Saturday 4 June 2022

Top Gun: Maverick 2022 by AverageMansReviews

Top Gun: Maverick 2022 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/medical/if you do not like flying I would suggest giving this film a mess, I will discuss more later on.

One more mission: four-star Admiral Tom "Iceman" Kazansky [Val Kilmer] has recommended [Captain Pete "Maverick" Mitchell] to come back to Top Gun to prepare the current crop of Top Gun fighter pilots for this mission, one of these Top Gun fighter pilot Maverick knows all too well. Lt. Bradley Bradshaw call sign "Rooster" as he is the son of his first best friend and wing man LTJG; if you're wondering; Lieutenant Junior Grade Nick "Goose" Bradshaw [Anthony Edwards] and mother Carole Bradshaw [Meg Ryan.]

The pacing of this 130 minutes film is good; as there is always something happening so as it relates to the pacing of the film itself, it doesn't have to do too much other than just keep the film going and the content of the film will take care of the rest.

So what they have tried to do with this sequel is take some of the old content from Top Gun 1986 film Link if you want to see my thoughts on this original here you go but I digress; like the opening to this film is very similar to the original or in the original they played Beach volleyball in this one they played attack, defence American football on the beach; both are team-building, for those people that have seen the original, yes if you're wondering we get one small flyby that I will give you a heads up is small, but it is in there and there are other comedy material in this film as well.

Now this is where the warning about if you don't like flying I suggest you might want to give this film a miss; after talking to the person I watch some of these films with said to me that Tom Cruise in a nutshell and I am paraphrasing here that you want it the authentic fighter pilot experience in this film and now we have seen this film I can now say to you they achieved that with flying colours; you really do get the fighter pilot experience which is excellent but also you may get the feeling of disorientation, I'm not seeing this as in the slightest of the negative, but nicely giving you a heads up. This sequel has now set the benchmark for how fighter pilots or aircraft films should be done from now on, because from a visual representation be it inside the cockpit [looking at the pilot] or any prospective they really did pull out all the stops to make this film an immersive experience.

The character developments and the performances; they are all good on both counts. But I have to point out one disappointing thing there are no signs of Commander Tom "Stinger" Jardian [James Tolkan] which is a shame because in the original he does very much make an impact, it would have been good to see him even if it was just for a scene so he could put the fear of god into these young fighter pilots, but in the interest of fairness and balance and I am not holding this against him, but just being reasonable he is when this review was  first being dictated he is 90 years old and wasn't active as a performer in 2020 [when this film was first being filmed so I can see why they didn't ask him,] but he was working in 2021, okay a little bit of work but work is work [Expedition: Back to the Future, Episode 1, Series 1.] But I don't know if he has retired by now, if he has which is probable this would have given him a good sendoff to the end of his career, but at least we got a flyby so I am happy.

This film receives: 8/10, this film is excellent; I was going to give this sequel a much higher mark, but on reflection I can't do that, because these two films represent their times in history or soon-to-be history excellently well as in you get the 1980s from the original and everything from that time, but in 2022 you get the more technical advances in every way shape or form so I went with the same mark, but as I have just clearly said they are an original and a sequel which are perfectly linked but very different and before I receive comments I am aware has I have already referenced that this film was originally meant to be out in 2020, but my point is still valid and there is an extra scene through the closing credits.




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