Friday 18 March 2022

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: NWA/WCW Starrcade '83: A Flare for the Gold 24/11/1983 Match 4/Part 4 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: NWA/WCW Starrcade '83: A Flare for the Gold 24/11/1983 Match 4/Part 4 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects

Match/Stipulation: Chief Wahoo McDaniel & Mark Youngblood vs. Dick Slater & Bob Orton Jr.: Tag Team Match

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 7/10

Match Storyline: 7/10

Crowd Participation: 10/10

On Commentary: Bob Caudle & Gordon Solie 6/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 7/10

Recommend Watch: 7/10

Match Total: 44 /60 - this match is good.

Comments: this is a solidly good match, but this match/match slot isn't without technical issues or bloopers beginning with for some reason Tom Miller: ring announcer introducing introduces this match, walks out of the ring, bell rings, referee has to basically pause this match before it begins, our ring announcer is standing on the apron [ far right upper corner] and introduces the next No1 Contender in "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes after tonight's main event for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship [he is somewhere in the audience.] But this doesn't exactly go according to plan as this microphone keeps on cutting out and in, you know if this went according to plan I wouldn't have brought it up, but you can just feel the awkwardness in this moment.

Next; would someone like to tell me what is a either soufflé or soft play? Obviously I know what Solie means [ it does help when you have the subtitles on;] he means a suplex whenever he says suplex, but it is much more closer to my two examples I have given you an right at the end he does it again with Tony Schiavone, saying it as Tony Shthoney.

Basic Result: McDaniel & Mark Youngblood vs. Dick Slater & Bob Orton Jr.

 Briefly things to know:

* Bob Caudle & Gordon Solie: fallout of this match this is where the blooper with Tony Schiavone comes in, both No1 Contenders for their respective Championships first; Ric Flair for his match against the NWA World Heavyweight Champion Harley Race [which on a quick side note I am really looking forward to seeing, because with the greatest respect to them, I have never seen Flair this young and in shape and likewise Race as well.] Then we have in the same location camera shot/screenshot Jay Youngblood & Ricky Steamboat taking on the NWA World Tag Team Champions The Brisco Brothers [Jack & Jerry Brisco.] Then Schiavone does set up to send us to look at some recap of the action we have seen so far, but for some reason that doesn't happen, no it generally doesn't happen no editing, instead we go to our next point, it feels like and this is just speculation, but it does have that feeling of this pay-per-view runner or someone like that either changing their mind, because just maybe, the content wasn't ready or just change their mind, without telling the necessary people until it was too late, but once again this is just speculation on my part.

* Barbara Clary: interviewing "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes; he gives a promo roughly speaking about tonight's main event, I have said roughly because throughout this interview/promo Clary and Rhodes are experiencing technical difficulties due to this microphone cutting out and in to be honest it is more out than in, so we have  Solie giving us a basic version of what Rhodes is saying [in short: someone either fix the issue or if it is the microphone itself can we just retire it and let it hang up somewhere.]

* Tom Miller: ring announcer introducing the next match

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