Friday 8 April 2022

Average Extra of: Bruce Willis retires in 2022 by AverageMansReviews

Average Extra of: Bruce Willis retires in 2022 by AverageMansReviews

Real Talking Time:

Bruce Willis retires. On Wednesday 30/03/2022; Bruce Willis' ex-wife Demi Moore announced on her Instagram that I am paraphrasing he has been diagnosed with Aphasia and will be retiring.

So straight off the bat the first thing I would like to do is apologise if I have overly criticised his performances in his latest films over the past many years, I don't know how long things have slowly been declining on a very little bit of research I have heard he was finding things difficult on the film title Glass 2017. So from now on until I am no longer doing this when it comes to his 2015 films and beyond I will keep this in mind about his performances, yes I don't know the specific of Bruce Willis of his health, but I refuse to heavily criticise someone for doing their best under their circumstances and yes 2015 is purely 110% speculation on my part, I am just trying to be fair and lenient to the best of my abilities.

Because Bruce Willis with his disease/disability I also have brain damage, but it is completely different, mine was from birth and if or when you meet me or occasionally see pictures my disability is obvious and I have been living with it/dealing with it for as of this blog being dictated 39 years and counting, my situation is permanent and the disability is quadriplegic cerebral palsy with spastic tendencies on a daily basis. Basically in a nutshell in minus my mental illness which I have also made peace with it is permanent and the little inclusion of being dyslexic as well.

I am intelligent, with personality with a sense of humour but physically my body is screwed, because of this situation a secondary issue of so many is that due to the wear and tear that I put my body under I may age slightly quicker.

The reason why I am telling you all this; is so that you can see I am experienced in what I am about to say next and yes once again I know Bruce Willis' situation is completely different to mine. But I can now say this; regardless of how long this situation has been slowly but surely progressively declining I can completely understand Bruce, his family and other people around him for trying to keep this situation quiet for as long as possible.

Because any good person deserves to do something they enjoy until they hang it up or it is down to health reasons why they can't. I know, I know I have just said this; but Bruce deserves at least to have a small part in if there is to be one more/final Die Hard film [ just for the record I know there is a sixth title by the name of McClane, but it is just that a title and nothing more of concrete substance or who knows if this was to happen at some point they may even change the title I don't know, I am just covering my back at this point for the future.] But I digress even if it is just to kill him off in the first 10 minutes [I am not doing this disrespectfully, I am doing this to protect him and his health situation and to do this full circle thing; as in you will see we began here we end here,] so his children; after the funeral with retired Sergeant Al Powell [Reginald VelJohnson,] Dick Thornburg [William Atherton;] he is looking for the story of what happened and gets punched again from Holly; Holly Gennero-McClane [Bonnie Bedelia;] Lucy McClane [Mary Elizabeth Winstead] and John McClane Jr. [Jai Courtney] want to bring to justice Thomas Gruber [Jared Leto] the son of Simon Peter Gruber/Colonel Peter Krieg and nephew of Hans Gruber and if this film was to take place it has to be set around Christmas Eve and conveniently Los Angeles [or if Thomas was to escape to here] and the newly rebuilt  Nakatomi Plaza has to feature at some point, including Zeus Carver [Samuel L Jackson] visiting this location and yet again getting stuck in the middle, so that Thomas can share a similar fate as his uncle at the end of this film; they could even title this film is Die Hard: Blood Ties, Blood Dies.

I mean Bruce Willis a.k.a. John McClane deserves a send-off like this so life comes full circle and goes out with a big bang. But back into reality I hope Bruce has a long and comfortable retirement in every way shape and form and thanks for making some classic films.

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