Thursday 31 March 2022

Rambo: Last Blood 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Rambo: Last Blood 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning/Disclaimer: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/drugs/human trafficking/stabbing/cutting/disfigurement/medical/decapitation/breaking/be heading/impaling/disembowelment and disclaimer I am not a medical professional.

Heading into the last battle: in short after the tragic death of his niece Gabriela [Yvette Monreal] her uncle John Rambo [Sylvester Stallone] is seeking revenge against those that harmed his niece. This Mexican human traffic ring; the boss is Sergio Peris-Mencheta [Hugo Martinez] and just to cover my back I wasn't being racial when I said Mexican, they are Mexican and their business is based in Mexico.] This storyline and the pacing are both generic this film goes on for 89 minutes, they both do what they are designed to do actually on reflection 80% of this film is designed to do what it meant to do, so I will discuss the things I liked.

The only positive thing I can say about the action sequences is; if you are from the 1980s, you will remember a very well-known action TV program by the name of The A-Team [1983-1987; 5 Seasons, 97 Episodes] and you know when they make weapons systems or weapons or traps or anything like this. Well we have something like this in this film, but in a supremely more mature and darker tone on Rambo's ranch and the exploding tunnels.

The next thing I liked, was John, struggling with PTSD [Traumatic Stress Disorder,] when I say I like it I mean as a character development, but I do find it odd that they bring it up and base it around the entire first film with yes in extreme example, but then again if you are going to make a point of this nature of PTSD you may as well make it loud and clear and perfection in First Blood 1982 and yes it may show itself in bits and pieces throughout the rest of the franchise [this seems like a good time for full disclosure I haven't seen the entire franchise for some time, but I have seen them enough times to say in the back of my head it shows up now and again, I could be wrong though] but I would put the first one and the last one [this film] to show it with more weight behind it, as in this film you can clearly see he is on some form of medication speculation/possibly for PTSD as the viewers can see/feel John is trying to deal with this situation as John and not calling on the killing machine known as Rambo. So you get this conflict inside John Rambo for a little while until he runs out of medication which means Rambo takes over or Rambo is solely focused on his mission of revenge; so that performance from Sylvester Stallone to put this across, but on the whole including his performances and the other character developments the performances are solid versions of what they are meant to be.

The only other thing I liked about this film was; the closing section of this film where we have rotating images from the beginning of this film franchise until the end of this franchise, so we see what he has been through in his life including this film and a ending sequence as well so this entire sequence is good art.

This film receives: 4/10, this film is mixed; as I have shown there are some positives to this film title, but after everything is said and done, this mark is a fair outcome and this film also has some awards accredited to its name and no they are not all positive. Won 4, for an example National Film and Television Awards, USA 2019; National Film and Television Awards, USA 2019; Best Supporting Actress Yvette Monreal. 8 Nominations for an example [at the same awards event/ceremony] National Film and Television Award; Best Actor Sylvester Stallone. Won negative ward Razzie Awards 2020; Razzie Award; Worst Reckless Disregard for Human Life and Public Property. Nomination for the negative awardHawaii Film Critics Society 2020; HFCS Award; Worst Film of the Year.

Wednesday 30 March 2022

Batman Begins 2005 by AverageMansReviews

Batman Begins 2005 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful/drugs/stabbing/shooting/medical/burning/electrocution

Every bat has to learn how to fly and this one is no exception: let's begin here after being trained by The League of Shadows led by  Ra's al Ghul [Ken Watanabe,] but specifically trained by Ducard [Liam Neeson] Bruce Wayne [Christian Bale/Younger: Gus Lewis] stretches his wings to goes back to Gotham City as this figure of a Bat and Man; Batman, but there is one thing he doesn't know and that is as long as The League of Shadows there will forever be a Ra's al Ghul.

Because this is the first title in The Dark Knight Trilogy from 2005-2012 directed by Christopher Nolan; this film is the foundation of this trilogy it covers everything should cover and in-depth as well, this project roughly goes on for 130 minutes, which this project does have excellent pacing, it does know when and how to change through the gears, back and forth.

It is/was a excellent move to have four main/supporting roles fulfilled by the same performers and not forgetting their calibre of Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne/Batman [full disclosure back then I didn't know anything about him,] Michael Caine as Alfred Pennyworth, Morgan Freeman as Lucius Fox and Gary Oldman as Sgt/Lt Jim Gordon. So likewise as this at the beginning of this trilogy there character development, on-screen presence, continuity and performances can be all grown upon in the future. But for here and now their performances are all of a flawless standard as on top of this now and again we have some comedy references would feel naturally placed; for a quick example we have Sgt Jim Gordon on seeing Bruce Wayne/Batman vehicle in action; as it is racing off back to the Bat Cave with Rachel Davies on board [Katie Holmes/Younger; Emma Lockhart,] he gets out of the way it quickly passes him; he says " I've gotta to get me one of those."

But in fairness and balance this is a cast performance, everyone brings a high-performance to the table, basically if someone puts in anything less than what they do here, it would stick out like a sore thumb.

The art and/or action is truly a spectacle to behold as for just some examples; we have younger/fully grown Bruce Wayne or Bruce Wayne/Batman being surrounded by bats at points in this film or training; Ducard vs. Bruce Wayne on this ice cold surroundings; but this film has so much variety in it; there is always something going on to see and experience.

