Tuesday 1 January 2019

Power Rangers 2017 by AverageMansReviews

Power Rangers 2017 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this project is mixed.

Fundamental elements: there are words and a number on screen, voice-over element, cultural elements, background music, slow-motion effects, yes and no to subtitles being used when another language is being used, time jumps and place jumps.

Now is it me or does this film title use background music consistently, I am specifically talking about the louder background music now and not so much the general background music, I must point out this is just an observation but having said that the general movement including the fundamental elements of this title doesn't exactly help me to forget that this film title is roughly 124 minutes long either.

Action sequences/Artistic visions: now this is not the only time I will be saying this but on both counts these are mixed bag, such as the training elements or anything like this well they are tedious, but the underwater sequence with the Putties shows imagination [not only from an action sequence perspective but an artistic perspective as well,] what can I say; this is one of those titles that on one side of the Power Coin it has weaknesses whilst on the other side it has positives to speak of; I should quickly add there is another underwater sequence that has imagination and an artistic vision to it as well.] But then again from the visual perspective Alpha 5 and Goldar get a no from me.

Character developments/Performances: once again these are a mixed bag, I can see what they have done, yes there are some elements of friendliness to begin with [with two of them] but they have leaned too hard against these characters being individuals in most cases to begin with, from the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers TV program the five [and later on the sixth Power Ranger,] covered the spectrum as it relates to their viewing audience [which basically means at least one or more of these characters would appeal to a member of your audience,] which in turn makes them easier to adapt over time, because the original five or six Power Rangers were genuinely/knowing a lot or having an interest in that field character type to begin with but not as stiff as this newest film generation, so if they adapted or progressed including chemistry it would seem very normal/very natural. But back to this film when there is chemistry more consistently not little bits here and there it feels manufactured, it does take some time for this chemistry to feel natural, The performances mirror what I have just said in most cases so I will have to say they are mixed, but Banks and Cranston individually or together on screen gives this title do a lot for this project.

This film receives: 5/10, I think after taking everything into consideration this mark looks and feels right, I mean if there was to be a sequel there is a decent amount for them to improve on like for a few examples Alpha 5 needs to look like his original appearance/voice [briefly I am not criticizing any performer to do with this character in this project, but everything just doesn't fit,] give Goldar something like his original appearance back to him/something like his original personality wouldn't have gone amiss either/voice and in a nutshell the comedy level is poor and maybe bring Scorpina, into the sequel. Yes I'm aware [just based on looking down the cast list that the character known as Bulk was in this title,] but do something better with him in the sequel [if there was to be one] by putting him with his long, long-term friend Skull,  I mean these two characters have a legendary standing within this franchise so much so their standing is something like the character known as Tommy Oliver.

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