Thursday 5 October 2023

Jade Cargill 26/09/2023 and Edge [appearance] 01/10/2023 switch promotions; tribalism by AverageMansReviews

Jade Cargill 26/09/2023 and Edge [appearance] 01/10/2023 switch promotions; tribalism by AverageMansReviews

Connecting content: Reactionary To The Wrestling News of: Jade Cargill to WWE 26/09/2023 Confirmed & AEW What you the hell is going on? Link, if you haven't read it yet I would recommend you read it, just based on I will be making reference to it in this content as well.

Just a heads up: as everyone should know I don't use adult language in my content, but I do use a softer wording to get over my point.

Tribalism is pathetic: yes before someone looks over my content or my social media activity over previous years, the only time I have recently partaken in soft but still tribalism is where the WWE used NXT to go head to head with AEW: Dynamite and my perspective was basically mocking the WWE for being arrogant to think that would work and it blew up in their face, so in essence if they didn't or weren't this arrogant and didn't come out with a line of something to the effect of; "They [meaning AEW] are not direct competition" and actually went around as business as usual then I would have for the most part probably left it alone [let's be completely honest I may have said one or two comments, that may have been misconstrued as tribalism, but not intentional or maybe one or two pieces of soft tribalism, like AEW did that better or conversely WWE did that better that week you know softly moving around the neutral square leaning one way or the other, but we will never know because that is another timeline that will never see and experience] and if they didn't see them as direct competition why Oh why are they let's just say stacking such a massive card/TV program for next Tuesday's NXT 10/10/2023 where for an example you will see John Cena and many other big names on the show, for those that think I am making this up and haven't seen what has been going around on social media platforms I really am not making this up, to go head-to-head with AEW: Dynamite Title Tuesday. For those that say “The WWE sees everyone as competition" or something like this. I know this; but it would really make them look better if they weren't so immature about how they handle it in its entirety.

Now before I get called a hypocrite; on one hand I was and has been very unhappy at Cargill for leaving AEW for what I perceive to be justifiable and logical reasons, in summary [because you can read about it if you haven't already with the link] AEW have spent many years building up, giving her everything to succeed and she can't even show a little bit of respect by signing a year extension as I have said in previous content generally or at minimum just to AEW All In 2024 where even I have gave her a respectable and glorious way out of AEW and yes I have been around wrestling long enough to know this is just a part of the business so with that being said. On the other hand in the Link I have provided a lengthy list of some of the wrestlers that I don't want to see go from AEW, but as things currently stand I can completely understand if they want to leave and there will be no hard feelings, just to cover my back for the future it depends if the aim their displeasure at the fan base and it isn't warranted; meaning for an example I would like to definitely see Wardlow back on my TV being used properly instead of this garbage narrative with the TNT Championship [ yes and incidentally I haven't seen it his return to TV directly on 05/10/2023, but I have seen what happened and speaking of properly this is not how to do it; he is a big deal so he should be treated as such,] on a quick side note they could do with rebuilding the credibility and prestige of this championship up again sometime sooner or later. But I digress I like Tony Kahn and AEW, but he is currently dropping the ball with so many wrestlers it isn't funny, so he will be receiving some criticism, you see someone should have told him, or maybe he should have spoken to Mr McMahon, because he would have probably given Tony some advice such as in his rusty croaky voice " Hey kid, if you want this level of control in your promotion, the but stops with you and everyone underneath you including outside of your promotion will be criticising you for every step you make or don't make; are you sure you want this? Because in wrestling and business I take no prisoners."

The saddest thing about tribalism recently is; I saw for quite a few days where the WWE fans were gloating and revelling in Cargill joining and I will use this expression the major leagues of the WWE. But a few days later as we can see they completely turned toxic when Edge joined AEW. I mean they went into overdrive, calling him a traitor and even myself receiving toxic comments. Where this separate situation from Cargill is and was completely different. Based on the grounds Edge has gave the majority of his life to the WWE, he worked his contract and politely left without giving any form of indication of staying with the WWE I think the only reference he made to the WWE is a social media video where he acknowledges he has a WWE extension option in his e-mails, because I remember watching that video clip, but other than that, he didn't say anything to indicate anything so he was a proper professional wrestler. Newsflash I don't know Edge/Adam Copeland, but I had a inclination that he would go and find Christian/Christian Cage/William Reso they started together they will finish their wrestling careers hopefully in the same promotion.