This film receives: 10/10, this film is top-notch entertainment; if you have any doubt believing how good this film is allow me to point out some numbers; award Won 13; for an example Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films, USA 2006; Best Fantasy Film and 79 Nominees; for an example and this is a big one; Academy Awards, USA 2006; Oscar; Best Achievement in Cinematography Wally Pfister.

Tuesday 29 March 2022

Watchmen [Season 1,] Episode 7: An Almost Religious Awe by AverageMansReviews

Watchmen [Season 1,] Episode 7: An Almost Religious Awe by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there are flashing effects/other effects/white supremacy/racism/white on black violence/shooting/medical/head caving in

Things continue to get more trippier: Storyline, Art, Character [Character developments] and Action these all combined in one way or another. Detective Angela Abar is receiving medical treatment for taking a lethal amount of Nostalgia medication which on top of that is not designed specifically for her it is designed for her grandfather Will Reeves a.k.a. Hooded Justice this medication is designed for only him. So FBI Special Agent Laurie Blake takes her to Lady Trieu the CEO of Trieu Industries in a professional setting and locations I am going to say a location owned by Trieu Industries it doesn't say it or unless I've missed something somewhere no one says it, cover my back apologies if I missed something, but I'm going to go with it, but moving on; the creators/manufactures of the Nostalgia medication and she is currently in control of Detective Angela Abar care and recovery which firstly involves the tutorial injection [we are now in her head we get this calming voice accompanied with this rose opening this calming voice saying Mnemodialysis treatment comes from Trieu Pharmaceutical plus over some memories which are even grandfather memories or her own they call this reflective infestation. This entire sequence from an artistic perspective is highly creative. Detective Angela Abar gives a opportunity to Unknown identity, but a Detective for The Tulsa Police Department/Pirate Jenny and her professional partner likewise unknown real identity but a Detective for The Tulsa Police Department/Red Scare the opportunity/warning  to move his vehicle [ he has positioned it so that she cannot get out, because she is under arrest,] but they declined so she rammed through in her car on the way to home to see her husband Cal Abar.

This episode receives: 10/10, this episode is top-notch entertainment; it has lots to offer throughout this episode.


Monday 28 March 2022

Average Extra of: Will Smith strikes Chris Rock at the 94th Academy Awards 2022 by AverageMansReviews

Average Extra of: Will Smith strikes Chris Rock at the 94th Academy Awards 2022 by AverageMansReviews

Real Talking Time:

Warning: this is a curtesy warning this blog will probably become uncomfortable reading for some people.

Well what do you want me to say? I am not going to lie I am absolutely fuming about what happened at this event, but not for the reasons that you are probably thinking of. Now let's do a little bit of background Chris Rock has made a career out of adult to dark material in his stand-up, basically you know what you get with him and just in case I have the racial thing thrown at me, in fairness and balance there is a Caucasian man which has the same kind of reputation by the name of Ricky Gervais. I am just going to say the word reputation again, this highlights that they aren't going to stop being themselves, even though on this night Chris Rock made a very soft and gentle [by his usual standards] reference to Will Smith's wife Jada Pinkett Smith being in GI Jane 2 [reference to her having hair loss/alopecia and losing her hair] which Chris Rock, before this reference he did say he loved her and after this reference he did acknowledge that was a nice one [as in on the grand scale he was being nice.] Which as I have already referenced I am with him on this one, he was being nice.

But Will Smith didn't take it in an adult fashion, in actual fact he threw his rattle out of the pram and walked up to Chris Rock and struck him, Will turn around and sat back down again, they had a verbal back and forth and Chris got on with what he was meant to do.

Later on Will an Oscar for King Richard 2021 Will Smith as Richard Williams; Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role Will Smith. Where with his award speech was him crying and basically I do stress this is just a nutshell version of he basically apologises to everyone, but not Chris Rock [childish behaviour] and he talks about protecting and loving people.

Now like I have said I was absolutely fuming, know I was outraged on so many levels, firstly Chris Rock did absolutely I repeat absolutely nothing wrong here, in fact it makes him look good, because he made a relatively soft joke and on top of that he tried to carry on and then carried on.

Will Smith had absolutely no right to strike Chris Rock, as Will Smith is as of this content being created 53 years old, so it is time to grow up you can't go around punching someone because they made a mature comedy reference.

So Will wants to protect people; let's explore that shall we, so every time someone calls me a spastic, cripple, makes references to me being poor, being worthless or being seen as something on the bottom of their shoe, being told I am a burden on society and my mum should have had an abortion, the fact I am not good looking and my anatomy is small, the fact that I have mental health issues  and other things, basically nothing is off limits be it online or in the real world and just to cover my back for using words such as spastic and cripple I am within my rights to do so based on the grounds I have a disability; brain damage.

So using Will Smith's logic I can go to him and he will go around striking people for me that use this language or still using Will's logic I can now strike them and for Will this was just one soft reference, meanwhile I have had to deal with these references and continue to deal with these references on a daily basis.

The really sad thing is; Chris Rock has declined to press charges, Which at some point will Smith will have to apologise and on top of thank Chris for not putting charges and someone online was right, this is toxic masculinity, because any way you look about it that is assault especially in today's modern world.] Now I have 3 problems with this; 1, you may not like this but deep down everyone knows what I am about to say is the uncomfortable truth and the truth is everyone would lose their mind if Will Smith was Caucasian striking an African-American man Chris Rock on national TV, everyone would be pushing Chris to push charges. [I hasten to add there would be some backlash if it was the other way around, but no way is bad as a theoretical Caucasian hitting an African-American on national TV.] 2, it sets a bad example for average people, because if they see these big stars being able to get away with this behaviour, they will think they can get away with this behaviour and 3, it is one rule for them and one rule for everyone else.

