Friday 16 August 2019

Top Gun 1986 by AverageMansReviews

Top Gun 1986 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is excellent

Fundamental elements: there are words and numbers on screen, voice-over elements, background music, cultural elements, slow-motion effects, time jumps and place jumps.

The background music; the only problem; sometimes it can be an asset, but sometimes it can be a big problem [generally speaking quick moving scene/sequences, the background music is an asset, but the slow moving scene/sequences, the background music is a big problem it is loud and noticeable.]

How can I put this; it fits in with one, but not the other and I chose this mark which you will find out later, because I took into consideration that this film is from the 1980's and this kind of prominent background music was widely used at this point, so I can't be too harsh [yes I am generalizing here there are other decades, I am aware that they use background music still in today's films or projects obviously, but it is completely different from previous decades before roughly speaking the 2000's then we have the kind of background music that we have today.]

Storyline/Back story: the storyline and the back story elements are good.

Action sequences/Artistic visions/Comedy level: now this is where I can talk a little bit more about this project, now I should just point out [before someone points this out for me,] that without giving too much away basically these action sequences are teaching/training sequence is [until the film tells you they are real] and a beach volleyball sequence.

But still they are entertaining, quick and agile sequences with these characters/performers flying these Fighter Jets, a chasing sequence and a rescue sequence with this type of Medical Navy Helicopter [I would have liked to give you more information than that, I have been looking at pictures to find out which one it was, but I can't find it, but you will notice it in this film when it is used] and there are other Navy hardware in this film.

Moving on to the artistic visions and the comedy level, the artistic visions come from singing and playing the piano, you can mix comedy in with that, because in one scene it is a set-up, to get the female character's/performer's attention to begin with and the other with the piano is just these characters/performers relaxing and having fun, but if you want something to look out for in this project; the fly-by sequences are good fun, yes there are other comedy elements here and there, in one way or another they have a mature tone or flavouring.

Character developments/Performances: the character developments are good, there is chemistry/friction/competitive friction [depending where you are in this project is depending what you get.] Now as it relates to our lead character/performer he has excellent character developments as in briefly this character is right on the edge, he has the skills to fly as high as Icarus without getting his wings burned by the sun, but dealing with an unforeseen situation for this maverick is difficult to handle [basically he is like a sports star that has lots of passion for his or her sport, but has a big problem knowing where that invisible line is between staying in the game or having discipline issues, but you cannot take that part out of their performance. Because if you were to take that part away from them, they wouldn't be able to do what they do consistently/it is a big part of their personality/being, this film will show you what happens when this character/performer loses his edge] and the performances are all good.

This film receives: 8/10, I did have two different marks in mind, but I wasn't comfortable with the other mark, just based on everything I have said about the background music, and once again I can't be too harsh, so you may want to watch this film if you haven't seen it already or if you have, but haven't seen it for some time you may want to put it on your to do list, because of the sequel Top Gun: Maverick hitting cinema's in 2020.

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