Sunday 27 March 2022

The Rock 1996 by AverageMansReviews

The Rock 1996 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/transformation metamorphoses/disfigurement/shooting/stabbing/vomiting/burning/decapitation - squashing/breaking/impaling/strangling

To do right is to do wrong: as a last resort I'm not condoning what they are/going to do, but this is a big point to this film that in the case of this leader he really wanted to do what is right; Leader Brigadier General Francis X. 'Frank' Hummel, USMC Force Recon [Ed Harris] and his assembled of soldiers takeover this legendary prison Alcatraz or alternatively known as The Rock with 81 Alcatraz guide and tourists/hostages, but also they have these 16 VX gas-loaded M55 rockets, which in the opening section of this film you will see what this gas is capable of graphically doing. Here comes response to this terrorist act in the form of SAS Captain John Patrick Mason better known as "Mason" [Sean Connery] a long-term inmates of Alcatraz, because he knew too much and has broke out of Alcatraz before, FBI Special Agent Dr. Stanley Goodspeed; specialty in chemical weapons and being covered by US Seals; Commander/Unit Leader Charles Anderson, USN SEAL [Michael Biehn.]

The pacing for this 136 minute film is a lively and sometimes noisy affair with lots of action and sometimes comedy such as for an example we have this chasing sequence in vehicles; SAS Captain John Patrick Mason has stolen this vehicle so at some point whilst he is being chased by FBI Special Agent Dr. Stanley Goodspeed in another vehicle which isn't his and other FBI and relevant personal in other vehicles. SAS Captain John Patrick Mason gets a surprising telephone call on the vehicle telephone from the owner of this vehicle which they briefly in a nutshell discuss the words stolen and/or borrow, whilst this chasing sequence is still going on as they speak. But just to highlight some more of the action sequences we have a underwater sequence involving entering Alcatraz via being deployed from this  military chopper with some swimming with just wearing scuba gear and the necessary military hardware and some on these underwater military vessels; I have been looking up and down the Internet for their name but I can't find it and I went with the word vessel because they are in or under the water and a rolling through fire sequence which on both counts fantastic variety and look fantastic as well.

The character developments are what they are meant to be, this is very much a cast performance they all do good; but there are two performances that are head and shoulders above the rest and they would be the lead partnership of Sean Connery as  SAS Captain John Patrick Mason and Nicolas Cage as FBI Special Agent Dr. Stanley Goodspeed as from their first meeting Mason is working out Dr. Goodspeed Mason, later on taking the mickey out of Dr. Goodspeed name as they are all heading towards Alcatraz to begin and hopefully succeed on their mission in this militarised chopper with Dr. Goodspeed looking as if he is about to be sick with nerves, obviously by this point Mason has worked out he is not a Field Agent and references this in a dialogue exchange here. Individually or/and together they won an awards for their partnership in this film; Blockbuster Entertainment Awards 1997; Blockbuster Entertainment Award; Favorite Actor - Action/Adventure Nicolas Cage [at the same event/awards ceremony] Favorite Supporting Actor -Action/Adventure Sean Connery and then together MTV Movie + TV Awards 1997; MTV Movie Award;Best On-Screen Duo Sean Connery Nicolas Cage. I should really finish off here by saying this on-screen partnership/chemistry is absolutely priceless which will be reflected in my mark, but I feel comfortable suggesting without this partnership, this film wouldn't have the same high standard it does, basically without them this film would be based on speculation, because we don't know how this film would be without them, but still this film would be on his knees.

This film receives: 8/10, this film is excellent: it has straightforward storyline, but sadly a very valid point [okay an extreme version of this point and once again not condoning it obviously,] but we should do more for our service people that have served their country. This film has Won 9 awards and not all these awards are positive; Yoga Awards 1997; Yoga Award; Michael Bay, it also has been Nominated for 9 awards for an example and this is a big one Academy Awards, USA 1997; Oscar; Best Sound Kevin O'Connell Greg P. Russell Keith A. Wester and just in case someone points it out; for some strange reason this is connected to this film; Jupiter Award 1996; Jupiter Award; Nicholas Cage for Leaving Las Vegas 1995.


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