Just to wrap this up; I have to put up with so much and most of the time I don't respond and just take it on the chin, yes I have chased one person down the road to give them a piece of my mind and others I have spoke to, but I have never or never so far physically touched anyone, so if I was in Will Smith's position I would have internally is said that is Chris Rock, being Chris Rock that is what an adult does or I would have had words with the wife to see if she was okay, so if she is okay I am okay. If not and I get the opportunity to speak to Chris later, just have a quiet adult word or if not arrange to take the wife out and make her feel special on another night that may involve some lovemaking and I may as well leave on a joke [who knows Will Smith may come around and strike me;] Does this now mean Will Smith will strike anyone that points out his wife's lack of hair? I mean trust me when I tell you some kids can be ruthless with their questions or comments; I can see him going through kids like a bowling ball through 10-pins.

Update: Tuesday 29/03/2022, Will Smith apologises to Chris Rock for this situation.

Sunday 27 March 2022

The Rock 1996 by AverageMansReviews

The Rock 1996 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/transformation metamorphoses/disfigurement/shooting/stabbing/vomiting/burning/decapitation - squashing/breaking/impaling/strangling

To do right is to do wrong: as a last resort I'm not condoning what they are/going to do, but this is a big point to this film that in the case of this leader he really wanted to do what is right; Leader Brigadier General Francis X. 'Frank' Hummel, USMC Force Recon [Ed Harris] and his assembled of soldiers takeover this legendary prison Alcatraz or alternatively known as The Rock with 81 Alcatraz guide and tourists/hostages, but also they have these 16 VX gas-loaded M55 rockets, which in the opening section of this film you will see what this gas is capable of graphically doing. Here comes response to this terrorist act in the form of SAS Captain John Patrick Mason better known as "Mason" [Sean Connery] a long-term inmates of Alcatraz, because he knew too much and has broke out of Alcatraz before, FBI Special Agent Dr. Stanley Goodspeed; specialty in chemical weapons and being covered by US Seals; Commander/Unit Leader Charles Anderson, USN SEAL [Michael Biehn.]

The pacing for this 136 minute film is a lively and sometimes noisy affair with lots of action and sometimes comedy such as for an example we have this chasing sequence in vehicles; SAS Captain John Patrick Mason has stolen this vehicle so at some point whilst he is being chased by FBI Special Agent Dr. Stanley Goodspeed in another vehicle which isn't his and other FBI and relevant personal in other vehicles. SAS Captain John Patrick Mason gets a surprising telephone call on the vehicle telephone from the owner of this vehicle which they briefly in a nutshell discuss the words stolen and/or borrow, whilst this chasing sequence is still going on as they speak. But just to highlight some more of the action sequences we have a underwater sequence involving entering Alcatraz via being deployed from this  military chopper with some swimming with just wearing scuba gear and the necessary military hardware and some on these underwater military vessels; I have been looking up and down the Internet for their name but I can't find it and I went with the word vessel because they are in or under the water and a rolling through fire sequence which on both counts fantastic variety and look fantastic as well.

The character developments are what they are meant to be, this is very much a cast performance they all do good; but there are two performances that are head and shoulders above the rest and they would be the lead partnership of Sean Connery as  SAS Captain John Patrick Mason and Nicolas Cage as FBI Special Agent Dr. Stanley Goodspeed as from their first meeting Mason is working out Dr. Goodspeed Mason, later on taking the mickey out of Dr. Goodspeed name as they are all heading towards Alcatraz to begin and hopefully succeed on their mission in this militarised chopper with Dr. Goodspeed looking as if he is about to be sick with nerves, obviously by this point Mason has worked out he is not a Field Agent and references this in a dialogue exchange here. Individually or/and together they won an awards for their partnership in this film; Blockbuster Entertainment Awards 1997; Blockbuster Entertainment Award; Favorite Actor - Action/Adventure Nicolas Cage [at the same event/awards ceremony] Favorite Supporting Actor -Action/Adventure Sean Connery and then together MTV Movie + TV Awards 1997; MTV Movie Award;Best On-Screen Duo Sean Connery Nicolas Cage. I should really finish off here by saying this on-screen partnership/chemistry is absolutely priceless which will be reflected in my mark, but I feel comfortable suggesting without this partnership, this film wouldn't have the same high standard it does, basically without them this film would be based on speculation, because we don't know how this film would be without them, but still this film would be on his knees.

This film receives: 8/10, this film is excellent: it has straightforward storyline, but sadly a very valid point [okay an extreme version of this point and once again not condoning it obviously,] but we should do more for our service people that have served their country. This film has Won 9 awards and not all these awards are positive; Yoga Awards 1997; Yoga Award; Michael Bay, it also has been Nominated for 9 awards for an example and this is a big one Academy Awards, USA 1997; Oscar; Best Sound Kevin O'Connell Greg P. Russell Keith A. Wester and just in case someone points it out; for some strange reason this is connected to this film; Jupiter Award 1996; Jupiter Award; Nicholas Cage for Leaving Las Vegas 1995.


