Sunday 12 December 2021

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 3,] Episode 118: Ninja Quest: Part III by AverageMansReviews

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 3,] Episode 118: Ninja Quest: Part III by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there is flashing/colourful/other effects/hatching

The film is different to this TV program: Storyline, Character [Character developments,] Action and Art these all combined in one way or another; so the film I am making reference to is this; Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie 1995 Link without giving too much away but pointing out enough to make this review interesting; in the film The Power Rangers in their civilian attire get assistance from this Master Phaedos Warrior by the name of Dulcea on the planet of Phaedos. But here The Power Rangers go searching for this potential myth [luckily for them it wasn't a myth] in The Desert of Despair and meet Ninjor the forger/creator of the Power Coins in The Temple of Power [a little bit more specifically in this big blue pot;] where he basically does the same with the Ninja/Ninjetti Powers and like the Phoenix The Power Rangers rise from the ashes with a new power source and new Zords [Ninja Zords] there are individual Ninja Zords are a representation of the individual Power Ranger of their personality and being as a person; similar to their previous Zords, but these are more focused on a spiritual level as the Power of Ninja/Ninjetti; as Ninjor will talk about this before [over scenes of them as individual Zords or as their combined form of The MeggFalconZords] and drawing he assigns a Power Ranger to their new Zord; these Zords come  with their own personality and mannerisms, the all-round presentation of The Power Rangers regardless of civilian attire, Ninja/Ninjetti or Power Rangers this is all very pleasing to the eye.

This episode receives: 10/10, this episode is top-notch entertainment; it has lots going on to offer its viewers and I was just wondering if you were thinking which is better? To that I would have to say they are both fit for purpose as in the film or these episodes both are pleasing, but if you want me to pick one; I would have to go for these episodes narrative of Ninjor; yes on first impressions you may come over as an irritating pain in the posterior, but I very much like the creator/forger aspect of the Power Coins and yes just to cover my back if Dulcea was the creator/forger of the Power Coins I would have gone for her instead, this character development is an excellent piece of character development and one final thing the reason why I have used Ninja/Ninjetti, because depending where you are; both are acceptable; whenever The Power Rangers are in their Ninja attire that would be Ninjetti, but they make reference to this in the film, but not in this episode. But I have been doing this long enough to know if I don't bring this up now and make reference to it when it is appropriate someone in the future will point out I didn't use the right wording so I just used both to once again cover my back.

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