here.

Basic walk-through of this event:

* Tony Schiavone & Bobby "The Brain" Heenan/"Wiesel": Commentary talk about what they had just seen over video replays with Big Bubba Rogers' theme music Ralph [with Torn.] Now I could be completely wrong about this but I would feel much more comfortable just putting it on the record I am not convinced that this is the actual title of theme music, just based on it does sound a bit odd for a track name, but like I have just said I could be wrong, but then again it is the only rack title I could find so we will just go with it.

Then we have our commentary team appearing on-screen in front of the camera to talk about this card and for Schiavone to advertise with it coming on screen CompuServe where in a nutshell you can talk to the wrestlers about tonight event, we can't back to our commentary team on screen still talking about CompuServe. Changing of topic we have one grudge match tonight The Four Horsemen's "The Nature Boy Ric Flair vs. Sting.

* "Mean" Gene Okerlund before interviewing The Four Horsemen's "The Nature Boy Ric Flair where he discusses his involvement in tonight's pay-per-view not once, but twice in the main event

* David Penzer: Ring announcer says he women from Japan the stipulations and then introduces the competitors.

* Tony Schiavone: Commentary introduces Mike Tenay that will be joining us on commentary for this match/match slot

* David Penzer: Ring announcer to finish off the introductions.



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