Saturday 26 March 2022

Ambulance 2021 by AverageMansReviews

Ambulance 2021 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/shooting/medical/impaling/running over/broken

Today is going to be a long day: now because this storyline is straightforward I am going to put things like this. Danny Sharpe [Jake Gyllenhaal] has lined up this bank job with these other criminals, but his brother Will Sharp [Yahya Abdul-Mateen II] needs a large sum of money, not for himself but his family, so Danny asks his brother to come with him on this job which is worth $32 million But not everything goes according to plan as they hijack this Ambulance; driven by EMT Scott [Colin Woodell] until he gets removed from his seat and the Ambulance Will takes over. But throughout this hostile takeover by Danny and Will; EMT Cam Thompson [Eiza González] is busy trying to save the life of LAPD Officer Zack [Jackson White.]

The pacing for this 136 minutes film is yes quick paced and lots and lots of action, but if you have seen any of this Director's films [Michael Bay] he just basically follows his usual formula of film directing, big loud action, with some form of slow motion sequence [in this case bullets.] I mean don't get me wrong he has come out with some positive film titles, but as you will clearly see they were many, many years ago in Bad Boys 1995 The Rock 1996 and Armageddon 1998 [he also was one of the Producers for this project and just for the record he is also one of the Producers and Directed this project I am currently reviewing.] I think the fairest assessment of Michael Bay is based on these titles, he summed up mid to late 1990s with his directing style. But obviously there is now one big problem and it is this; it isn't the 1990s any more and since then of what I have heard, but more importantly seen have been few and far between of being positive, like for example as I am a child from the 1980s, he has mentally scarred me for life for what he has done to the Transformers live-action film franchise; Bumblebee 2018 was positive [Bay Films was one of the production companies involved] and if once wasn't enough he had a second go with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2014 [one of the Producers] and likewise for the sequel Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows 2016, but in fairness and balance this was much better than its predecessor.

But back to this project we have this comedy component from time to time making popular culture references and in this example it perfectly highlights/reinforces the age gap between LAPD Officer [Mark Cedric Sanders] and his fresh out of the academy LAPD Officer Zack partner where the older makes reference to The Rock film, but Zack has basically no idea what he is talking about, so he talks about The Rock [Dwayne Johnson] the film star, wrestler first and then film star [he puts things this way,] a resuscitate machine scene sexual references, there is this lovely big dog by the name of Nitro it is always fun to have him on screen or Captain Monroe [Garret Dillahunt] makes reference to him or speaks to him [on looking for this dog's I found out that this dog belongs to Michael Bay] to other examples

The character developments and the performances are what they are; you know what I mean, I can't really criticise them because they are solid versions of what they are meant to be.

This film receives: 4/10, this film is mixed; to be more precise as I have already made reference to this is what I have come to expect from Michael Bay and we never find out what happens to these characters and finally there was absolutely no point adding on this storyline bit about EMT Cam Thompson, because it is a big storyline that needs more time and substance, but after this scene there is one more scene and that is the end of the film, so this is a waste of time and a rubbish ending altogether really do this film.


Friday 25 March 2022

The Phantom at the Open 2021 by AverageMansReviews

The Phantom at the Open 2021 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful

The world's worst has never turned out so good: I will begin here; it is the 1970s; we meet Maurice Flitcroft/other aliases, they do get used in the film I just can't remember all the other names, apologies for that. [Mark Rylance] and his wife Jean Flitcroft [Sally Hawkins] and Sons Mike Flitcroft; which works at the same place as his father, just much higher, [Jack Davis,] Gene Flitcroft  [Christian Lees] and James Flitcroft  [Jonah Lees.] Now as Maurice has been putting his family first and making sure that they are okay, as he is just to be made redundant from his job as a shipyard crane operative. So his wife gives him permission for the first time in lots of years to put himself first, but he has no idea what to do until one night he sits on the TV remote and witnesses this sport on TV called golf. The pacing is fluent as it has a story to tell and it just gets on with it for this 102 minute film.

Maurice Flitcroft has all the characteristics and he does put in the practice as he says “Practice is the road to perfection." But having said this he just isn't good at playing golf, as you will see throughout this film as the vast majority of the comedy comes from, for an example he uses is driver club [his opening stroke at the 1976 Open Championship] and the film puts great emphasis on it travelling a long distance, but this couldn't be further from the truth as in reality it has only travelled a very tiny distance.

The art is excellent, in particular Maurice Flitcroft's thought process in his head there are two sequences of this and both of them are really eye-catching and show great imagination.

The character developments and performances are good, but there are two performances that should really receive some form of positive awards and that is Maurice Flitcroft [Mark Rylance] and Jean Flitcroft [Sally Hawkins,] because whatever preference or type of relationship you are in, they can teach you a lot. Because they love each other and for those people that think because it was the 1970s that the man made the decisions and the woman followed, it was so not the case here, he did everything that he could for his family and she did the same just at  a different time, but based on how this film is shown wherever they ended up they were still happy, which I believe even in 2022 with everything going on in the world today, as long as you have each other and you are generally right for one another you could make something out of limited resources.

This film receives: 8/10, this film is excellent; if or when this film comes to a streaming server or blu-ray or DVD, this is one of those films that you can put on; on a lazy Sunday afternoon with the family. This film has currently 1 Nominee credited to its name; Santa Barbara International Film Festival 2022;Best International Feature; Craig Roberts.


