Thursday 21 April 2022

A Day to Die 2022 by AverageMansReviews

A Day to Die 2022 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/drugs/shooting/drugs/suicide

You have 12 hours to midnight: I will begin here Connor Connolly [Kevin Dillon] this Ex-Ghost Squad member and now Ex-Parole Office finds himself in a difficult situation with the local kingpin drug lord by the name of Tyrone Pettis [Leon Robinson;] he wants $2 million [or the equivalent of] by midnight tonight, in exchange he will get his pregnant wife back [Brooke Butler.] So he gets the Ghost Squad back together again.

Now I don't have too much criticism of this film; you know it is what it is, which is a solidly good action film minus little bits and pieces, the time length of this project is roughly 105 minutes long and it just most of the time smoothly moves throughout this project [I will explain mostly now.] I mean the only problems I have with this project are as follows; why does this film use these flashing effects before the title of this project, I mean I think I know why they do it but just to cover my back this is speculation mixed in with observation, it gives the illusion of being quicker, but based on my opinion generally speaking when this effect is being used like this and often in this manner it just makes the project looked really tacky and why does this film have this black-and-white very short sequence in it; without giving much away it is where the Cheif of Police Alston [Bruce Willis] shoots somebody.

The action sequences are what they are; they serve their purpose, the character developments are good also, I especially liked some of this Ghost Squad being individually haunted by what they have done, obviously when I say good I mean from a character layer or depth perspective [I can't remember if all or some of the squad have PTSD; Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder] and the performances are likewise all good; yes I am aware I have pointed out that Steven Seagal has been dubbed over in some of his films that I have seen, but let me put it this way; when or if he has anything like Bruce Willis has [Aphasia] or makes it public knowledge I will give him the same treatment, I am not an expert on this all I know is it is a form of disability or illness and I have spoke about this here; Average Extra of: Bruce Willis retires in 2022 Links The only reason I am bringing up the Steven Seagal thing now is because I know I have made reference to it at some point or points in the past and I wanted to be the one to get in front of it before someone else pointed it out. But for Bruce he has been dubbed over in some bits of this film and all I am saying is if he needs some assistance or struggling at that point he is still able to put in a solidly good performance, but this is nothing to do with Bruce, but whenever he gets dubbed over could they get someone that has a similar voice, because he has a very distinctive manly rough voice compared to the person that dubbed over him [I am not saying Bruce Willis has a rough voice just for the record, I am just saying that person that dubbed over him has a smooth voice compared to him] I have ears like about so I noticed the difference.

This film receives: 6/10, this film is good; as I have already referenced this film is just a solidly good action film.


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