Sunday 17 October 2021

DC's Batwoman [Season 2,] Episode 38: Power by AverageMansReviews

DC's Batwoman [Season 2,] Episode 38: Power by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning/Disclaimer: there is flashing/other effects/medical. Disclaimer I am not of a psychological or medical background as it relates to mental health. But however I have comfortably double figures amount of years of experience as with it, so I am not an expert, but let's just say I know of what I speak.

When can Beth Kane/Alice just be herself to a certain extent?: Storyline and Character [Character developments] combined at some points. Well to be honest we have a lot to unpack here, because I knowingly be for watching this episode I was going to bring this up anyway, but especially after this episode it is now a nailed on thing I have to discuss and I know I have discussed this a lot at some points as it relates to this TV program for one example DC's Batwoman [Season 1,] Episode 4: Who Are You? Link

But for the First or this Second Season it just pushes what it wants to push to the extent where it just gets rammed down the viewers throats and consequently have something like mental health gets put under the bus. Like in this episode we have either Wilder or Kate Kane being immature people as it relates to Beth Kane/Alice and I have never made any excuses for Beth Kane/Alice, but as these Two Seasons would show from a very young age she has been through a lot and a good slice of that she had to just survive.

So I find it very rich but her own twin sister will not accept her for who she is and once again I am not saying she has to accept the criminal activities she has done, but Alice is a part of who Beth Kane is and there is no difference from Beth Kane/Alice accepting her twin sister as a lesbian, because that is a part of who Kate Kane is.

This is an excerpt Kate Kane: "You know, I spent so long thinking that it was up to me to bring Beth out of Alice."It turns out Alice brought Kate out of me. She's my twin. She'll always be a part of me, but until Alice wants to be Beth, I can't help her."

So to begin with at what point did you help her? Because I would love to know every time she tried to be more like Beth you basically crucified her in some way be it emotionally or mentally or physically? And who the hell are you to tell her how she should be you have no right and if you had spent time with her before your next journey you would have seen and felt this is not the same Beth Kane or Alice but a mixture of this name Beth Alice I mean she was crying with happiness to see you alive I mean doesn't that tell you something? [on a quick side note/speculation but probably fact that they wanted to write Kate Kane out of this TV program; but this is still a valid point nonetheless] and even your father [Colonel Jacob Kane] can acknowledge and understand his daughter Beth much better now and takes some responsibility for what happened to her; then it should tell you maybe, just maybe I should actually put in some time and effort to get to know my twin sister as she is no end not forgetting this massive detail instead of leaving you in the position that you found yourself in after the accident instead of leaving Gotham with Ocean and being happy, she came back for you and put everything on the line and can I just point out mental health of any description is not I repeat is not like turning on and off a late switch.

Moving on to Wilder and Alice, I know their situation is very complicated and it is difficult to forgive Alice for what she has done to Wilder so trust me when I say I get it. But there are points in this episode where I think she hasn't learned anything from this entire experience of being Batwoman and it was just about bringing justice to Alice for her wrongdoing relating to her would and likewise trust me when I say yes she does sound this is immature in these scenes. Beth Kane/Alice [being more like Beth] apologises to Wilder for what she had done to her and no I'm not saying she should have forgave her or anything like that, but this is one of those occasions where it would have been excellent character development, if she would have said to her "I don't forgive you, but you owe me this task: leave me alone and do whatever you can without criminal activity to lead the best life you can do it for yourself and the person you have taken away from me."

Instead of this; this is an excerpt Beth Kane/Alice: I am saying "I get it... I get why you hate me" [Wilder exits the Batmobile followed by Beth Kane/Alice] Alice: "Hey!" "Hey! I said I'm sorry." [Wilder turns round and walking slowly back whilst saying these things] Wilder: what do you want? Forgiveness because you know what it feels like to have a one person who cared about you ripped from your life? Get this through your head. You don't deserve my forgiveness." [Wilder turns around to walk off" [Beth Kane/Alice walking a small distance behind her] Beth Kane/Alice:" Why because you're the hero and I'm the villain? Your not the hero Ryan. But you already know that, which is why I'm here, which is why your so desperate to get Kate back because you're city is falling apart, and you can't save it." Wilder: "Put on your mask?" There is a little bit more after this but it is of great importance so I won't give it away. But I can say this I know in fairness and balance Beth Kane/Alice says some very unpleasant things here, but it seems like every time Beth Kane/Alice tries to break down her walls whomever she tries it out with as I have already made reference to punishes her or gets taken away from her by her choice [Jonathan "Johnny" Cartwright/Mouse] or not, so that this was point it is somewhat understandable what she says here, I am not condoning it in the slightest, just saying her walls come down to protect her consequently verbal venom comes out.