Thursday 24 March 2022

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe [Season 2,] Episode 120: Monster on the Mountain by AverageMansReviews

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe [Season 2,] Episode 120: Monster on the Mountain by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there is flashing effects/other effects/transformation

The Tingler: Storyline, Character [Character developments, ] Art and Action; these combined in one way or another; now Orko comes up with the idea to hide up and see this creature known as The Tingler, but he gets Cringer to come with him. When everything goes down Cringer being Cringer gets scared and runs out of their hiding place and falls down this rocky incline consequently damaging his foot he ends up in front of The Tingler, obviously shaking and being afraid he says " Leave me alone." So this creature being who he is picks up Cringer and puts him over his shoulders [to see this big character comfortable and safely carry Cringer is excellent art and sweet] to take him to his home [in Mount Fear] Orko follows them.

This episode receives: 5/10, this episode is mixed; it really does have that after school special feeling to it; as this episode has been sent out to fulfil its purpose as it highlights the dangers of exaggeration and rumours from the beginning to the ending credits of this episode, which I can say it achieves its purpose, but because I got this feeling early on in my viewing experience, I just had to go through the motions of watching it and yes it has some good things to it, but I still had to go through the motions of watching it nonetheless, but to finish on a positive I had to give an extra mark for the art; the art is excellent and consequently so is the action.

Wednesday 23 March 2022

Reminiscence 2021 by AverageMansReviews

Reminiscence 2021 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/environmental/medical/drugs/shooting/stabbing/burning/scarring/torture/suicide

After the first 26 minutes: after this war the world is a very different place, so some people like to go through this procedure called Reminiscence; basic description of this; a individual gets jabbed with this substance to make things easier to get to the thoughts, goes inside this thing called a tank with a neurological a like helmet and with some psychological assistance from Nick Bannister [Hugh Jackman] and colleague Emily 'Watts' Sanders [Thandiwe Newton] the client can revisit their memories. Now everything was going okay until Nick meets Mae [Rebecca Ferguson] after this Nick or Watts lives are never the same again.

The pacing is terrible it just really dribbles on and on and on and on [I think you get the point,] where my interest was circling the off button was the first 26 minutes and it just got worse and worse from there really, I mean don't get me wrong the closing stages to this project did engage me so I just awarded another mark to the final mark of this project, but for the vast majority of this 116 minute film it was hard work.

The biggest asset to this film title by some distance is the artistic visions of any of it, be it the landscapes or in Reminiscence or this action sequence underwater between Nick and Cyrus Boothe [Cliff Curtis] basically in short if you want to watch this film for the art you will not go wrong it is eye-catching everywhere you look.

The character types and performances fulfil their purpose and are reliable performances.

This film receives: 3/10, this film is poor; yes this project clearly has some positives, but man this film became such a chore to watch with every passing moment, but somehow this film has some positive awards credited to its name. 2; 1 Winner ReFrame 2022; ReFrame Stamp Feature and 1 Nominee Hawaii Film Critics Society 2022; HFCS Award; Best Sci-Fi Film.

Tuesday 22 March 2022

The Little Things 2021 by AverageMansReviews

The Little Things 2021 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/medical/shooting

All their eggs in one basket:  Jim Baxter of the LASD;Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department [Rami Malek] is trying to solve this case, so much so he begins to work more and more with  Joe "Deke" Deacon of the KCSO; Kern County Sheriff's Office [Denzel Washington,] which was the previous one to hold Jim Baxter's position, before having this case consume him and by the looks of it still does, consequently it had an effect on his personal life, be it physically or family ties. But it looks possible that he may get this opportunity to put these ghosts to sleep as at some point they will find this potential suspect in Albert Sparma [Jared Leto.]

I don't have too much to say about this film; the pacing is progressive and then yes it moves, it is not a slow film but it is not the most quickest and in hindsight yes if someone said to me that this film was roughly 128 minutes long [without me knowing this obviously,] I would have no problem believing that.

If you want three reasons to watch this project here you go; Denzel Washington, Rami Malek and Jared Leto [when he enters the film] individually or in different pairing or all together; they are the driving force behind this project there positive chemistry of the highest order, that without them this film would have potentially and I must stress that, because we don't know how this film would have turned out without them, but it would have really struggled without them that is how much individually or they make onto this project, don't get me wrong the cast are put in good performances, but because of the way this film has been designed it does need a driving force behind it to keep things going and being focused.

This film receives: 6/10, this film is good: in hindsight I decided to go with a different market than what they had originally, because I felt between this trio that a positive mark was at least fair and balanced. This project also has some awards credited to its name 3; 1 Winner; Golden Trailer Awards 2021; Golden Trailer; Best Drama Poster. 2; Nominees; Screen Actors Guild Awards 2021; Actor; Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role Jared Leto. Golden Globes, USA 2021; Golden Globe; Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture Jared Leto.


Monday 21 March 2022

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 38 by AverageMansReview

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 38 by AverageMansReview

Just a heads up: I will be interconnecting these two wrestling promotions at some point.

Hey Yo! Let's get down to business: the WrestleMania 38/2022 pay-per-view card looks like garbage, don't get me wrong based on the look of the women's matches they look to be the only positives on why at some point I would want to review this pay-per-view. Because at least their matches have a WrestleMania quality to them [granted I haven't seen any of the build up, but based on their face value, they looked to be positive.]

