Tuesday 19 October 2021

Average Extra of: DC's Batwoman 2019 Season 3 Trailer by AverageMansReviews by AverageMansReviews

Average Extra of: DC's Batwoman 2019 Season 3 Trailer by AverageMansReviews by AverageMansReviews

Real Talking Time:

I have just seen a trailer for this Third and Final Season and just to cover my back yes it was an official trailer, because it had The CW logo on the bottom right. I had taken the time to watch this trailer twice which roughly went on for 61 seconds [in one sitting.]

[When I first began dictating this;] "I am honestly sitting here thinking generally speaking; okay that was that then. Meaning it basically advertises what is hopefully just going to be the beginning section of this season."

You may have noticed I said "Hopefully" and I am seriously, seriously, seriously hoping they haven't done this and yes this is speculation/based on this trailer [and the more I am sitting here the more I am now thinking they have done what I think they have done, which I am just hoping I am happily so happily wrong about this.] But without giving too much away, but if you are smart you will work this out, what we saw on this particular trailer is what I will call a canapé as it relates to villains and I know nothing about him [obviously he has ties within the Alice's Adventures in Wonderland 1865 novel and its different visual adaptations.] But I mean I don't know anything about this villain version.

But it shows no indication in any way shape or form of the main super villain for this new season [I have deliberately left out this individual's name if you don't want to know or didn't know, but if you, but if you know or you have found out then you know who I am referring to] which leads me to think they are going to use this structure for this season where this canapé villain is going to take up the first section of this season, which may or may not have links to the main super villain; you know pulling his strings that kind of thing,] probably up to the mid-season break defeat him and then bring out the main super villain to take up the second half of this season.

Which if this is the case in theory this structure works [results may vary if you have a solid or a strong foundation an idea to work from it can work how you want it to work with fantastic results,] but the biggest pitfall which I can see them very easily falling into, based on I have now experienced the writers for Two Seasons [38 Episodes] is by using this canapé villain for too long or anywhere near the mid-season break they run a very high risk of running out of time to really explore this super villain and Wilder/Batwoman and having to squeeze in things to finish off this saga including Beth Kane/Alice and her situation which I am interested in seeing these things, but I am going to be absolutely fuming if they screw this up, because by then I have watched Three Seasons of this TV program and at minimum I want a solid payoff [I mean that tells you everything you need to know about this live-action TV program in its entirety when at minimum one of their recurring viewers would just be satisfied with a solid payoff, instead of being optimistic about the conclusion of this saga.]

So obviously I really want to be wrong about this and I will be happy to be wrong about this; it is just as I have just said you don't see or feel or anything from the main villain for this new season in this trailer and generally speaking and to be polite I have very little faith in the writers. To make sure I am being reasonable yes I am aware they can do positive things, but I am also very much aware they can do things which can great on me or screw things up.

The thing is I would deem this trailer for this new Season to be a gigantic failure. Because there is nothing minus Beth Kane/Alice situation and presents in this trailer that says to either new viewers or even returning viewers "I must either catch up on this so I know what is happening so I can watch this new season." Or "I must put this on series link so I can watch it."

But it does have that feeling and presents of "This is what we have coming up a continuation, if you watch it cool, if you don't never mind this is the final season anyway and our interests in this project have checked out." I mean how am I or anyone going to look forward or excited for this, if the people behind this project are subliminally giving us this attitude; it is hardly inspiring for anyone to watch it. Yes I will be watching it, because in short I have come this far and I have invested so many hours watching this including making content on it and I am interested in it and not forgetting I like to complete things if or when possible, so I will see you again Gotham city [this version of it] when this Third and Final when it flaps its wings over and lands on my shore sometime in soon in 2021.

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