Or basically if something like that to show any kind of character developments or growth or if she can't do which is absolutely her choice which is fair enough at least make her sound more mature about the situation instead of this immature adult from the beginning of this season. Like in the very last scene of this episode and season somewhere in the dialogue exchange Wilder:"If you escape this place I will capture you again." With that Alice could say "I will look forward to that." So it makes their rivalry complex and complicated, because deep down Wilder knows Beth Kane [because she has seen enough of her by now to know there is deep way down there is a good person there;] but she will never, ever find peace with Alice.

Last point on this section; I have seen on social media  performers Tandy as Sophie Moore and Skarsten as Beth Kane/Alice discussing their background or experiences in one way or another relating to mental health. I would absolutely liked to put up the link, but I don't know where I stand so I will do the next best thing you will see it on my Twitter feed or if at some point it gets taken down or whatever; you are looking for DC Spotlight with these two performers in it.

Rule this as an incomplete pass: Action and Comedy these two components combined here; in short Hamilton is falling and Fox comes out of nowhere wearing this new gear, he catches Hamilton, but unfortunately not to securely as he would like; a miniscule second later she lands on top of Fox on the ground; let's just say if this was an NFL game the referee unit would have to rule this as an incomplete pass, based on the grounds on yes Fox catches Hamilton, but to a complete the play he doesn't have complete control over the situation; this is good.

This episode receives: 7/10, this episode is good: it does have lots to offer, but I had to knock off two marks, because of the mental health aspect in this episode. Now on one hand I haven't seen all the TV programs in the Arrowverse or/and all their episodes. But I would regard this TV program as the standardbearer of this universe, meaning don't get me wrong when I say standardbearer, I mean anything better than this TV program won't be worse. Whilst on the other hand yes this Second Season had a long spell of positive episodes, including the previous Season having positives, but as a whole so far which to be honest I don't expect the Third and Final Season to be either any different or much different, it has this perfect skill of grating on me sometimes to be fair. It's like what they are pushing is their only concern, forget everything else [I mean I am not being as I think the young kids say today woke, but I have made no secret of this TV program as it relates to mental health and how this TV program include that aspect when it is appropriate as it deals with Beth Kane/Alice] and how blatant they are pushing whatever that point may be at that time. I mean basically the way these episodes have been written when they want to make a point it's like they have been written as if it was either the 1990's or the early 2000's and the problem is; which is obvious it is now 2021 [when this was first dictated.]

One final thing before I wrap this up; what was the point of having False Face in this Second Season when all he does is confuse things, this is honestly true, I was getting confused between Roman Sionis/Black Mask and Identity unknown/False Face, because they kept mentioning him consistently at the beginning of this Season and he is on some research a master of disguise so there was a point where, because I am a heavy thinker, I was thinking False Face had taken Roman Sionis/Black Mask's identity just to if anything went wrong it would have left the real Roman Sionis/Black Mask facing the music. But I cannot stress this enough I was and am so, so wrong about this. But what I can tell you is False Face is in one episode; DC's Batwoman [Season 2,] Episode 30: Time Off for Good Behavior and the only reason I know this is because I looked up the cast listing, so I now move on to the Third and final and yes I will do a trailer review for that Season like I have for the previous Seasons, but as I have already referenced I expect the same from the next Season I am interested in Beth Kane/Alice and what is going to happen to her and the new super villain [if you don't know I will leave their name out, I have also just remembered a little while ago they released information/appearance of this super villain across social media,] but it is obvious especially when or if you have watched this Season and to finish off this saga and after this I would absolutely love to see Beth Kane/Alice in DC's Legends of Tomorrow, because she has a different chemistry to them but the same from the perspective of she has baggage, but she would fit in perfectly because she would instantly fit in with their kind of misfits/family chemistry, basically they are who they are and they don't get judged for that, so they could easily Beth Kane/Alice the dynamic of earning their trust and no killing unless it is absolutely necessary. I know this won't happen, but she would be an excellent addition to this TV program.

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