But on the men's side of things, minus Edge vs. AJ Styles and Stone Cold and K.O [whatever they have planned,] as things stand on Sunday 20/03/2022 the rest of this card does get a no thank you from me.

Now on to Cody Rhodes frankly he and his wife can fudge off. Now let's talk about this properly and why I can happily say what I have just said, even if at some point they or Cody comes back to AEW, I would find it near to impossible to welcome them back and this is not a petulant person discussing this, this would be a real adult with very deep reasons.

So for roughly 3 years or more Cody is one of the founding members of this wrestling revolution known as AEW, for the past 3 years or more he rides the coattails of the WWE every possible opportunity he gets in AEW and because he doesn't get the money he wants [because he isn't getting a top guy money; this is a very old wrestling terminology; it comes from the WCW days, it is pretty explanatory really; if you were a top guy you would get top money and over the past months I have learned from a reliable source that; that for an example if the WCW brought in new guy in on higher money, the top guys would get a pay increase to match.] Which clearly is an unsustainable way to do business as we clearly no from W CW ceasing in 2001 and purchased by the WWE and I don't care if CM Punk or Bryan Danielson are on bigger contracts, because since they have joined AEW they have done everything they can to make AEW a better product. I mean I don't have a problem with Tony Kahn's business dealings it's like for example if I give you this big contract Chris Jericho, you better at the very least justify it and Chris has in fact all three of these names have, so as it relates to Cody I can see why Tony couldn't justify it, because Cody was becoming a liability on some research, he wouldn't turn heel and I get why because of his charity work, but I believe in AEW you don't have to be an out a and out heel or face, they have the space and flexibility to come up with something between both.

I now understand why the AEW fan base were turning on Cody after his AEW Double or Nothing 2021 pay-per-view win over Anthony Ogogo [Sunday 30/05/2021] where Ogogo picked up an injury through this match so the match result had to be changed, this is where the AEW fan base patients ran out, so it isn't Cody's fault here. Just to cover my back I know I put out a tweet in a nutshell saying I don't know why they are booing Cody, but as I have made reference to it I understand it now. But what is his fault is trying to continue pushing the narrative of out and out babyface when an out and out babyface isn't going to be a babyface, you see in reality it will be heel work and not only that the more you try to push this narrative it will get you more negative heat or even worse go away heat, which his wife has also been receiving this go away heat as well and yes if at any point the WWE turn him heel I will be finding this hilarious.

The thing is he could have been a real guy or the guy at AEW that showed by an example that I believe in what we are doing in AEW and I want to remain pushing this wrestling revolution, so I will sign this contract not for myself but to show true leadership and to show our younger talent/wrestlers that not everything is about money, it is about building something with your career.

I should point out providing this they leave on good/professional terms, I have no problem with other AEW talent going to the WWE, for another example if you have MJF towards the ending of his career saying I don't know how long I have left in my career but I really want a WrestleMania moment and the money the WWE is willing to offer me is massive. Tony Kahn/wrestling fans of AEW and I mean real wrestling fans would understand it is all about those moments in your career and WrestleMania is something the WWE can offer anyone. So Tony Kahn would probably say go get your WrestleMania moment and you are welcome back any time. I mean Cody could have done something like this if it was motivated by wrestling and not money and including not taking a shot at the WWE every opportunity he got on AEW programming/pay-per-views, I mean I would have still had a little problem with it, but I would have understood it based on wrestling first and the money came second yes I am not stupid go and make millions, but as long as it is wrestling motivated first that would have been fine, if he generally and honestly feels like he has unfinished business with the WWE and if he is generally going to retire when he say she will by the age of 40 [I will discuss this momentarily later on.]yes I am trying to give Cody a couple of minutes of benefit of the doubt here, but even though I have said all of this I can now turn around and squash that benefit of doubt by simply pointing out this ever so tiny detail if Tony gave Cody the contract he wanted we wouldn’t be discussing this situation.

But when everything is said and done in Cody Rhodes career, his particular legacy will be someone that could have really built something with his career okay if he didn't want to stay with AEW fair enough, he could've done anything else but what he has actually done which is basically sold out [yes I know this terminology gets thrown out a lot in wrestling,] but I can see at some point years down the line of content creators making lists of top 10 wrestlers who sold out and he will the new number one.

And what for millions of dollars and going back to somewhere where he is fully aware that they don't treat their talent right, if I should have some people reading this that say "Why are you making such a big deal out of this? He has the right to do whatever he wants to do in his career/life and he has always said he wants to retire at 40 years old."

Yes this is true he has the right to do what every he likes, but unfortunately I come from the real world where any person is as good as their word or character so as I said somewhere near the beginning of this he has been riding the WWE curtails for 3 years or more and when something doesn't go his way he goes with his tail between his legs back to the company which he has been riding for all these years because of money and yes I am aware for roughly 6 months he has been wrestling at AEW without a contract and what I say to that is never mind, if he wanted to show real leadership he should have signed the fudging AEW contract in the first place and so what Tony Kahn is the President and CEO/Head of Creative/other positions [I know he has many job titles,] which I have no problem with this for one good reason it is his money, so if this put Cody's nose out of joint I think someone better grow up and I have just realised he is just re-signed with the WWE which is run by somebody that under no circumstances will have anything less than 100% control and if you think for one second Cody will not wrestle when he reaches 40; when this was being dictated he is roughly 36 years old, I have a feeling if the money is correct 40 is just a number.

