Wednesday 10 May 2023

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always 2023 by AverageMansReviews

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always 2023 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/other effects/transformation/robotics/shooting/impaling/stabbing/shooting/medical

I am conflicted that is for sure: in a nutshell; after the tragic death of Trini Kwan/The Yellow Power Ranger [Thuy Trang:] a person that had wisdom much older than her age by Robo Rita [voice by Barbara Goodson:] a mechanical version of Rita Repulsa accidentally brought back to earth by Billy Cranston/The Blue Power Ranger [David Yost:] he is a guardian/uncle figure for Minh, he is also the owner of Cranston Tech. Trini's daughter Minh Kwan [Charlie Kersh:] a head strong teenager with attitude is now seeking revenge against Robo Rita. But alongside Billy trying to protect Minh also has a guardian/uncle figure is Zack Taylor/The Black Power Ranger [Walter Jones/Walter E Mamuel Jones:] he used to be a Senator in Congress, but gave it up to look after Minh.

The framework and pacing of this 58 minutes film is good, I don't have much to say here, other than it is one of those reliable framework and pacing projects that knows what to do and it sticks to the plan.

Comedy/Action/Art: Zach and Rocky DeSantos/The 2nd Red Power Ranger [Steve Cardenas:] is nowadays a firefighter. They teleport into The Angel Grove Youth Centre, Juice Bar to rescue Minh after she rescued these Angel Grove citizens from these Putty Patrollers, which before this she does attempt to morph by using her mother's old morpher, but nothing happens; this is where the comedy comes into effect where basically Minh gives it this big buildup and then nothing happens, even Putty's are waiting for something to happen, but it dawned on them something is not going according to the script.

Back in to present times Zack and Rocky are busy taking down these Puttys and yes we get to see Zack pull out his martial arts called Hip Hop kido [for the younger generation; it is precisely as it sounds hip hop dancing feud with marital arts.] The eventual crumbling of the Puttys has been smoothly and highly creatively updated as they now breakdown like rubble; As content creator reminds me that they used this effect in the 2017 film and if you are interested in here is that review as well

But generally speaking the action and art is really hit and miss for me; like what the hell is it with these slow motion effects; they are tedious and incredibly tacky and these morphing sequences of any description; no thank you likewise tacky let's just put it this way; when this project really wants to put something across like here is an excellent example Robo Rita's Moon Palace on the outside on the moon; this looks highly imaginative, but it has to be said not so much on the inside and without giving too much away yes we get to see the Megazord do battle on the moon as well; this is also an excellent example of precisely what I mean; because there will be moments in this sequence where you will be going that looks excellent, the follow-up moment not so much, the next moment that looks excellent, that moment not so much and so on finally for this section I haven't forgotten about the comedy I will be making reference to that somewhere else shortly.

Character developments and performances: now this is where things are going to get hard to say in this content; everything about this project has been set out to remember Thuy Trang as Trini Kwan/The Yellow Power Ranger that sadly died in 2001 so on one hand I really understand and appreciate what they were trying to do here. But without Bulk [Paul Schrier] & Skull [Jason Narvy:] a cornerstone of this franchise for many years beginning life as comedic schoolyard bullies basically and evolving full disclosure I have lost track of where they ended up I know bits and pieces from listening to other articles, but individually or between these two they can be seen on the same level as Tommy Oliver/various Power Rangers [David Jason Frank;]which for will and unfortunate publicised reasons, we don't get to see him in some capacity for 97% of this project and I know this opinion will split whoever reads this. Because generally speaking the older generations would agree with me by longevity this pairing deserves to be mentioned in the same breath as Tommy Oliver, whilst also generally speaking I think the younger generations would disagree, just perhaps based on they don't know the legacy of this pairing.

But on the other hand man I have to be honest; this project could have really done with them, just to lighten things up a little bit and yes I know they make a visual cameo but not a physical cameo in this project and neither am I expecting if they were in this project to be insensitive to the facts of what we are covering here. But they could just have broken up the miserable tone of this title and I mean that respectfully.

I have to deal with how things are; and how things are; they serve their purpose as it relates to the character developments and the performances, be it on screen or voice

This film receives: 5/10, this film is mixed; this film is really a mixed bag; yes it has some good points as I have pointed out in this content, but once again I have to be honest; this was uncomfortable viewing especially at the closing stages of this project we see the original six Power Rangers from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 2,] Episode 71: The Song of Guitardo Link just for supporting evidence  basically altogether having a picnic on the floor in the Juice Bar dealing with Tommy/The Green Power Ranger’s bad news Kimberly playing the guitar and performing a duet with Zack the song is entitled "Down the Road" with another frame after this. Before I receive complaints I have no problem with this sequence whatsoever, but as I have already referenced this project is miserable in fact with this closing sequence it just hammers home the miserable nature and I get it I really do. But could we not have a mixture of it has been a pleasure to be a part of this colossal franchise, I know I have referenced these two already, but they should have really brought in Bulk & Skull to balance things up and then we need to remember these people as well which I would have no problem with this.


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