Tribalism in wrestling: this is where I am just going to be real within reason. I know some people out there are going to really hate what I have to say here; you are aware that AEW based on my opinion saved the wrestling industry. Because after the closure and sale of WCW to the WWF/E in 2001. The WWF/WWE became lazy as in their TV content but also constructively lazy and if you're wondering how can you be constructively lazy? Well if you are basically the only game in town and have a strangle hold/eventually monopolisation on the wrestling industry, essentially putting yourself in a constructed situation where you can be as potentially lazy as you want to be, because no one can touch you.

I mean there was a brief moment in time that TNA/nowadays called Impact back in the early days of this promotion where making all the right sounds. I'm not saying that they were going to be a threat, I am just saying in their prime back then they were at most noisy neighbours. But as an outsider and how I perceived it to be back then they wanted to go head-to-head with the WWE now right this minute where I would have taken the second option of basically them doing their thing and we do our thing. Because little by little they were making their own way and I was quite happy with the slow and safe progression. But and this is a big but they took the dangers route; some of the younger generation out there may be thinking/saying well you can say that the because it is hindsight, yes this is true but not completely in this case. You see there were two people I wanted this promotion to stay well away from, but they didn't Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff in 2010-2013 where let's just say everything came crashing down and it took this promotion many, many years to recover.

Let's fast-forward until 2019 AEW was born and ever since then they have restored balance to the wrestling industry, they have given the wrestlers more options, they have made the WWE actually do some work, instead of being arrogant and just thinking but those fans out there that complain won't go anywhere else for their wrestling fix. So in a way they are competition from the perspective of if the WWE doesn't keep on motivated and yes AEW are far from perfect and in fairness and balance I do criticise them for that.

But what is actually ludicrous and may I just say fudging stupid is that if a AEW don't hit it out of the park every week, every god dam TV episode of their programming, you have the WWE fan base heavily criticising it or/and disrespecting it. But may I just remind you and this is not me contributing to tribalism here, but those that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Because let me also remind you that the WWE are running The Bloodline saga and everything to do with that bone fudging dry as they always do when they are on to something good, to the point where based on my personal outlook I have no interest in it whatsoever.

Moving on; I don't know how long this has been going on for, but is it me or is it relates to online has tribalism found a new higher level? Because over the recent weeks and especially with these two wrestlers switching promotions, it seems more toxic than usual and it is becoming slowly the norm, because when this content goes out I know of one individual and I am not basing everything on this individual, because I have seen others as well that basically every day all day [I look at that time of their message on social media.]

Once again I am not contributing to tribalism, but I have suggested that they may want to go and seek some form of help, because it isn't normal and before people say what is normal these days. I can tell you it isn't normal to talk about something you don't like/the individual doesn't like day after day going out of their way to spread tribalism and at minimum dislike for another wrestling promotion, it is a waste of time, energy and life itself. Do you know what I want; a thriving wrestling industry with Mr. McMahon out of the wrestling industry. You see there was a time that I was concerned for AEW and that was when Mr. McMahon was outside of the WWE, because roughly speaking we know under the likes of Triple H and others the WWE was on the cusp of essentially moving the WWE into a newer and less, so much of a less controversial future, I know not everything that Triple H did was good, but for me he has a respectable 88% success rate of you know trying to do things generally speaking right for the company on some level, it was no secret that there are quite a few wrestlers that will work for Triple H, that will not work for Mr. McMahon, Eric Young on his first return back to the WWE would be one of them, because he signed with the WWE under Triple H and then asked for his release/granted his release as soon as he found out about Mr. McMahon, I don't think or I don't think they care how much pull that Triple H has with wrestling talent compared to Mr. McMahon, because I could see a lot of AEW talent going over to the WWE and that still may be the case anyway at various points, but no way is much as the pull as Triple H. But we don't have to worry about that now, because as things are it will be a long time or if it all that Triple H and his people can make a similar and welcoming impact on to the WWE.

I guess the only way to finish this content is by saying; look tribalism in the wrestling sense has been around for decades and it will be for many decades after I am dead, but we should all calm it down a bit and enjoy or if you want enjoying it tried to enjoy it or better yet don't watch what you don't like.


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