I will always have respect for the Rhodes family name and that will never change, but Cody and Brandi well that is a completely different story.

I am disinterested in what Cody does now as far as I'm concerned the only fitting return for him at this year's WrestleMania is being a new inductees to a very limited group of people of Kiss My Ass Club; book that for WrestleMania, because this is what Cody has done anyway so they may as well make it a literal thing.

AEW will be absolutely fine, unlike the WWE they build up their talent to move on in the present and the future.

I really like how AEW fulfil their contracts in the sense of if their talent contract expires they are free to go, so there is none of this re-signing just so that you have this talent on their books and have no intention of using them, but I would recommend now Tony Kahn has purchased ROH [Ring of Honour] he puts a possible option in his talents contracts where both parties can still work together, because they may be really happy and they want to stay around each other, where the talent could take bookings outside of AEW but also work for ROH or completely switched their contract to ROH, basically flexibility let's put real meaning behind these words of independent contractor, that way Tony can balance the books of okay the AEW roster is looking a bit big and he has said there will become a time where there will have to be some releases, but I like the option of options. So maybe moving some younger talent over to ROH to keep an eye on their development or get a good balance of talent in there to build up present and the future stars more, that way hopefully down the line they won't have to spend so much on bringing talent in, don't get me wrong I expect them to still bring in talent now and again but as I have already referenced I like options being options, granted I know the tiniest about ROH, actually the only thing I know is some the biggest and greatest wrestlers of the present have wrestled in this promotion; so as you can tell I would deem this to be a wonderful bit of business from Tony Kahn.

Now there is only one way I can finish this entry and it is by saying sadly and with a heavy heart; Rest In Peace Scott "Razor Ramon" Hall 1958-2022 he made a lasting impact on the world of professional wrestling, you will never be forgotten and remember When you’re NWO, you’re NWO for life.

Additional: Monday 04/04/2022; now usually I wouldn't do this, but in this case I feel it is necessary. Because I have really come to understand I mean I knew it anyway, but I really understand now. Because I have received a little bit of negativity from apparent wrestling fans as it relates to Cody Rhodes and him going back to the WWE and all of that and him taking every opportunity to take a shot at WWE or something like that to reinforce he isn't going back or he can't go back. Now I do understand this little thing called kayfabe, but my problem is even though I understand this wrestling terminology, speculation on my part/mixed in with probable fact that he written his own promos and segments, so based on this theory and off-screen as well to in a nutshell really either poke fun or push he isn't going back over the past three years, then to go back to them.

In simple terminology if he didn't do all of this to the level he did, I wouldn't have a problem obviously I would still have been disappointed, I mean for an example if Kenny Omega wanted a WrestleMania match, he would have to relinquish his Executive Vice President position/role,] then coming back at some point to take back this position/role I wouldn't have a problem with this or anyone else for an example Keith Lee, he may feel one day he still has unfinished business with the WWE, so he may go back which as long as he was likewise civil there is no problem from me so I hope I have made things crystal clear I have very little problem with people going back to the WWE. But however you need to keep this in mind now if Tony Kahn had given Cody Rhodes the deal he wanted has in among the big earners he wouldn't have left AEW and from an outsider's perspective whatever problem Cody couldn't get over in a nutshell it was basically because Tony Kahn is the head chief of AEW, as he should be, just based on it is his money and Cody was under the impression that they were on the same level as he was the guy but the first opportunity he got to prove it he bottled it by not accepting the new AEW contract, but then again the big financial contract from AEW which he was pushing for would have made Cody Rhodes feel much better about his position in AEW wouldn't it. One final thing the wrestlers that has came out and either said or referenced that the wrestling fan base is toxic, I would have to agree with them[just to cover my back I know I have referenced some of this in both the main blog and the additional.]


Sunday 20 March 2022

Entrapment 1999 by AverageMansReviews

Entrapment 1999 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful/drugs/stabbing/shooting/animal cruelty.

Not everyone is as they seem: these are two criminals pull some jobs together Robert "Mac" MacDougal [Sean Connery] and Virginia "Gin" Baker [Catherine Zeta-Jones;] this is one of those occasions where: it would be a good idea if I do say too much about the storyline. But generally speaking the storyline is straightforward and by the end of it, this is just based on my opinion and reaction of meh; this film is 114 minutes long and let's just say this film doesn't have much of a get up and go to it until before or roughly around the final quarter.

The character developments are a reliable model for this type of film, the lead partnership of Sean Connery and Catherine Zeta-Jones is best described as mixed, you know sometimes it clicks for a moment or a short time and then you can completely understand this for an example;  The Stinkers Bad Movie Awards 1999; Nominee; Worst On-Screen Couple; Sean Connery Catherine Zeta-Jones. But I must quickly point out the following Winners; European Film Awards 1999; EFA People's Choice Award; Best European Actor; Sean Connery [at the same event/awards ceremony] Best European Actress; Catherine Zeta-Jones. So make of that what you will. But the rest of the cast are reliably good Ving Rhames as Thibadeaux in fact he got Nominated for an award; Blockbuster Entertainment Award; Favorite Supporting Actor - Action; Ving Rhames.

There is this action/practice sequence where this  Virginia "Gin" Baker is going through this rigged up location of what she will have to do in a real sequence later on in the film, basic description; they have rigged up this location where she will have to carefully go under these or over these this red cotton with little bells on [in reality these are meant to be the security perimeter around this artefact that if you touch them she will raise the alarm but Robert "Mac" MacDougal will guide her through, because he will have this little computer that will show them up.] But back to this practice sequence; she goes through this practice sequence elegantly like a ballerina and on top of that she is doing this blindfolded, because she made reference to Robert "Mac" MacDougal that she could do this blindfolded, so obviously he wanted to test this out and there is some good looking scenery.

This film receives: 5/10, this film is mixed: I mean after everything is said and done this is a fair outcome, you know it isn't the worst film I have ever seen, but I have seen better, just for the record this film has 4 Winner awards to its name and 6 Nominees, I never get this but this negative award is also credited to this film as well; Nominee Razzie Awards 2000; Worst Actress; Worst Actress Catherine Zeta-Jones; For The Haunting.


Saturday 19 March 2022

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe [Season 2,] Episode 119: Visitors from Earth by AverageMansReviews

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe [Season 2,] Episode 119: Visitors from Earth by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there is flashing effects/other effects/transformation

Outside Castle Grayskull: Art Storyline, Action and Character [Character developments:] these combined in one way or another; at the very beginning of this scene we have this camera shot of; close-up, but spanning out diagonally so it gives the illusion or aim that from where this camera angle is we have to look up diagonally which gives Castle Grayskull this ominous presence of fear or respect [which if you are a newcomer to this place it would be fear of the unknown, but respect if you are an honest character and learn what goes on here by stories you hear;] this is a excellent sequence of art to begin this sequence of events in this scene.

Skeletor with this earth made missile with Evil-Lyn with him summons this bird by the name of Screech, a cyborg Eagle [his peak head and his torso mechanical the rest living,] makes his presence known with this loud screech sound at the same time swoops down to take this missile from his master [which Skeletor holds it up for him to take it out of his hands with his claws and make the small journey across the moat without the drawbridge being down to Castle Grayskull and drop it off sensibly at the closed drawbridge; I know this is a relatively short sequence, but I really like it.

This episode receives: 10/10, this episode is top-notch entertainment; as it relates to its speed it does take some time to get going but the more you watch of it, the better and better it gets with lots happening.


Friday 18 March 2022

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: NWA/WCW Starrcade '83: A Flare for the Gold 24/11/1983 Match 4/Part 4 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: NWA/WCW Starrcade '83: A Flare for the Gold 24/11/1983 Match 4/Part 4 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects

Match/Stipulation: Chief Wahoo McDaniel & Mark Youngblood vs. Dick Slater & Bob Orton Jr.: Tag Team Match

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 7/10

Match Storyline: 7/10

Crowd Participation: 10/10

On Commentary: Bob Caudle & Gordon Solie 6/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 7/10

Recommend Watch: 7/10

Match Total: 44 /60 - this match is good.

Comments: this is a solidly good match, but this match/match slot isn't without technical issues or bloopers beginning with for some reason Tom Miller: ring announcer introducing introduces this match, walks out of the ring, bell rings, referee has to basically pause this match before it begins, our ring announcer is standing on the apron [ far right upper corner] and introduces the next No1 Contender in "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes after tonight's main event for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship [he is somewhere in the audience.] But this doesn't exactly go according to plan as this microphone keeps on cutting out and in, you know if this went according to plan I wouldn't have brought it up, but you can just feel the awkwardness in this moment.

Next; would someone like to tell me what is a either soufflé or soft play? Obviously I know what Solie means [ it does help when you have the subtitles on;] he means a suplex whenever he says suplex, but it is much more closer to my two examples I have given you an right at the end he does it again with Tony Schiavone, saying it as Tony Shthoney.

Basic Result: McDaniel & Mark Youngblood vs. Dick Slater & Bob Orton Jr.

 Briefly things to know:

* Bob Caudle & Gordon Solie: fallout of this match this is where the blooper with Tony Schiavone comes in, both No1 Contenders for their respective Championships first; Ric Flair for his match against the NWA World Heavyweight Champion Harley Race [which on a quick side note I am really looking forward to seeing, because with the greatest respect to them, I have never seen Flair this young and in shape and likewise Race as well.] Then we have in the same location camera shot/screenshot Jay Youngblood & Ricky Steamboat taking on the NWA World Tag Team Champions The Brisco Brothers [Jack & Jerry Brisco.] Then Schiavone does set up to send us to look at some recap of the action we have seen so far, but for some reason that doesn't happen, no it generally doesn't happen no editing, instead we go to our next point, it feels like and this is just speculation, but it does have that feeling of this pay-per-view runner or someone like that either changing their mind, because just maybe, the content wasn't ready or just change their mind, without telling the necessary people until it was too late, but once again this is just speculation on my part.

* Barbara Clary: interviewing "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes; he gives a promo roughly speaking about tonight's main event, I have said roughly because throughout this interview/promo Clary and Rhodes are experiencing technical difficulties due to this microphone cutting out and in to be honest it is more out than in, so we have  Solie giving us a basic version of what Rhodes is saying [in short: someone either fix the issue or if it is the microphone itself can we just retire it and let it hang up somewhere.]

* Tom Miller: ring announcer introducing the next match